Greta Ransom

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( Jean says SUMMER 1938 … “your grandpa he noticed it was not developing as it should…& he my little Johnnie…he was 2 years & I had him on my knee…but he had to go to this special school in America or he could be attacked in the streets…”… of GROSS NOBLE BRITAIN … )

…he took a friend with a gun &…they went to the Houses of Parliament…it was after 7 pm…the BRUTE WAS AT ITS DESK…IT WOULD NOT SIGN THE PAPERS to allow the babe to go to USA to a special school to be educated & protected when he was 2 years of age…At the school Kentucky were children who had also been mutilated or born deformed…A DOCTOR WITH A FORTUNE HAD DECIDED TO DO THIS …the children received the highest education possible…a few would never leave the HOME & the lovely grounds…most of them could go into life…one American Senator had come from this school…he lived a normal liferecords go on

Nota bene: I Greta Ransom recall being hit by a cricket bat-a red hot fire poker-a saucepan-on the head-when Teresa Gordon R. had come back from her Noble friends London 1943/1944...once I asked to take dancing & ballet lessons…she began to hit my legs calling me an ape who had ruined her life - her friends who were top of the Nation had told her to smash me & stop me going to school-I was in everyone’s way- (THEY COULD NOT GET AT ALL THE DOUGH…? )

1943/1945 … `THEY GIVE HER Teresa Gordon R. DOPE for free…PURPLE PELLETS & HEROIN at Buckingham Palace parties-Thursday nights-at the back of that horrible UNHOLY HOUSE …people of QUALITY do not enter it if they know the crimes against the globe … `

1960 winter - Dr JOHN RAY Ransom reads aloud :

DIARIES FJR /& Observation & now fast research by Detectives Colleagues Andre Malraux/ Diaries his brothers FJR (Greta`s father) & LIR - all children of JEAN ballerina & FCF Ransom Mariner & budding Man of Letters…


1930s to the 2nd World War 1940s …)

1938 - Clacton “…Sheshe did not want you back from school so soon…she was playing cards gambling with some men…She hit you with the travelling IRON…YOU BLED ALL OVER THE FRONT DOORSTEP…”

“ A man came by - you asked him to get the Policeman…& the hospital say you were unconscious when they got you in…but when WE CAME you recalled & told us what you had told the first Policeman…THEY PUT HER IN A CELL TWO NIGHTS…then her` IN TOWN TO-NIGHT FIENDS ` (reference a BBC programme) …got her loose…`Oh Angela HAD A LEG UP…say the ON THE TOWN…`

This was another BLOODY ATTACK ! Sheshe would NOT clean the blood off the doorstep…& feeling very sad you did it yourself…”

1943/1944 - Clacton ANOTHER ATTACK …by Sheshe

You went to sit by The TABANACLE…BLEEDING from an ear & cheek wound. She said you did it to yourself & you had tried hit her ! This was not true!

DO YOU REMEMBER A GUY CALLED PHILIP MOUNTBATTEN coming to the big house ON THE REC…? He had been sent to see if you were MAD…& tormenting SHEshe again !”

Accounts are several/I have included some of my accurate memories this document SUMMER 1937 in memory of ANDRE & Josette two young humanists swept into Gross Britain & Scandinavian & European IMPERIAL BESTIAL MADNESS- Greetha RANSOM

1944 - He PHILIP MOUNTBATTEN in naval uniform…you sat in the REC in the dark night under his great-coat one time for you had RUN OUT OF THE HOUSE as SHEshe had the “ believed MURDERERS ” of the schoolgirl in your class in the house…a 9 years old came from Castle Hedingham a term 1942…AN HEIRESS of Newfoundland… /you are going to tell University teachers & a Priest & some to school friends with families important in the district…(Humperdinck line)

HE Philip Mountbatten said you had not a chance of inheriting after you had CALMLY TOLD HIM THE TRUTH ~ He is under his future mother-in-law`s thumb…HIS UNCLE is soaked in alcohol…they are all soaked in RUM….HE & ANGELA PLOT ! They are MAD…& break all LAWS…GOD`S LAW`S TOO…They take a dangerous narcotic to do violent things. THEY ARE THIEVES OF THE REALM ! ( Dr John RAY reads at 1960 Colne Engaine/tapes)

