Greta Ransom

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. WALTER BENJAMIN & USA-Canadian SadieH, Ethnologist/ Paris November 1935 Salpetriere Hospital & Louvre PARIS Hockheimer Institute/GROTE BROKERS New York & Ransom family solicitors Buenos Aries caring for ` THE DELICATE FLOWER GARDEN ENCIRCLING THE GLOBE Ransom-Grote Estate `

Vast numbers of Martyrs in nations independent A-Z, caused by the British Empire - unable to keep its top noble class RICH

Quotes/archives/ 1900s- 1950s London/Scarlet Town/

1935 October PARIS - BULGA`NIN, Nicholai b 1895 - helped organise Moscow`s defence-Marshall of Soviet Union 1947/see career/ Greta Ransom makes drawing of his mother as a young girl with Aunt Margareth Ransom Grote & friends from a photo in her Paris apartment & he replies in a letter `he will always treasure the drawing by little Greetah `

INCA & Tierra del Fuego, Greenland et al kin to Ransom/Aztec kith/ The INCA Roman Catholic educated Yahamah Josef San Julian F. San Miguel ancient order of Spanish South America, Acting Governor Tierra del Fuego-Peru/ (photo in various printed works & dictionary 1840s- & reports, drawings of his visits to VATICAN with his familywife Miss Aquida Basque lands (our visits to 1939... )

The ICE WHITE BRIDE daughter of above , The INCA The -Ayelovedmah-Maria Miss San Julian, becomes Mrs James Weddell 1824 his mother a Quaker Miss Pierce of a good London family, her eldest son Charles Weddell RN has issue too

VILLIERS, Captain Alan one sail Margarethe gave us the KEY to the Gronlander`s island JACOPSHOLMEN below Disco, off Xristensharb great house, biggest ever put up in Greenland, built as a ship still be standing 400 years time & the Theatre - Shakespeare, Racine, Schiller, everything performed up there from the 1830s - Eskimo acting & in the orchestra too SHAME ! SHAME ! the British & Danish bombed it June 1960 to get a step ahead of de GAULLE & ANDRE MALRAUX Greenland should have had Independence in 1790s 18OO the latest SHAME ! SHAME !

Captain Liam Ransom/Dr Kurt Go`gol/Sea charts & maths & STARS Lindsay Earls & Jim Jong violence for possessions & DOUGH (Jimmie Jong Mr Pong or (1954 SUR-CUR) James-Carew-O`Carroll-Hartlepool-Harrison - uses many names … )

Families of GORDON-Kellow /Williams-Butler-O`Brien-Carroll-Murphy related families - NB : b 2nd half 19th century Mary Helena singer milliner, Bessie Martha Welfare Mission Liverpool, Annie Agnes artist- sculptor & decorative work Granville Marble & Harold Rathbone Della Robbia Works (ACl.W/or ACW) , Julia & Teresa, brother John dies Panama - daughters of Teresa Carroll Williams Classics Plato & Harmony : Sir Edmund John O`Brien, farmer & International Broker/2 baronetcies Murphy/ lose their elder sons 2nd World War pestered by Jim Jong James Carew & Lindsay Premier Earls GB 1933 onwards Jim after horses free~

Essex Archives et al/Berlin etc/Dr R. Winclemann son & grand- daughters/ & 2nd wife & families/Austria-Berlin-Prussian Army-Staffordshire & Murrays Chemist Clacton-on-sea WINNCKLEMANN b 1870s Chemistry of the Brain/lectures Paris/Austria etc 1920s friend to young Andre Malraux acquaintance of family Marburg of Clara Goldstein Malraux she calls him Reepicheep from Lion Witch & Wardrobe books for children

COLCHESTER CASTLE & Museums & loyal staff/1950s-60s

Harold Walter POULTER/Rex HULL, - Deputy Curator & Curator/Graham Greene novelist & Mr Chapman our Chief Guide his

Letter of Piety one soldier to another to distressed Colonel Andre Malraux MARTYRS made here (continues CAMULODUNUM C.V.)

HOLLYWOOD & Wall Street N.Y. - family connexions to RANSOM-Gronlander/Frobisher Weddell from Fred Mac Murray & families/Clarke Gable/many ex-GROTE HOMES students & friends/

1936 - PAUL WHITEMAN, musician & USA gentle-man WAKE UP SAVAGES - I & 3 Senators have opened your Bank in New York-you are to go shopping all over the town ! ` /the world of music & the ARTS - figures who assist with the JOYOUS VENTURE GROTE HOMES & receive & administer grants from the GROTE RANSOM Estate worldwide/many 19th-20th century composers & persons in the ARTS

