Greta Ransom

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1938 - AFTER THE LEGAL WILL IS FINGERED BY THESE INSANE MONSTERS of NOBLE BRITAIN A Lindsay senior has straddled our sweet 17th century hearth Old Road Clacton-on-sea it wears a Prussian metal helmet GREAT WAR & insisted THE ESTATE BELONGED TO LINDSAY EARLSa Millicent FROBISHER was deemed a dumb Ape & Eskimo offspring by THEY PREMIER EARLS OF GROSS BRITAIN& they were the real Kings of England…” It used Divinorum Salvia Scotland PELLETS & had them FITTED BY A SURGEON in its SNOUT to last 2 MONTHSyoung Fred Ransom is in this year AD 1938 of the age 26/27 years .he A HUMANIST budding scholar of PHILOSOPHYnephew OF THE RICHEST WOMAN IN THE WORLDhis daughter Greetah Frobisher Weddell RANSOM her agreed by Nations A-Ztheir HEIRLennie his young brother her heir & co-heirANDRE MALRAUX appointed GUARDIANOctober 1937... ALL POST/mail STOLEN since 1933 directed BACK of Buckingham Palacea place WILD where you needed a PERMIT for dangerous lands Mr JONG Jim Pong has a 2 room apartment since 1923. LINDSAY EARLS slither in & out awarding themselves medals

Nota Bene Late 19th century-early 20th - Angela & others have parents who go in for witchcraft Scotlands harsh winters- when they have no dough to go abroad- (ref. Macbeth- Will Shakespeare et al )

1957 November Mr Mengele Harrington I Greta Ransom hear from prominent highly educated persons about Scarlet Town & some of old HUMANIST families The CITY was penetrating the last of the Saint Michael witch cults in France in the 1940s-50s-

1957 November - a phrase he had, especially at midnight when he with key broke into my bedroom I AM SAINT MICHAEL FALLING & FALLEN- you-you-YOU get WHICH ONE YOU DESERVE …”

Waking to this MADNESS FROM ROYALTY & its NOBLESone midnight he THEIR Doc Harrington Mengele with a key to my room in this Catholic Hostel Workplace ( which MALRAUX & GENERAL De GAULLE SHOULD HAVE AS A HOLY HOUSE as Roman Catholics & NOT LET THIS DOPE MADNESS OVER THE DOORSTEPwith its titles )

he Dreamboat MALRAUX IS trying have a Holy House ! - known to ANDRE MALRAUX as `my London HOME`


1957 - I GRETA RANSOM very- VERY- VERY- SCARED AT 24 years of age am woken by BREAK IN & ENTRY after midnight in this R.C. household by this killer for NOBLE BRITAINI who pay 20 pounds a month for this room from my own weekly salary & my pathetic savingsmy birthday XMAS gifts from my families GORDON POTTER WILLIAMS !( I known to these monsters as HEIRwhom am made ill & to be SLOW KILLED with poisons because MALRAUX & de GAULLE cannot receive their own Post/mail

As Harold W. Poulter Colchester Museums said 1953 `MEN SHOULD DO MANLY THINGS ChildA to Znot Politicsits a dirty business when men get inwe young men of the 1890s knew thisLEAVE POLITICS TO WOMENthey fix the Price OF BUTTER & CHEESE so much more easilyNOW THE YOUNG EMPEROR ANDREis out of his depthGeneral is alrightITS WHAT IS AROUND HIMThe intelligentsia of our Museums World would rather he came back to usto the foldhe has the right mentality…” (The rest of this humanism can be read/records)

1957 November - MALRAUX`s Scarlet Town homea Charity with General de Gaulle -

That night woken rudely by this ROYAL BRITISH FRENCH MONSTERThe spoof Doc HarringtonI remembered a Science teacher Clacton 1944 Andrews BA Oxon telling us `be gentle with the Village IDIOTthe TOWN DRUNK` Class` That 1957 November after midnightI asked Mengele `was that in the play - did you have a good supper ? ` This brute of the dead fish eyes said he had a good supper & lots of champagne & he VANISHED down the great stairs of 50 Lancaster Gate Square London- to harm others you can be sure