Now I am JOHN but you cannot remember me…sometimes reading LETTERS FROM JEANmy mother ballerina whose good BREEDING THEY DENY…they have a mind to put their name on our WEDDELL SEA…

Doc Mengele Harrington paedophile Royal Satrap had a mother AT COURT & had open door IMPERIUM G.B. Europe & Scandinavia too. He could stride into Palaces or Marble Halls quacking “ it’s the Doctor-doctor…may I have a glass of water to drink…? ”

(Harrington - sadistic paedophile PIMP & CON !)

A determination to remove James Weddell name from the South Pole SEA by killing all South American descendants began 1946 but probably late 1930s was being considered/LINDSAY can be discounted from 1953 when the name MOUNTBATTEN WAS EXPECTED to go on the MAP & Weddell hived off to a corner of the WEDDELL SEA…(denied 1970 International Seas scientists)

1829 - SAN JULIAN WAS TO GO WITH HIM ON THIS MAGNIFICIENT MAPPING sub-Arctic …but he was away on his GOVERNSHIP duties…

My great-great grandpa James Weddell pushed off in the good ship JANE … THE sub-arctic SUMMER WAS FINE-it might not happen again for 5 years…information from Greetah Frobisher WEDDELL Ransom …

Investigating all Weddell lines 1950s had Mengele Harrington

Peer-in-Waiting lending his IMPERIAL weight…Now the homely Weddell families disappeared so fast/the histories of this GENOCIDE has already appeared in this document/but 19 Weddell family were killed 1947 after Teresa Gordon R. put a list into the back of Buckingham Palace December 1946...collecting names from the 3 young Weddell men present that evening…Andre speaking with them but no idea they are COUSINS to RANSOM… A cunningly plotted evening to scatter people…after attacking FJR, father of Greta Ransom…so Army Captain Frederick John RANSOM could not MEET ANDRE MALRAUX…/full records here…

1946 December - Teresa Gordon R. should be in a NUT HOUSE for an indefinite period as ordered by Marital Court September 1946 but she is kept FREE as always by ANGELA & LINDSAY Earls…her bastard du CANN …& whom else ???

JAMES WEDDELL descendants of 1824 marriage to the INCA nobleman`s daughter Aelovedah-MARIA Miss San Julian…

20th century - there are distant Weddell lines the Ransom brothers knew-visited every year or every few years there would be a FAMILY MEETING- 1954 onwards - NOW MENGELE & thugs DEMANDED EVERY PIECE OF PAPERWORK EVERY PHOTO EVERY POSSESSION RELEVANT TO OUR PAST … in silence & secrecy it was said it was THE PROPERTY OF THE BRITISH CROWN - Clarke Gable ACTOR had trouble in the late 1930s…JIM demanding a CUT in his wages…`for the Crowns`…

People began to speak of this intrusion & persecution - Hesketh`s` Wyoming/Henshaw family Montreal/ Tierra del Fuego the line of San Julian’s mother - Mengele was using Naval intelligence & other thugs to search the homes/careers-reaching back to lines of 1750s on -

1936 - We meet some of the family of Jean’s great-great grandmother Tierra del Fuego-they called JEAN their cousin- JEAN WEDDELL RANSOM legal marriage 1909- her trousseau splendid- I was given her blue white satin frock- it disappeared from Mary Gordon’s care 1939 when JIM got in & burned her photo albums- tore up her letters from famous holy men & women…Destroyed her early life as a trained in Manchester Milliner . A good person helping others as JEAN who is the other grandmother to Greta Ransom …All aspects of Mary Gordon`s intelligent life & her ROMAN CATHOLIC HUMANISM were ordered by MENGELE HARRINGTON to be removed…IT INTERFERED WITH HIS PLOT TO BE A PEER OF THE REALM OF GROSS BRITAIN…

1939 - Young LEN 19 years old October - had now his mother & father murdered - so Noble Britain could spend again - flash - gloat - make Racist remarks left or right - racist smut as they do… -

