Greta Ransom

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There are some lovely people we meet-& to read about…she of 101 years who writes mornings & visits in her afternoons … Another in her 70s is Honoria-Rachel a Frenchwoman from a family North France who produce tiny women: she pretends to be a Catholic poorly beggar woman when the Lindsaybuggarhs are about - Granny & she get a letter or note from ‘young Paccelli ’ via the special old Italian priest sent to the great new Church of Our Lady Clacton Holland cliffs 1929 - Kind teachers & Convent School Nuns - Clacton & area townsfolk & small businesses who hath called me Miss North Pole from birth - LENNIE FLYER 1935 age 15 years, knows ever body because he has so many languages & has lived even on our Islands Japan when a child …

This is the world ANDRE MALRAUX & JO a young lady writer have entered into 1937 Summer holiday - by late November their POST/mails STOLEN evermore ! THE THRUSTING OF SNOUTS IN OUR POST/MAIL by Gross Britain LORDS & Government & CROWN caused her most hideous & PAINFUL DEATH The whole pack of them are CRIMINALLY INSANE ~

ANDRE MALRAUX LEGAL GUARDIAN GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE in 3 Parts nations A to Z the globe - from October 1937 ! ACCEPTED in full 1960 !

1970 in winter - ANDRE MALRAUX - he says to PJPW -

“ I ACCEPTED Peter the Guardianship of Greetha in October 1937 upon getting a letter from a Margaret Grote but it had no address to reply to but it says I AM TO HEAR MORE - I hoped to hear more from our friends at the seaside & we had said we would return the next year - I believed this inheritance once or twice spoken upon was from the family of Mary Gordon & her sisters who had run a MISSION with girls their own age Liverpool - Manchester…the turn of this century-

WE HAD BEEN IN SPAIN Peter…the year before…IT WAS BLOODY… I came with Jo, to be my chosen wife…for 2 weeks…we stayed 5...then went to LINCOLN taking Greetah with us …we had PERMISSION her grandmother Mary Gordon…a woman still young as far as I was concerned…SHE HAD MUCH TO TELL ME OF HER LIFE I was especially interested in her experiences in IRELAND …» !

1970 February - The Pillar House of the immortal books for children LLB … PJPW has closed the dining-room hatch impatiently… where I GRW sit in the little kitchen because it is more comfortable to take shorthand…& my sitting across the table from MALRAUX is believed to be stressful to him

I think he wants to touch my hand & cradle me …

He the retired BURGERMEISTER OF PARIS, THE YOUNG EMPEROR OF GAUL…come to his winter & too early…

has offered in 1969 all of us a holiday in SPAIN with Len driving…we will all go to a place IN THE ESTATE…where children were taken by Tiggy in the holidays - I AM NOT TOLD THIS…

EVIL GREED is about us…THEY DRIP BLOOD & GORE MONEYS… display themselves about our seashores-The EVIL brags in its secret silences what it has taken off THE APES & ESKIMOS…

1970 - ANDRE MALRAUX continues :


… Sadly I did not know who Margaret Grote was other than an Aunt to Greetha - We … Josette & myself … expected to return 1938 perhaps at Easter time …»


I came to see Greetha - we had not to be seen in this countryside Earls Colne near Colchester - We did not know to begin with WHERE the evil was coming from …except we had experienced VIOLENCE from JIM for a number of years…a bar rat…running WHITES CLUB…he had a Chinese mother with an apartment in Paris before the War…he speaks good French & Chinese…”

1960 January - I spoke to Greetha the night I arrived from outside the caravan - I had arrived late & WE DID NOT WISH TO BE SEEN IN THE AREA - Mr Poulter agreed immediately with this when we said it was about some property she was to inherit at 21 years when she was with them working in the Castle - he began to recall some things - a letter & a wood cross come with it …a Catechist cross made in Norway but been used IN THE SNOW-

It was after 10 pm & she had gone to bed …You have seen the small meadow…?…I walked about…it was a frosty night… ”

( MALRAUX has just got his FIRST JOB - he had not expected NIGHTS IN THE FROST & BITTER COLD AT HIS AGE ! )