I WAS SCARED - this is a murdering brute with HIGH CONNEXIONS ! & the whole lot at the top of the PYRAMIDS of POWER are coarse obscene FLASHY doped up GREEDY monstersTHE GROTE CHILDREN THE GLOBE HAVE BEEN KILLED BY some of them& THEY ALL SKULK ABOUT or STALK ABOUT arrogantlyhelping themselves to lands & DOUGH

The above is in the landshaft about MALRAUX & de Gaulle in Scarlet Town- & PARIS 1950s

1957 October - creature called Macmillan - banned from Greece for LIFE in 1934 by the ATHENS Parliament for trying to steal Art Works from the GROTE HOME on the little island -he masquerading with phoney USA accent as an American representative from GROTE Brokers New York -art works taken off him- Records/USA too/

1957 October -Greta Ransom HEIR pays her RENT at 50 Lancaster Gate to Malraux/de Gaulle/Roman Catholic Westminster Diocese-20 pounds a month-& lives as a young unmarried girlIT IS PROVING An UN-HOLY HOUSE

1957 - MACMILLAN/ from Whitehall dire warnings & the young chattering & some trying to help. He Macmillan learning Greta Ransom HEIR with Malraux has reportedly said October 1957 he wants ANDRE MALRAUX & GRETA RANSOM killed

This was foiled December by MI5 & 6 working away all one Friday evening to midnight- Report given July 1969 PJPW & GRW & others- (Information about Whitehall)

Scary perhaps - when the criminally insane are in charge of a Nation & that Nation is DECLINING from ITS FALL-

This Retired Noble MacMillan got hold of our RANSOM Estate Grote Homes etc. Uruguay - he kept 2 young women with a child each by him - Mengele said he would kill them when MacMillan died- He is a ruthless dope user - Has used this dangerous dope Divinorum Salvia Scotland since his youth- One of several Reports reaching Arthur Malone Detective & others-he employed by Andre Malraux-October 1957-1961...

1957 November - I have woken last week & Mengele has been

methodically going through my clothes my handbag my books - I did not give away I was awake on that frightening BREAK IN & ENTRY by the Royal SATRAP boy friend of Dickie & Duckie Mountbatten- who pay no rent !

- IT WAS MOST UN-NERVING - ANDRE MALRAUX IS IN GAUL- I will be 25 years of age March 11th next year 1958-

I HAVE NO POST/mail that is not intercepted by THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT & Crown-since XMAS 1933 the year of my birth-

Mengele Doctor not allowed to touch a patientas this spoof Doc Harrington he is employed by G.B. Gov & Crown & knows ANDRE MALRAUX is GUARDIAN to the Estate Greta & Len legal heirs- Angela has has told him to help himself every month to a bank in The Midlands- /It is in my name-& Dr L.I. Ransom too- records/etc/sometimes the Accounts are still in the name of Aunt Margarethe Ransom Grote too.

Angela has East Anglian bank accounts Ransom draining off into a Disused Apothecary & Stables Wales - it goes to her evil TOWER - (See Lord of the Ring by Tolkien- he explains EVIL of this nature rather well )

Mengele Doc Harrington paedophile sadist & the other crooks know it is only a matter of time before somebody tells ANDRE MALRAUX WHAT HE DOES NOT KNOW- then they will DOO HIM INperhaps?

Unfortunately a lot of people think he does know & it is a matter for ANDRE & General de Gaulle-so they feel it would be impertinent to ask anything of heroes

Killings have started again - the records are tragic / weird happenings/abductions/ & big money is being earned by these criminally insane from the criminally insane to STOP THE TRUTH BEING KNOWN - Vast records round globe

Nota bene : a woman c 1970... They have been killing people Peter for this moneywe knew about it when I was in the CityYOU are too young to be in charge…”

Another woman : 1969 Museums South Kensington Margaret Grote had no enemies Peter except a woman called Angela & her travelling companion a half Chineseyou should know more…” !