LIR - Lennie’s young dancing mother- humanist- she sometimes has Nadia Boulanger` on the telephone from Paris - JEAN WEDDELL SEA & HER HOLY WORK - Deptford-records/& the globe/ she murdered end of summer 1938 on train from Clacton to Liverpool Street…Lindsay 14 & Mr PONG JIM on the train…Teresa Gordon R. gave her the poisoned cup of tea…they removed her case & identification…THEY WERE HAVING FUN ! Somebody paid them to do this…it was part of the PLOTTING to get the whole Estate…

(See True Stories/Ransom Weddell other lines) JEAN & Frederick Charles RANSOM’s middle son JOHN Ray educated USA from 2 years of age - the LINDSAYBUGGARHS HAD SENT THEIR WOMEN WITH POISONED FRUIT in a Family carriage & a sexual attack was carried out on the month old child- THEY KILLED THE WIRELESS OPERATOR’S 11 years old son Deptford High Street - the child was given some fruit for he was in bed recovering from an illness - full records/accounts/ VISITS-FIGURES FROM A MORGUE 1910 on -

1937 SUMMER - Andre & Greetah afternoon OUT on the TOWN Clacton-on-Sea…

At the High tea Clacton town - called Cordys restaurant later …

Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX is speaking to me at the tea table about this-&-that - & I am solemn for I realise he is now as the Colonel of Spain he has been…& he is treating me like a grown-up- as I sometimes hath to be when Len & I are on Tiggy’s Homes & Ransom Estate matters - This Man of Letters-a man of Freedom he has been to Russia speaks to me & I do appreciate the honour-

RUSSIA - We have many kin & friends & there are matters of the JOYOUS VENTURE there - I look at Colonel Andre`s solemn moonlight face - sometime he is eating or sipping his tea - nodding at the shrimps - requesting some ‘mayonnaise’ or perhaps some more ! He will look out of the window & not say anything-or at the other people & he does not stare but looks calm- I am wearing a frock & curtsey to the lady assistant taking my coat & hat for the clothes-stand- Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX is getting a taste for this - even when we rise in the DAWN- He demands the curtsey when I am 24 years old - He has very delicate wrists & uses his hands nicely….

TEA 1937 Summer - He looks up in thoughtful mood saying quietly “ it would be wise to remind Mary Gordon your grandmother that she should tell Harry & his friends NOT to go to the War in Spain- it is too late ” … `he thinks he has her understand this matter & she was

never in agreement with young men going to fight but has agreed in discussion…`sometimes you had to make a stand ` She agreed with him in their conversations several occasions… That a stand has been made against tyranny I doth follow.

Colonel Andre Malraux - then tells me to get on & eat & go to my own thoughts - for he has his- He has his tiny notebook on the table- HE IS STUDYING PEOPLE…he may call that evening for an hour with Mary Gordon I know that he & she share friends, acquaintances in Paris France & abroad-

Granny Gordon she has bought him a warm jacket for Lincoln & the Fens as its going to be colder up there out on the seas edges… & we are also advancing to September-THEN FOUL WINTER DOTH COME ! “ The jacket is a present from all of us for going to Spain” Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX goes to the Co-op side-window on Sunday evening with me to look at the men’s clothes displayed & he go`th to try on jackets in the time that is quiet in the shop… that Granny tells him to - I recall looking with him & seeing my dwarf-self in the windows…he so tall & slender like pencil mystical drawings I have seenI a stout dwarf that could lift Cousin Clarke`s oil drums to his car last year…but I have fair hair & blue silver green glints eyes ! I may grow tall ?