(PJPW refers to his watercolour done July 1967 when Rex Hull retired Curator explained some MALRAUX-RANSOM matters to him earlier that afternoon-I took the two children into Colchester park…leaving Peter with Mr Hull )

1970 - “ I MALRAUX…began…that late night visit…by calling myself The Burgermeister of Paris - Oh…a personal matter… a book we were given some years before by Mr Poulter --- printed in the 15th century - The Goodman of Paris… Menagier`s wife - an extract…a part translation an explanation…printed by a young woman … who died too young ”

/MEDIEVAL PEOPLE Eileen Power 1924 - the historian steps into the kitchens/Penquin …/A PARIS HOUSEWIFE IN THE 14th century …/The Menagier de PARIS/

1950s - “ I …MALRAUX…had duties in France & abroad…I

was in my London home a half of the month…I could not understand at all at this time…for a number of years in fact… that she Greetah would not comprehend me immediately…

Later we understood there were substances in the caravan put by others in her beverages…it had been happening in MY HOME 50 Lancaster Gate Square…to both of usMalone felt this was happening…but by then we were being all kept apartIT DESCENDED INTO MADNESS AGAIN…I suffered another bereavementI had to keep on with my JOB…in FRANCE… DOPES in the kitchen ? - Old trick used by the worthless…

it goes on here, in your country, in the highest circles …” !

1970 - “ … I … Andre Malraux…have not given up my Guardianship - I want to explain the matter has been fraught with violent & savage persecution - to all of us - myself my sons- it caused her death their mother - early on - Violent persecution had always occurred - Greta & I experienced it 1953 but I did not recognise it sufficiently -

It became obvious when she came to live in my London home summer 1957 I returned from taking the boys on a summer journey - early October … to begin with she seemed happy but not to remember me from the spring & early summer when I had to leave … in November … I prowled about her & she came to like me very much … … …

1970 - I did not know why we were the subject of these bizarre attacks - why the hatred directed at us from your class Peter came from the very TOP - Why were we in danger ?

These men & some of the women lived quite dirty lives ! I wanted a settled HOME as I had with Josette my chosen wife ! As we had that SUMMER at the seaside … 1937 …”

(1970 Malraux ) Attempts of MURDER /1953-1959/came at us & at my boys & some of my staff …It was BECAUSE YOUR NATION STOLE MY POST/mail - from 1937 Christmas time - it went on - it never stopped ! IT HAS NEVER STOPPED ! I am warning you about Teresa - like all of them - she goes insane

“ … An Earl & his family-British- all of them Imperial figures- some dissolute nobles - all had ear-marked this Estate for themselves far back - late 19th century… in the 1920s they BEGAN TO MAKE PLANS TO-GETHER - they referred to the creators as Eskimos- adding Apes - after the marriage made

in the sub-arctic …”

… “ 1957 - 20 years then I learn of my full Guardianship

(but) your nation continued to steal my Post-my mail - They had also searched post to my Superior-always… as soon as I was asked to join him after the war … Why did no one step forward - speak to me ? People were either too terrified to speak - or they believed I knew…& some felt or were certain

that it was a matter for my superior - now that I worked increasingly for him - General de GAULLE … ”

“ …THE WILL copy in the Gordon family ? That is a long & drear - painful matter…why she Miss MINNI (he sighs) …Miss Minni…did NOT hand me the WILL when I arrived a WIDOWER… I met her at the Winnclemanns near the Catholic Church in June 1945 … I knew of her from 1937 but she was away on holiday with her cousins Greetah spoke of her that summer in very kind ways …” (Andre Malraux notebooks 1970)

Detectives Colleagues Andre Malraux 1960 Colne Engaine

1939-1950s - A GENOCIDE & DESTRUCTION OF PLANET EARTH in secret silence …

“…it is complained in a secret GREAT BRITAIN Parliamentary meeting that YOU Greta Ransom have a mud flats & have not drained it for years - so they have seen it is RIPE for development & have got an old Queen to have them take it from you …”

It is illegal to do this - the Crown & Earls Lindsay have NO CLAIM TO THIS ESTATE - or Angela at sometime a Queen - They are TRICKSTERS committing TREASON …”

… said the Chinese Legation London 1957...”