1801 NEW YORK - diary of F. RANSOM I purchased this day a parcil of 19 acres New York Drawing of the chalet he had built that year with verandah on North side - Grandfather of Aunt Margareth Ransom GROTE is seen digging his way out of deep snow with shovel he had the family home on Antigua for a decade Managed by GROTE BROKERS from 1830s, their wooden offices off WALL STREET/photographs/ a marriage is made 1863 to their son & nephew THOMAS IMMANUEL GROTE `Tiggy`

THOMAS `Tiggy` begins to erect THE HOMES 1864 from OHIO across USA, ploughs across Pacific setting up HOMES & puts 11 in Russia with friend Boris a Count & all over Asia, East/Arab countries including Afghanistan , Europe - ALL EDUCATING to 20 years of age & the children learning 3 or 4 languages So successful he begins another CIRCLE of HOMES 1870s going A to Z the globe VATICAN agreed after 2 years trial ROME & HOMES go in all Catholic nations by 1880/reports on the HOMES, visits & histories/careers of ex-students etc

`Young Pacelli` - POPE PIUS 12 - tries protect the HOMES with help from GERMANY etc 1920s onwards BRITISH SCANDINAVIAN GREED had become obscene & HOMES were being raided / global reports/

VATICAN ` rotweiler ` - drives himself about - earlier visit 1958 Westminster included meeting ANDRE MALRAUX`s STAFF from 50 Lancaster Gate Square XMASTIDE 1959 meets Greta Ransom (she has no idea for some days she is the GROTE HEIR-mind/brain emptied by heavy sedatives since June 1945 ) this young Priest is being deceived by LINDSAY Premier Earls & other thugs who are getting their PAWS on the ROME GROTE HOME & lands - they may be using the name of an old childhood chum called Angela for KUDOS !

He, 1959, to be known as Vatican rotweiler` makes a visit to tiny village THORPE-LE-SOKEN ESSEX near XMASTIDE Miss Greta Ransom heir had been persecuted by Teresa Gordon R. & the noble thugs & JIM Jong, Dr Mengele Harrington the days before SUDDENLY `OPEN SESAME` as Miss Teresa Mary Butler a lost relative gave to Arthur Malone detective for ANDRE MALRAUX startling information they had not known ` After the VISIT of the VATICAN & Miss Butler speaking about her experiences from 1933` AN HEIR BORN ON A HEARSE APPEARED - trouble for them, Lindsay & the rest of them, was SHE KEPT GETTING OFF ANDRE WAS OVER TO SPEAK WITH Miss `Terry` Butler IN HOURS …” (Notebooks of Arthur Malone/Politan/ `detective in the Lawyer`s gown` 1957 October - 1985 )

1860s - Tig`s HOLY VENTURE left RANSOM family shoeless - but the modest BROKERS GROTE gave the JOYOUS VENTURE 4 acres almost for income - 20th century NOW UNDER NEW YORK CENTRAL PARK - stolen at the close of the 20th century thieves received DOUGH from NEW YORK STATE for the continuing VIOLENCE against RANSOM families & branches - & the violence continued as from 1930s against ALL ex-GROTE CHILDREN where they were not protected or hidden GROTE children speak in this introduction Document in 3 parts/

Detectives/colleagues/20th century MEN OF LETTERS :

Philip Silverlee musician & finance-Insurance/Arthur Malone Politan/Captain Patrick MacDrew mother & their Castle Hedingham family heiress slain 1942 age 9 years in Greta Ransom`s class headmaster Captain Learoy - 2 sea heiresses age 9 years/

A LAWYER & later ONION SELLER of N. France seashores & English wife/ his diaries 1920s-1970s ACID-BONES 1960

Armstrong geographer & Clacton-on-sea teachers-musicians-churchmen & women & townsfolk & Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX acting The GOSPELS out by the seashores 20th century

FROBISHER direct line of Sir Martin Tudor Arctic explorer -

Millicent Frobisher Mrs John Ransom murdered by 2 Lindsay 2nd cousins 1897 - returned to her only surviving child 14 years old Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOMthey put her age 32 years, brilliant skater-scholar, in a blanket in his arms at the door of the tiny home `Jerusalem` by the sloping small Park with tall trees Deptfordhe now hidden under name Weldon Frobisher in a hilltop school by a cousins line until 17 years of age the school, not grand, taught him early English, conversational French, Latin a little Greek

he can read his RANSOM early records from 100 AD direct line grandpa Ransom in a straight line (descending to Lennie & Greetah heirs to MARGARETHE & TIGGY) pulled in at what will be one day Portsmouth Harbour & took on board some orphans & not liking the faces & manners of the other mariners put out to the wintery dangerous sea & made it along the coasts to HOME at DUNWICH (OTHONA Roman fort of Saxon Shores not built yet) THUS WE LIVE RANSOM families to this day

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