(Both women are highly educated humanists)

1957 Oct-Dec- Saint`s Edmund`s House, 50 Lancaster Gate Square, Scarlet Town/Londinium/ It was getting scary- but I have paid my rent for a month 4 times over ! Telling ANDRE MALRAUX - AFTER AWFUL UPSETS- he threw Mengele out - asked the housekeeper about 80 pounds in some shock ! He now knew why I pulled myself up to his height & gave him cool looksHe also FORBADE CLARA ENTRY as well

I was told by the Vic & Bert Museum staff this should not happen in a Catholic Hostel & WorkplaceThey helped-

We have asked Paddington Rent Tribunal & you do not have to pay again for FOUR months- & they have to give you a years notice nowbecause you pay by the month they have to give you 3 months notice for each RENT you have paid the first month ! Any problems-call & see them- They may send somebody round there to ask questions- Matters monetary go via Westminster Cathedral & The Embassy of GAUL, Gross Britainso that was going to let CATS OUT OF BAGSI was told I should pay nothing in future !

1941-1954 Lindsaybuggarhs other Earls- Jimmie Jong ( Cur James 1954 ) all were employing criminals - learning of details/rents etc of the RANSOM 19 acres under New York administered by GROTE BROKERS off Wall Street-since 1830s- preparing to fraudulently sell in silence-tumble Grote Brokers in silenceBECAUSE THEY CLAIM IT IS THE DOWRY OF ANGELA who has to be a FACELESS WOMAN GIVEN HER BY AN OLD ESKIMO when Angela was a child Oh No it is not ! You are all doped & boozed un-educated LIARS A list of what is left

Angela husband David & their two daughters was attached to WILL & everybody had a copy of itsome photographic negatives were made of many documents 1938 for the RANSOM families the globethe HOMES, the Investmentsas well as the larger HOMES & settlements having a printed copy the Will/ some have already the Wills of Fred & Gertrude Ransom 1880s - & Thomas Immanuel GROTETIGGY1900

1801 to-day I purchased a parcil of 19 Acres NEW YORK

Diary with drawings of Fred RANSOM- father of Frederick RANSOM (Gretas grandpa 3 times back).

1960 - The Night Watch - Dr John RAY Ransom `I want to remind you of Fred Ransom Sea TraderOranges were very much our Cargo-he keeps a diary I have seen it - copied it in USA

1802 - he built the Chalet with a Verandah on the NORTH SIDE-New York - GOT SNOWED IN THE FIRST WINTER`

`The family had to leave Antigua & CAIN their second son pirates disturbances had had two of his friends husband & wife killed - heads cut off - left in a swamp`

Diaries possibly stolen by G.B. Government & Crown to sell later - or they may have destroyed them - copies were made-

1937 SUMMER HOLIDAY Clacton on Sea

ANDRE MALRAUX a young lady Andre calls to as ` JOJO&Joh- They have invited to share their holiday Greta Ransom- heir- kidnapped back to GROSS BRITAIN last summer 1936 from loving high intelligence grandparents & intelligentsia A-Z the world by the IMPERIAL GREED dirty BIG BOOTS penniless stoking up their greed on DOPES & booze 1920s G.B. decadence-

1936 / Greta Ransom the HEIR grabbed for more violence & maiming in Gross Britain by Lindsay Earls & fellow noble SCUM /my shoulder at age 4 years damaged in their DOPE HATE I always write awkwardly & slowlya hole in my head when I am 12 by being kicked downstairs in their filthy names- A child growing up Wartime Britain having to suffer the rages of these NOBLE criminally-insane their rages produced from their narcotic Purple Plum/Divinorum Salvia Scotlandonly available from NOBLES in Marble Halls& THEIR MASSIVE GREED /