“ The Mud flats is a small piece of shore & it is a natural habitat for wild life & the people who fish hunt there - they live in the forest you maintain - NOW IT HAS GONE - logged - the settlement families murdered - the place a dirty money making down - town holiday swamp …”

“ … THE CROWN gets its share … & they mouth at The Races about British Trade & ape Eskimo children should be given nothing at All … They are growing this dope again … ”

( MEMO to the Fraudsters : THEFT : You are dirty bilge rats & piles of dogs dirt along the streets … G.R. )

THEY HAVE TRASHED GREAT PARTS OF THE ESTATE - trashed these other Nations by speaking so in silence in unlawful meetings held in the British Parliament buildings -when shutters closed & lamps lit - they are heroin doped-up crooks - they had no moneys - they paid the interest on the interest all the 1920s-30s …the Government Lords-Crown & the Nobles Overseas grabbing too - Theft like this is how they have laid the globe low - strutting about well togged lewdly descending on other lands - NICKING off parts of a great piece of philanthropy to continue their high class debauchery…they are coarse ill bred & cunning & have convinced themselves they are divine… THEIR GREED IS THEIR GOD … ” HISTORY of the GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE in 3 Parts the world …

1970s - “ ANDRE had nowhere to go after they murdered the boys - The thieves had no intention of having you & he produce ` the Messiah … ”

INFORMATION is from : A man who lives offshore - he was born of them … but had no taste for their corruption…

1945 late summer : Speaking upon 1937 Summer -

Aunt Win said when he ANDRE is in her kitchen taking tea -

you went into the Gift Shop - I was not there that summer for 3 months - I had gone to St Anne’s to stay with my cousins after a broken engagement…that did not suit his mother - but I heard all about your visit when I came back to work again for awhile at the Gift Shop -

` Greetha in Sunday clothes & a tall young man from SPAIN - you bought a present for JO the young lady with you sometimes - All the girls told me when I got back in September & how good looking he was - & he’d written a book - that men liked…”

1945 - My ex-ATS Aunt Winnie now is to be called Win & Aunt Win by nephews & nieces - She had walked me by the best restaurant with dancing on the Seafront & in the town speaking upon the summer 1937 & she wished she could have shared some of it on Sundays or Wednesday afternoons but she had enjoyed the lovely Saint Anne`s holiday -

It was a cool day 1945…the Town not yet fully opened at all from the war…some windows of shops still with blackout…The BEST PLACE IN TOWN of 1937 was deserted- shuttered since before the WAR - I had already had an experience of un-tranquillity with George Colonel Andre that summer when he wished to walk on our 1937 summer footsteps -

Aunt Win began to reminded me of how Andre & JO & I & Stella stars Unity’s mother that summer 1937 … all went to this expensive place & she our hostess paid for it `as a treat` Yes some scenes arose as if from hundreds of years ago- `

I G.R. … will write some of that evening 1937 -

George ANDRE 1950s has given me back some of the memories from his notebooks - 1937 Summer …

…. “ Andre puts me to sleep on his folded coat at his feet under the table

He doth not know he hath THE WORLD AT HIS FEET - Olivea-MINERVA Mrs James Weddell II , my great-grandmother…

would write a song perhaps - this is Family History…

… yet he hath soon to have the raging FALLS of blood & gore falling into rivers about his knees … for evermore …

1937 Summer - “ Andre & JO are swooping in dance there tall figures full of energy to a good Band of about 9 musicians- `NIGHT & DAY & the other popular 1930s tunes - They begin

the supper when I begin to sleep under the table on his coat - then I awake to the lovely music playing on - & we all 3 go dancing together …I on his shoulder - or held to his breast-

he has one hand for holding JO in the dance - I am a bush baby with big eyes at night … We sit on the balcony where our table seems to be half in half out on the balcony where the big sliding glass windows are pulled open wide - 1937 our happiness’s …

11.30 pm - Then we go for a walk on the Promenade after sitting looking into the dark navy blue black night blending into the silver black sea & it is also reaching to a midnight dull silver blue to coal black sky where the electric lights shimmer - Some ships anchored far out with lights - steamers - fisher boats…& they remind me of current fashions of sequins on black & deepest velvet black-blue… There is the murmur of sea & soft voices in happy tones on the Pier - & along the Sea front in the grey & deep grey darkness the smell of fags - some different scents are miniature cigars…ladies wear scents…Coty l`Aimant is very popular - G.R. for G-A Mx

