Greta Ransom

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I GR am told by Andre Malraux in his Colonel manner he expected Mr & Mrs Winnclemann here… Really the matter is he can be a bit shy…I have noticed things & so have our Convent School Class-

Esther is asked again…Uncle Potter has been grumbling to me…“ I expected that old Winnclemann here Greetah- I’m not an intellectual…I will do my best- DAMN ! I can talk about cricket…the Lifeboat…Win was supposed to have fixed all this…”

… I think probably Colonel Andre would rather we go & play Neolithic families on the beach with a sandwich…a flask of hot tea…a bottle of beer for him also …

( I G.R. think Miss Win was told by her criminally insane sister Teresa & her bastard du Cannnot to let Professor & Mrs Winnclemann talk to Fred & Esther Potter ! ….…

1947 early January Engagement luncheon :

…because something would be said about we the engaged couple had no worries over money… `Plenty there from Margaret Ransom to buy a Manor House etc `& Andre would have no need to worry over money for his French families for he is GUARDIAN to the biggest Estate the globe… The former position in medicine on the Continent of Professor Winnclemann would have he with his quick mature intelligence pick up that the inheritance was not from the Misses Williams sisters of Greta’s grandmother…that it had to be vast as it was global -

It would all be grasped swiftly by Winnclemann if he heard the name MARGARETHE GROTE … ! He would ask questions at the luncheon…he would of course wish to know more about my father FJR & the rest of the SEAFARING RANSOM family who held still much property in Germany…had ancestry & were very well known…along the Rhine…anywhere you could sail a ship to…

Andre is not raised to follow with his understanding into such depths of EVIL - he is still a young man…he is very polite…WE HAVE GHOULS IN THE RAFTERS…& are ringed about by BIRDS OF PREY…)

G.R. sensed a certain stress in Colonel Andre of Gaul -

` I spoke cheerfully…Esther`s high heeled shoes helping my poise enormously - I talk of the lunch & the new house & the children…

the cricket Town matches can be watched from the garden… The wine has come from an old friend-he put a cellar down always before the War-so it is old- he always got advise from Colchester- I said it was really still like Wartime this year… & I expect Esther worried there might not be enough food… we are feeding the dear Germans as Auntie Win says…` ( The shop Colchester we went into 1937 with Josette & Unity’s mother…Andre will have a memory here but not me…unless he or someone puts that memory back…)

That afternoon Colonel ANDRE tells me as we walk along the ancient Valley Road past a great Manor House sadly pulled down …“ When we have our home I will expect a number of people for Sunday lunch…” it was now getting misty cold coming in from the sea…we walked to Jo‘s beach…

I G.R. … felt that ANDRE MALRAUX was emotionally trying to cope with the horrible turn of FATE… a WAR when Spain had shown them fighting was not the way always…had brought him here to happiness Summer 1937 …& he made decisions about his life…the way forward…

1947 - I can only try `give George-Andre ROOTS`…it is my Convent School class & Nuns I rely upon to hold me clear thinking…I was well aware of that…I a young girl-woman now who could still stride the centuries even though the memory was gone…a world has to be in touch with its ancestry & present & GO TO THE STARS…`

(References - F O O D of other Ages -

1936 - Len LIR & GR hath begun 3 books - & one is on

“ the food the RANSOM BRIDES cooked from 92 AD ” …This idea… a surprise it was to a young boy-man who already regards me as `a daughter that will come to me when I am grown a man `…

1952 - POULTER Colchester Castle & Hollytrees Museums ...`I sometimes get the Quaker ladies to cook ancient things…go into the KITCHENS as this girl did in a little book MEDIEVAL PEOPLE…pity she died so young, Child…I’ll get you a copy from `Old skinflint DONAVAN in the corner shop- I’ll bargain with him like Shakespeare’s JEW…` Harold Walter POULTER Deputy Curator never retired…boundless enthusiasm…

1957 - Age 24 I have mentioned to ANDRE MALRAUX «…which century would you like the meal from when we have the flat …I had bought some thick handmade pipkins January 1958 to cook him early Medieval suppers in…Madonna Italian skies blue-a soft brown for the storage jars…

Neither Andre or Greta, the Potters or the Winnclemanns or kind people whose blessings we have for our new life know we are being savagely watched by some PORTIONS of MASSIVE IMPERIAL EVIL GREED …who have now slain GROTE HOMES children the globe & are using their KUDOS…believing they are a divine superior class…they old vampires of 1920s

of HIGH CLASS SIN - all on the PIN…& their issue…

1957/1958 - ANDRE & GRETA are trying to have a life after 10 years of savagery at us both. St Edmund`s House, 50 Lancaster Gate Square a great terrace house from an old man English-French left a gift to Diocese Westminster & French Embassy. WILL : “ … they should use it as a Holy House & his fortune is to be GRANTS to little businesses of Anglo-British persons….CHARITY & MISSION….”