1957 November - at 50 Lancaster Gate Square Andre Malraux got this jacket out from the Queen Anne wardrobe he bought at Christies & tells me “…your grandmother that summer…Mary Gordon bought it for me & I always keep it…we went to LINCOLN - it was becoming cold in the evenings & in the dawn…

Part of most days I felt as if I were in a grey great misty tunnel of thousands of years back into time - & I was trying to get inside my body-my head-frightened & embarrassed for SHEshe is again saying things about the family at the seaside-pulling them down-insulting them-but at the same time saying in her insincere way “ WHAT would MY family MY family do without ME» SHEShe Clytemnestra mad Mother Kali… is drinking in JIM’s private office at WHITES Club -

It is called `dirty Jim`s by some young people… & JIM has pulled

down in the City of London some good men’s sons - Nothing

can be done for he goes in & out of the Palace - & two girls call him `Uncle James`…& he pours the TEA…

1950s - That dirty JIM Cur James is that Mr Pong Jimmie of my first 8 years I have no memory-he is now a very fat very short man who has come into this Roman Catholic household 50 Lancaster Gate Square & insulted me horribly…hit me on the stairs so I fell…I FIRMLY SAID I PAY MY RENT HERE !

….Late every Friday night the last young RC man on staff duty has to hand him 100 pounds in a paper bag - Dirty JIM says it is an arrangement he has with Andre-

It is a loan…they have to call him Sir James since 1954 -

ANDRE MALRAUX did not know of this blackmail moneys for sometime then knew he could not stop it as JIM IS THREATENING

TO PUT ON THE NEWSPAPERS THE MARRIAGE TO A SCHOOLGIRL …& its FAILURE…JIM & Mengele have insulted ANDRE MALRAUX so often with sniggering dirty JOKES…very DIRTY JOKES… (1953-1959)

AT THIS TIME - JIM goes to a hairdresser for 2 years & gets GANGSTER money from them -records/records/records/

1950-1961...This Catholic Charity & MISSION is also a political establishment arranged by General de Gaulle with Whitehall-

( Spied upon by those TWISTERS that the dear souls in the Chinese Legation come to warn us about…see this document

Life at 50 Lancaster Gate Square 1957/1959 tell of the incredible madness of the abductions to kill us…the help we receive…the state of SCARLET TOWN…that grimy world of political economics & nearly all of them in it soaked in heroin…other dopes…& having FUN with LSD…I found mostly the great Museums & libraries SAFE HOUSES…

My first Opera frock Prairie grasses green 5th Avenue bought

by JEAN Weddell Ransom my ballerina grand-mother- We go to a midnight performance of The Trojans April 1936 in German- Carnegie Hall -

A Society Aunt Magarethe belongs to-old-young Varese will come too & lots of their friends very old with grand-children-we can take a ‘divertimento’ in the boring bits & go for an ice-cream where the manager or the sub-manager will explain to us the Opera some more- ‘You nearly fell off your seat at one part in The Trojans …’ says LIR - his diaries -

Diaries - LIR reads 1960 & again in 1972 -

“ We should continue ANDRE MALRAUX in Summer 1937-

…he recorded in his notebooks 1937 your comments upon

them- Jo & he…& `bringing harmony into each day` you said

` he & JO when they in ire-Irrhhh - you healed `the savage brute`…

He never forgot this your advice - `You could not be more steadfast in your agreement to their UNION- he & JO- `

(I discuss her bridal gown)…Warning him- ` she JOJo would

NOT agree their union- unless he mended the QUICK FIRE his temper…his repartee

` You said ` I am going to be your Judge & Jury for the next few hours…SO YOU WON’T BE SO BOSSY IF YOU THINK ITS ALL BEING TAKEN DOWN…

( This is my upbringing Catholic & Nonconformists :

The old Quaker Preacher once a month has this speech…& JEAN of the Weddell SEA when Lennie & I go about Deptford with her on her ` holy work` & I detect a bit of Annie-Agnes Carroll Williams Artist my great-Aunt, perhaps from her readings of The Ingoldsby Legends- HE BEGAN TO CALL ME SOMETIMES when he would have me speak…THE PROPHET…Greta Ransom )

“ He ANDRE MALRAUX could not be more surprised & set about an overhaul of his manners…WITH YOU -

` Lennie- he swooped at me- lifted me on to a table top & say -

`SAY IT AGAIN- IF YOU DARE` to which I doth reply- `I dare-it is for your own good-you cannot go about the globe with such QUICK FIRE- `