-NO MONSTERS FROM THE DEEP - all gone to London Town & to SPAIN - the Murgatroyd Ethiopia Missionary Estate savage murder is done - but I G.R. do not know until October 1937-

1937 - That evening - that summer

we saw a world at ease & in our state of happiness it seemed perhaps peace would always be here - But there is talk of Germany & War & we have listened early mornings as newspapers are read along the Seafront & comments made - War talk drifts in short phrases from turned pages - some very concerned faces… a shaking head or two about bad times to come mention of The Great War that finished 1919... only 18 years ago …`

Perhaps the music Sand in my Shoes was danced to by us three - such a beautiful tune I think - What did they have for supper in this most expensive restaurant ? I do not recall or did not know - I had been fed by 7 pm…& had now to take my nap ( I am 4 &-a-half years of age ) before rising refreshed from UNDER THE TABLE…for The Dancing until near Midnight !

GR for AM

1936 - I have seem JEAN my grand-mother dance The 3 Cornered Hat in Argentina at midnight … she does the splits in the air & wears black satin ballet shoes & has a fan… ANDRE-Saint George does not believe me at all …so I stop telling him things for his lovely eyes go wild & perhaps a bit frightened

1937 - JO‘s evening frock a disappointment :

… but she explained she has to have something that she can travel with & will not need pressing - Its a dull brick red with broad straps crossed over her bare back & a swirling skirt to her ankles. I had imagined her in a frock as the Hollywood film Romeo & Juliet Selzniek - Auntie Winnie & I saw it in the Odeon cinema some months ago - Or JO in organza-lace-embroidery-fairy like- Or a goddess as Margarethea in the oyster satin 1860s gown …part of her trousseau for New York & the Grote family gatherings - or when they SAIL IN - in the family ship `The Mary Rose` to Monaco or Venice or Alexandria…or Albania & Japan…

HOW … did we get that Island in the Caspian Sea ? How did we get our ship in then ? … I might ask Saint George Andrew to look at the map when we have a rainy day …!

`There was a deathly hush as Margarethe & Tiggy stepped ashore in Japan 1860s - & then both of them greeted her Ransom line in their natural Japanese tongue - This is our Okinawa old Royal line the 1504 marriage of `Nihalah Lady Yuss=shampoo her bridal gown is rose-orange coloured… for the ceremony in Bruges Cathedral 1504 AD … I collect information on our Ransom brides & all the brides of the families …`

1937 - One day I will draw a frock for JO & see if she likes it … when we have a wet day… then Lennie could do the final design & I could pay for it to be made by a dressmaker…& after JO has worn it perhaps for her wedding…then it can be borrowed for other family weddings & dress brides of another nations - Aunt Margarethe has a scarlet wedding gown from SPAIN as her father always wanted to see one against the SNOWS The Greenland ladies had a sewing room a big one on Jacopsholmen our Island in the snow

I TELL JO SOME THINGS … for she likes to make notes for ideas for her writings…which she is paid for…she has me go on quietly talking when it is a resting or a rainy day … & writes some ideas she think about

1850s - Fred RANSOM - grandpa twice back … who is Margarethe’s father … ` was coming home in the dark on Jacopsholmen our Island & he saw a famous painting drift from one goodly home to another across the snows … Getting home he enquired of Gertrude “ ‘who was The RAPHAEL Madonna he had just passed as her father Jacop his Church Bell rang…»

“ Fred Ransom got used to this but some nights he had difficulty recognising his own wife if she was going to another home to show off her latest creation - so he built them a sewing room … The Greenland ladies not only copied the Paris fashions they copied all the paintings they saw when he took them a spin in the Mary Rose - for he never sailed empty of those he felt should see the world - it was very useful that they learned so swiftly & they were able to act in the great PLAY Seasons - not just play in the orchestra … Dick Wagner & the other music … «