1957 late December - 4 BANNS have been read/ Paccelli`s approval

1958 January 7th - Feast of Saint Cede Bishop of Londinium & OTHONA Rome`s Fort of the Saxon Shore …

1958 January - 3 days after the ceremony…GRX bought in an Oxford Street Store some rough Pipkins of pale blue & storage jars tobacco brownI AM GOING TO COOK ANDRE MALRAUX budding MINISTER OF GAUL ancient recipes…from East Anglian Roman Britain Port of Dunwich- OR I may begin the other way & go backwards in the kitchen from Victorian cooking/as that MENU at Crystal Palace when they held a dinner party in the dinosaur-& then go on backwards to Medieval Saxon & Roman cooking…to Neolithic man…Mr Poulter & I talked of historic food when I worked at the Colchester Castle…he said some people tried their hand… the Quaker ladies he knows for instance

& ` you could venture, Child, into other lands ` Of course he will come to our table ! He has already come here to stay guest of Andre…they go to places of the 1890s !

ALAS - AGAIN GHOULS IN THE RAFTERS/BEASTS OF PREY/ KILLINGS BEGAN AGAIN ABOUT US/& ANDRE MALRAUX & GRETA RANSOM had narrow escapes/2 kind men helped from MI5 & Arthur Malone begins his employment 1957 October, Philip Silverlee giving help when he was not working Insurance the City of London/LEN Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM, using his foster-brother`s name by permission from Whitehall came in under some pretence to look at accounts…PUZZLED why MALRAUX had never contacted GROTE BROKERS…or the RANSOM SOLICITORS ARGENTINA…had never showed the family RANSOM any sympathy over the slain GROTE HOMES CHILDREN about the globe…but wished to take up the marriage to Greta Ransom…seeming to fail 1947, and again 1954 ! LIR did not care for Mr Mengele Doc Harrington/Malone LAW & trained Detective advised caution the paedophile went about with DIVINITIES…

1959 December…the DOORS FELL OF HELL…we should all have managed to breath at last the SEA AIR…hear the SURGE & THUNDER of the ODYSSEY… but DEVILS GHOULS OBSCENE BEASTS OF PREY multiplied about us …

1968 - GHOULS & ORCS had choked in fear 1960s/

cooking of the Ages went on in the decades from 1947 what did the Ransom Brides cook the last 2,000 years…?

Notes/records/ The Pillar House Festivals & foods 1968 February to the last Christmas 1992... when G.R.W. had to cook 22 dishes for the Veggies- & the turkey, ham etc. got to the table as well…wines homemade by GRW-SEC/dry/white rose petals-nettle-crab-apple/

LIFE together for ANDRE MALRAUX & GRETA RANSOM began 1937 summer - & in his Widowhood 1945 - Wedding of Grace 1947...parted by Vampires of Hell ignorance & monsters of greed…again & again & again…then by death…HERE WE ARISE

IN THIS DOCUMENT… SUMMER 1937 the Gospels Acted Out…

…Georges-ANDRE & Greetha with JOSETTE are by the SEASHORES where his ancestors came 9th century AD for the FISHING EAST

ANGLIA OUR KNOWLEDGE OF OUR ANCESTRY is taken into our 20th century lives It can be found in «Harwell Village for a 1,000 Years” published/ by everyone in the Village 1885-Westgate Library Oxford

He MALRAUX a FRENCHMAN OF LETTERS…was here AMONGST US 1968-1976...& softly spoken of in the HARWELL VILLAGE…visits winter 1967/ September/October 1976 - ANDRE MALRAUX -THE GOODMAN OF PARIS…The Menagier de Paris 15th century - (TRANSLATION Eileen Powell)

1967/1971 - suddenly we were all in danger as before…killings had hastened in Oxford-break-in & entry BIG BOOTS everywhere for many people knew of GROTE HOMES CHILDREN SLAINsome people had known Mrs Margarethe Ransom Grote a Goddess who created with her husband Tiggy a system of philanthropy round the globe that could never fail …

1945 to September 1976 - In our grief these decades

Saint Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX will remind`th me of TIME PAST when we were so young & softly left our beds with rosy-fingered Dawn sleepily putting on her first garment of greys for another SUMMER DAY 1937 when unexpected happiness came to Andre Josette & Greetha by the sea (Poem `green days in forests & blue days at sea`)