Greetah heir with Lennie her heir & co-heir to their Aunt the girl of the snows Jacopsholmen Island Greenland - Margarethe Ransom Grote. our ancestry 92 AD East Britain/DUNWICH/ Sea Traders the known globe We RANSOM are owning vast seashore lands outside IMPERIAL Britain in the 19th century & 20th They fallen penniless at the top from their GREED & BIG TIME-

1937 SUMMER - Because of this chance meeting - SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT - if ANDRE MALRAUX had not been a kindly young man & listened to a 4 years old the first day upon Holland-on-sea beach.July 1937 Greta Ransom would have died .& Len & other Ransom heirs been proclaimed- I cried when he stepped on my Sand Banquet made for them - & sobbing told him that ALSO I am to die in September & go up to Manchester to be buried with my Grandmother Gordons mother-Teresa Carroll a girl Platonist-Harmonist- BUT THEY COULD NOT FIND A PHOTO OF HER - & I Greta Ransom did not want to go into a grave with somebody I did not know what they looked like -

We three have much misery ahead- Andre & Josette they have collected it because they have come here on a Summer Holiday- & met a town full of good folk - & the little clean seaside Town took them to its heart- then again when he Colonel Andre Malraux WIDOWER arrives May 1945 -

1937 September - Andre & Josette MALRAUX departed saying-& writing HERE WE FOUND THE GOSPELS ACTED OUTwe will come again soon Greta returned to the Convent of Poor Saint Clares` & was an Angel in the Xmas pantomime we take to the Retirement Homes the Hospital the Apprentices Hostel Holland-on-Seawhich GR & Lennie Ransom have a 51 percent share in-putting our profit back into their further assistance-maintenance- Building torn down 1946 casting the Apprentices out for it was found to be `Crown lands` (property of Ange & JIM ) JIM & Lindsaybuggarhs got some doughThe PLAQUE stating it was a gift from Mrs Thomas I. GROTE was photographed before it was smashed by pick axes

1948- reference to year 1801 `The Parcil of 19 Acres that I Fred RANSOM PURCHASED 1801 New York diaries/

Andre Malraux is prominent in this FRAUD-THEFT without any understanding until 1960...

Clara Malrauxs brother Maurice-the-mouse who insists for 40 years ANDRE MALRAUX OWES HIM MONEY - belonging to Clara( see biographies - & foxing - ) Maurice was asked by JIM Jong whom he has known in Paris pre- 2nd World Warto help deceive ANDRE

Information from MALRAUX to PJPW 1970 - Greta Ransom W. invited to take shorthand notes- The Pillar House Harwell Village the house where the immortal stories for children were drawn- Fredk. WARNE-

`Around SCARLET TOWN`/& the sometime Capital of Clovis 3 decadesRecords/oral/texts/ Maurice -`Whites Club called him Maurice the Mouse1950sGoldsmit -brother of CLARA Malraux- acquaintance- PARIS 1920s-30s of Jim Jong- squats 1950s/60s when MALRAUX is not in PARIS-France-`Jan STEEN Tavern` rise of LSD - they are fat barrels round our knees-an Akhenaton or two-through the mangle - they kill for money - JO is dead because of them - her two sons of ANDRE MALRAUX - she the Roman Catholic wife of he who chose her Georges-Andre Malraux

1947- A Wedding of Grace - WE THREE of SUMMER 1937 holding hands with JOSETTE between us - I his Ward-

the pauper so-called by Gross Britain penniless Noble scum - Greta Frobisher Weddell Ransom- (MONSTERS SET ABOUT WRECKING ITfull records/several sources/ )

Records/tapes- Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM `Lennie says they took cousin Lindsay out of Canada - I was asked to come in - it would be handled so discretely - BUT - we did not know from 1948... YOUR MAIL was now given to a Guardian appointed for you by your mother (who has two prison sentences because of JIM Jong) & Angela faceless & Imperial & therefore outside the LAW - they were learning again our Estate matters

Nota Bene : ANDRE MALRAUX GUARDIAN has received no notification he is `dismissed by the British coarse criminally insane Noblesneither does a note get to his General de Gaullemore stolen Post/mail to PARIS to the President again as in 1938...!