“ After Albert died he kept away from Great Britannia a bit - it was inhabited by high class monsters of racism all getting BROKE from gambling & at The RACES trying to compete with the rich Americans - he`d sail in quietly to Montrose Basin to his brother John Ransom & the family … if he had to …but sometimes he was asked to go & talk about music and things to the widow in German…he would walk across the Park when she sent him a secret message to come & tell her things in German…for she got very lonely sometimes…»

` She & a Queen of Borneo & one of Spain are going to like hearing what Thomas is doing with his Orphans & go visiting in the warmer countries & all the children can speak to them in several tongues…& invent things to make houses more comfortable … RANSOM family histories

1937 Summer - By the Gift Shop Clacton-on-Sea is the Kinema Cinema a privately owned cinema once an old Music Hall- & I tell ANDRE George sometimes Saint of the German & Italian films I see with Daddy, Uncle Harry & Lennie - & others - They have sub-titles in white - everybody in the family speaks other languages but not all of us - sometimes there are silent films for the old people on a Wednesday afternoon & evening - - Grandpa used to like Charlie Chaplin & The Policeman -

1945 May - When ANDRE Colonel Malraux George RETURNS Widower 1945 … he will ask the father & son who own it if they could show some footage of his SPAIN FILM he has made with JO - then it was settled it could be shown in a schoolroom somewhere over at Manningtree -

I went & saw some scenes … then Uncle Harry Gordon came & took me back to Aunt Win … I recall feeling odd & nervous & a PAUPER … I expect SHEshe has been howling like a Banshee & giving me MESSAGES from Noble divinities … Records/diaries/letters there were …. DOCUMENTS GALORE !

1945 summer - Colonel ANDRE widower George wishes to discuss about his FILM with Armstrong Geographer, Cambridge University - He is OUR teacher of history/geography in the War years 1942/45 when the teachers dashed about everywhere having an allowance of petrol for a car - Mr Armstrong knew LAWRENCE of Arabia a bit- RAF-

1930s - SPAIN - ESPOIR Sierra de Teruel/music Darius MILHAUD The Film is black-white & can be got Video-GAUL

( filmed 1936/1938-1946...) hopefully DVD

1945 Colonel Andre quoting how he felt in Spain 1936 when he was thinking about making the film… is saying things like

`… it is the portraying of the spirit/soul… of the almost absurd dreadful normality… amidst the BLOODINESS HAPPENING… in places where normal families LIVE` … but you need to be a HUMANIST to follow him in this medium …

JOSETTE added the scene of the old man with the donkey up the steps…they had seen it when they were in “a place daily”

1936 the old man agreed to re-enact it 1938

Our RANSOM-Weddell-San Julian-Gronlander…straight line ancestry SAILING DOWN THE SEAS THE CENTURIES would immediately understand what ANDRE MALRAUX is sketching with this FILM - & some of our branches OFF the above four main families 18th-19th centuries too … “ Darius MILHAUD got the Lindsaybuggarhs booting in his door with JIM - “ he gave them a sour look & took up his score ” they hated him for writing music for GROTE HOMES choirs too ”

1864-1950s GROTE HOMES - educating tiny children of the world, some from birth flung in gutters … to 18 years with 3-4 languages all religions & HUMANISM ... The HOMES are the creation of TIG with highly intelligent people the GLOBE … situated on his wife`s ancestral family lands - Margarethe RANSOM girl of the GREENLAND snows … R A N S O M Families who left Jutland (records back to 5th century B.C. ) arrived 77 AD Thames Flow & Londinium ….

20th century - Darius MILHAUD as so many world wide composers could drop in to a GROTE HOME where the children were skilled musicians & always had a choir…

Recall that old young VARESE slung a hammock with us in South America 1930s…& Mrs Varese who knows Paul Whiteman & his Band he has sleep until noon in the haytook us shopping, Len & me Greetah, New York 5th Avenue, & bought me for my 3rd birthday the lovely fawn-pink-ghost moonlight sheen colour frock…it had petals for the overskirt…puffed sleeves & a fitted bodice…


MY CASE WHEN I AM KIDNAPPED BACK gave it to his 2 daughters…

May he toil for 10,000 years on a mountain top in the snows & then go in a rocket to URANUS…

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