1937 November & ever on ANDRE MALRAUX his POST/mail fingered/stolen/savage tricks used to flaw our families & us. Done by & for penniless a Vampire UPPER CLASS SIN with almighty KUDOS “ & HOW THEY HATH TAKEN ENGLAND IN…” Kipling/ re-written 1960 Colne Engaine/others/ by men coming upon the full horror of the Greatest Crime of Mankind -seeing photos of the death pits of the Grote children about the globe…shown nets dredged up at sea A-to-Z full of older children/Reports-photos/archives-diaries/globe/

1937- 1976 - Com`th Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX in all Twelve of the months & weathers to the seashores of East Anglia…then to Harwell & Oxford…even to Mary Butts grave & to Scarlet Town…to that stolen building 50 Lancaster Gate Square that he had tried make a HOLY HOME…ruthlessly become a hotel…MALRAUX history there is ordered TO BE DESTROYED ! official line “…it offends 3 Broads & a Greek…”…

1970 - ANDRE MALRAUX is reading from his adult lifetime of notebooks…1920s -1930s-1940s-1950s-1960s-1970 to 1976...his too early death brought about by criminally insane greedy Imperial scum who employed monsters to destroy his life, his children, his strong tall body…he keeps his pure intellect his humanism to the end/ & leaves written work for LIBRARIES UPON THE STARS …

1968 - we hath come without sense of direction to the immortal garden The Pillar House of the drawings with stories for children by L. Leslie Brooke- (…thank you Derek Southall ARTIST & family for all your civilized kindness & information…& those about us who were aware of greed & a powerful madness smothering young hope so often…The purple CROSS/gamma /gammadion (another name for swastika) Minimalism & you age 20 years wandering about East Berlin 1960 with Albert Speer architectural designs & your wonder seeing The Pergamum altar is remembered. The CROSS/gamma doth rise at top of stairs in GAUL as in The Pillar House HARWELL …ANDRE examining it at the renaissance party 19 March 1972 wanted it in an ALCOVE & lit carefully …

1957 autumn-winter - Scarlet Town comments on two tall figures holding hands after dark … They are seen in windows-glass cases Museums-London bus windows-& waiting for buses Oxford Street…`an immaculate conception`…Rooms down Whitehall with numbers are dangerous to them - you can cash cheques in her name-not too much-to save the British Government funds…Oh Kit may have died because of this…look out - most who know take off to New Zealand…!…”

We are ANDRE MALRAUX & Greetha-Greta whom they joke kindly about… “ he Gov-Andre used to push her in her pram-a holiday he & Jo took ”

1957 - MALRAUX can easily recall the talk & the sight of we three Summer 1937...we breathed happiness ! He MALRAUX & GRETA RANSOM the heir discovered by he & de Gaulle for certainty March 1962 … when the 3 Ransom brothers alive & well with USA help finally got the stolen Despatches to them - 3 Wills operate the vast Estate !

Gross Britain & IMPERIALS cannot broker a penny !

We ANDRE-George & Greta winter 1957-58 as we see in windows mirrors our heads together are at peace some brief minutes or hours… in Regent Street Oxford Street Store windows- in the Victoria & Albert Museum ancient mirrors- in the Geological Museum glass display cases- in the SCIENCE Museum- & I see him from a few feet away my Archangel & we are in UR- then Lower Egypt…then a few words with the Babylon humanist governor- A meeting 5 pm by the great bed of Ware/it would be nice to make one from ancient drift woods… I sit with book National Gallery renaissance paintings & he enter`th by a high door & lingers in the shadows…we are enjoying the lost 10 years…but all is weird & FRAGILE about us…MONSTERS BECOME VAMPIRES on HIGH DOPES are beasts of PREY about us…as the world GR was born into.

1957 December - A freezing winter morning on my own in the TATE just opened/icy cold but very few people in the galleries so this is nice/we all wear duffle coats/ … I gathered strength from a painting … after a few days of WEIRD HAPPENINGS in St Edmunds House 50 Lancaster Gate Square…

I found a painting on loan ` Albers - `a Green Door `…

GEORGES-ANDRE & GREETAH X - It is beyond love-there is no word for he & me the we…but probably those who hath travelled such paths of death with violence & iced blood & rivers of blood & gore about your ankles feel the same…SOUL becomes one even if there is no certain future…he is to have a job in GAUL & all is set for us to go fair sailing quietly-but this I know not at allFOUL DOPED GREED has us followed everywhere…