1944 onwards after her mother`s poison death : Miss Winnie Gordon - used as a religious FRONT - bastard nephew at the back doorthey were only concerned with getting dough-

1944 onwards - It was given to him - YOUR MAIL-the BASTARD 1924 Ed du Cann - he has no idea of World Economics - other than grabbing for a system of Decline

( he was in a with a gang of Neo-Nazi mentality said Scarlet Town Secret Services 1950s onwards)

ANDRE MALRAUX is your Guardian - & MINE ! You will NEVER know what has been going on - Peter has been hoodwinked by Mengele & his Naval Noble mob - All your post Pillar House HAS BEEN GOING TO THEM !

I, Len who you do not know - they took your memory out when we went to fight in the War- She is insane my poor eldest brothers wife - & they keep her so- do not let her in your door ! Teresa Gordon R is as mad as them - My brothers are dead because of this FRAUD by the criminally insane who have used the Nation`s institutions to commit this horrible mass slaying of the GROTE children

I fear you never hear these tapes-from a dead man-

L.I.R. Remember the sweet home Jerusalem by the Park the sloping little Park Deptford - how we would go & sit in the dusk beside JEANs grave (1938) - they poisoned our mother to death- she still dancing - we had these plans to take us all with Uncle Mainwarring RN to see her DANCE upon her grandfathers WEDDELL SEAWe buried her with the velvet purple & scarlet flowers in her hair as she always had when she danced her Spanish choreography` (she is painted as ballerina turned side face a line with the dancers at the barre`this is probably the painting by DEGAS bought by MINERVA of her daughter Jean`the artist a nice old man who came in to keep warm it was felt `

Paintings -possibly two DEGAS stolen from `Jerusalem`

We were followed by a hooting Lindsay mob Clacton Sea Front along the middle Promenade going East more than once - Mr Pong toothey demanded all we had to come to themgiven them by an old Eskimo theyd jeerI was 5 years coming 6...I saw them as ugly little shiny faced gnomes-they drank from bottles on the Seafront - We kept away from the Sea when the Police said They got the Bailiffs in again - Lindsaybuggarhs`- just had a phone call they are on their way …”

Winston Churchill 1960 Lindsay`- a bloody nuisance since the planet began…”

L.I.R The Firebird of Argentina- INCA- ballerina-you saw her dance in her magnificence- the Island of the Nugget of Gold- Tierra del Fuego-& your poor young father only 22 when you are born acted for the male dancer-handled the lifts -all records histories destroyed -so madness that grasped a State could have dough.

With Kennedy killed - I think ANDRE could not go on - his health suffering & Mengele trying to follow him spy on himthe boys dead- Andre with no home - then you at the MUSEUM- Natural History - you found another man of the SEAS

(Greetha with famous names Ransom Weddell Frobisher a christening on Jacopsholmen Island GREENLAND November 1933.. go to work Fishes Section BMNH-24th January 1962 -BYRON POET- his birthday- then again I return-5 October 1966-I hath been to ATHENS-cousins live there -SUMMER 1966 - we went by road to VISIT the Great Goddess Athena/photos-text-)

1966 BM(NH) Sir Terence Morrison Scot saw me Miss GR in the BMNH Bird Gallery one morning & beamedI knew his facehe was helping move a caseI had no memory of 1938 & 1939... He was pleased I was so tall & strong - he had felt I could not live at 6 years of age with a little nervous white face & bright eyes Comes a famous scientist talking to me about Orphanages Asia & the globe that were real Homes overseas had the Museums Elders realise the memory loss was total but I only had to see photos-text- & enough memory would have been back ! RECEIVE MY POST/mailstill going to The British Government & Crown & crowing Lindsaybuggarhs criminally insane claiming The Estate from a blood line 1830 !