He will now begin to put me on high places-a mantle-shelf over a fireplace & say ` SPEAK- NOW- SPEAK TO ME- IF YOU DARE`

‘So terrible to mee young lives lost- by hasty speech-

I know of some o’er the SEA` GR. Diaries LIR Lennie- & notebooks Andre Malraux read 1950s/60s… & GR seeing it all in her memory like a MOVIE, a cine film…again…

LIR Diaries/ - notebooks of ANDRE MALRAUX 1937 -

ANDRE MALRAUX & JOJo&Jo - & Greetah …


Andre & I … we were telling HIS BOYS ….


to join Grote Homes Children…

…` How you said upon their relationship…ANDRE & JO…

“…The end result proved they would be very cosy together in their LAMPLIGHT…& a more perfect relationship could be embarked upon… & you’d hold her train at the Altar.

He said it swept him of his Bloody Perch…

You said “ I don’t have the quicksilver mind of our INCA BOY

& the Ancestors who do mental arithmetic in the air…

(WEDDELL FAMILY HISTORY : when the Inca boy was taught by the Monks of San Julian they said he could pluck answers to mental arithmetic out of the air)

You said “… & was there the bully boy-Oh there was !

THERE WAS A BULLY BOY RANSOM…& he had to change his ways

Not allowed on shore for 20 years in Palestine ! Penance !

(11th-12th century` Roseanne/Roxanna Ransom & husband Bully Boy RANSOM )

` You then amazed them by making fairy cakes…knowing exactly how much to put in the bowls…& ANDRE liked them very much & they lasted for TWO DAYS … ! ”

(Miss Winnie & JEAN ballerina Granny & Bessie & Annie taught me - & Unity`s mother because some simple cooking can SAVE THE DAY ! they put things in the hot Oven for me…& took them out…)

`1937 Summer - He mak`th me a crown of daisies in the Recreation Ground for making the cakes

…evermore…if we ran out of cakes ANDRE would hurtle over to the Co-op or another shop…he made it his duty to see the household had cakes for tea…Greetah Ransom…

LIR diary October 1937/ANDRE MALRAUX his notebooks of SUMMER 1937...Clacton-on-Sea…EAST ANGLIA…

SHEshe had a man come to find you Greta Ransom & he was probably surprised you were not yet 5 years

He said SHEshe had need of money & she had run out. You said `We gave her two hundred pounds - she’s been gambling then`… You told the man you could go & get fifty pounds from a DRAWER IN THE BANK - how much did she need ? He said ` more like two thousand pounds- no don’t bother then…` & he went back to where she was( Clifton-on-high-seas ? Buckingham Palace…SAVOY ? )

‘ It showed you could on your own cope with her gambling with your father and us away…You did not want to worry Granny Mary Helena or Harry

(Neither did Andre- Mary Gordon just widowed in March- & Andre has known SHEshe Clytemnestraa stupid & sometimes violent gambler ADDICT… since Christmastide 1924 in France ) -

1965/66 City of London - A person of note said `they have

been slaying up & down the Realm since the new reign & round the globe…to get themselves easy money - Lands are run down from logging & not a leaf stirs- dirty lakes seashores riversides where they went for quick profit 1945 onwards -

a river of blood - we do not want to handle this money in the City - they want to bring it into the City ! They have been taking the Postal deliveries away to examine…but answering it with fraudulent messages - setting people against their friends their families & their well-wishers- its been going on from before the War - `

1970 - Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX - given an HON. LAW Degree by Oxford University 1967… is speaking Winter 1970 at The Pillar House Harwell … `Johnny Crow ’s Garden` of the `immortal books for Children` drawn by L. Leslie Brooke published by Frederick WARNE 1900s… full of courtesy…

1970 WINTER - reading his notebooks from December 1924

he is trying to enlighten Peter J. P. Whitehead b 1930...scientist Zoology/British Museum Natural History ichthyologist…

It is a strain for MALRAUX that again Greta Ransom (m 12 October 1967 to PJPW ) with shorthand pad & pencil as agreed has clearly no memory except FEAR & embarrassment of Life at 50 Lancaster Gate Square 1957-1959 -

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