WITH A MEMORY : I GR would be able to identify the Lindsaybuggarhs Mr Pong et al & relate the killings & the meetings all overheard with LENNIE my BEST FRIEND - .Lennie LIR - Who FLIES US UP to our holy Jacopsholmen island WEST GREENLAND - FOR A BEER…………& SUB-ARCTIC

to Jeans island of the Sun All the RANSOM families & branches would be back in my knowledge ~ Why do not all these clever people realise speech cannot raise the dead - but the pictorialiconography CAN ~ NOT WHAT THE VIOLENT KILLERS-THIEVES- FRAUDSTERSdope growers & dealers wanted at all, of course.THUS THEY STEAL THE POST/mailall our lives-& make dirty accusations with their black tongues which reach to their IMPERIAL BOOTS-

1968...4 Feb-30 April 1993 - THE PILLAR HOUSE Harwell- Peter J. P. Whitehead father of Amanda Oonagh-Paul James -Victoria-Augusta Gordon-Peter Rathbone Ransom-WHITEHEAD we found some refuge in The Pillar House Harwell `Johnny Crow`s Garden` of the immortal stories & drawings for children

WHAT HAPPENED was ANDRE MALRAUX came in at midnight December 1968 & at functions we attended he would walk up & down carrying the baby Victoria if he could I GR DID NOT LEAVE CHILDREN at home & it was the FASHION of the HUMANIST WORLD of the Museums & Modern Art to take children with you to evening functions if they were very youngMALRAUX was not fully aware that Crooks were everywhere hanging on to himHE Georges ANDRE MALRAUX Minister of FRANCE .FOUND A BED in UNITYs household nearby she the daughter of OUR HOSTESS SUMMER 1937... A small world !

1968 onwards - A DANGER VERY GREAT was JIMhe appeared with PIG NOISES - JIM Jong CUR JAMES Mr PongMengele Harrington got a key to the back door but we put a bolt insideHe was fooling PJPWwith blondes ! HARWELL GAVE US SOME HELP !

Sir Terence Morrison-Scott BMNH & PJPW eventually got CID HELP1969/1970...

1967/1968 - But first THE THUGS IMPERIAL thundered BOOTING about the great Museums searching/Records/ RANSOM WEDDELL GRONLANDER & the HOLY island OF JACOPSHOLMEN WEST GREENLAND had still not been all removed The system of recording had it possible to find WHAT HAD BEEN IN THE COLLECTIONS& in the other great MUSEUMS of ALBERT-OPOLIS.South Kensington

The 2nd RAPE of the MUSEUM WORLD began 1966 November Mengele PEER IN WAITING Doctor HARRINGTON learned of the WHITEHEAD TWINSgrandsons of REW KC.,ex MP.,JP & genealogist/whom JIM tried knock to his death in the River THAMES Wallingford that winter morning 1940/41... Sir Rowland Whitehead is one of 4 old men of LAW who had told IMPERIAL MIGHT`IT COULD NOT BROKER A PENNY` OF THE GREAT PHILANTHROPIC ESTATE of the GODDESS of GREENLANDMargarethe RANSOM GROTE& the heirs were fine & the Estate administered overseasthe families were vast

1968 onwards to 1980s At our intended HOLY HOUSE. came Doc Mengele & his old aging Naval intelligence noble dog piles & slags with bottles in their handbags appearedall maniacs of 1920s-30s dope-booze FRAUD THEFT now with LSD madness were clustered about us- with key to get inTHE POST WAS ALL STOLENPJPW had his science post to the Museum as always since 1961

I ordered Mengele away one midnight as he tried enter- I slid the bolt in time- he slithered away threateninghe had got in twice before - he is inspecting for The Crown & Naval bilge rats - & for Cur James banned from coming within 5 miles of Harwell by Oxford Police Summer 1970... SO HE GOT HIMSELF MADE LORD JONG PONG January 1971... He is that little murderer dirty Jim Mr Jong Mr Pong of the 1920s - about GR from 1933...until the DEVIL came for him about 1981...

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