He ANDRE com`th like Mausolus got off his high monument- or the Colossus of Rhodes…or those 2 great Budda figures that Vincent Andre`s youngest son 14 years old photographed summer 1957 in Aph-ganistan- (blown up by dope-fiends - Tiggy would be ashamed at the LOSS OF INTELLECT out there…to have lost its humanism & knowledge of the Universe- They used to call TIG in for chats-Tiggy speaks 110 languages when he is 45 years old-

ANDRE MALRAUX comes to find me…where I am gathering knowledge in that London 1950s…It is winter & mid-day dinner times com`th he… MALRAUX Giant of INTELLECT com`th to see that I am safe IN THE ANCIENT PLACES OF THE WORLD - In the Park he may be escorting me to Albertopolis (a good guy). George-ANDRE does not like the Physical Energy sculpture of old Watts-or Richard I in bronze at Westminster where we meet at dark after 6 pm- but he `reconsiders old Watts` finding me in the National Gallery saying phrases of long ago…1937.. as we look at the girl AT THE TOP OF THE GLOBE - I have no memories of Violet Artist who knew old WATTS…or my grandparents RANSOM…

…but in all this wondrous gold light glory of his attention I doth feel as the Beggar girl with King Carpetua `

1957 October - COM`TH that piece of MONUMENTAL RACISM from Angela calling me Ape-Eskimo since I born

I know she is there with Malraux- Greetah does not have to straighten her hair anymore ”

RANSOM records stolen from us 1920s onwards -

were removed from the `Bloody Liar dusty Mansion France` 1960 by Andre Malraux Cultural Minister of FRANCE-he is GUARDIAN to them- But with careful planning & plotting the Gross Britain old Naval Intelligence bloody mud puddles Department of dope-fiends…stole them back from D`Orsay Museum PARIS- They were taken to a 1920s doss house in Gross Britain by the Fraudsters of the Genocide of Grote Homes Children who still have them or have burned them-perhaps finger them spitefully-purple plum up snout-

( The place where JIM & LINDSAYbuggarhs crept in…it was known to International Secret Services as `The Bloody Liar Dusty Mansion France` a place JIM & Earls of Lindsay kept their SWAG for decades… records/Reports/)

It is now a French Museum where Margaret Gronlander’s dolls have been soaked in acids to remove every speck of Greenland dust from them - She & POUL used them for acting out Shakespeare Plays up & down West Greenland in wintertime 18th century- Margaret’s father brought them from France for her wedding Frederickstown - They became Miss Gertrud Poulsen`s dolls given to her by Jacop Poulsen her father, his mother is Margaret Mrs Poul Gronlander… & always kept safely by Margarethe Ransom Grote her daughter because they are Greenland history - Greta Ransom saw DIRTY JIM futureCur James Mr Pong steal them 15 May 1938 from the cupboard under the window at the O’Neill farm Ayrshire-they are friends of Fred Ransom & family 19th century- their 7/8 years old son who loves PIGGIES is going to be killed in this GENOCIDE Grote Ransom/Southend 1950s Pig farming /then Australia …MORT ! Mrs Grote left “7-8 years old O`Neill loves piggies” a legacy at age 18 years … in memory her parents Fred & Gertrud Ransom …Gertrud the GRONLANDER`S Grand-daughter …

Nota bene : History of the Gronlander DOLLS - taken into Custody by legal Custodian of them ANDRE MALRAUX Cultural Minister France- then stolen again- careful planning Gross Brit Noble thugs breaking in D`Orsay Museum Paris-FRANCE…/records/several/

`The Ransom incredible ancestry

is of good souls sailing down the centuries marrying so many Brides of different races & nations & it is recorded from 92 AD Dunwich - Dr John RAY ® & USA scholars traced RANSOM to Jutland 2nd century BC- then to 4th-5th centuries BC an area where we come from…( research to 1969 - he was murdered Montrose Scotland ) `

“ A REMARKABLE LINE OF TIME- ALL SAILING DOWN TO THE PRESENT DAY-all humanists you‘d say-musical-tolerant-kindly-SEA TRADERS all the time…The True Tales RANSOM ancestry are wonderful accounts & written from original documents “ JR® & friends/

Greetha/Greta Ransom collects especially the Grand-mothers RANSOM…wedding dresses-cooking-children-households…I love Aurora 7th century Castile, Hebithyiaea Palestine 11th-12th centuries Margaret 18th century, Red Indian Harriet an orphan but she spoke Dutch 17th century… the lovely Lady of Japan 15th century…& the girl of Siberia & her daughter-in-law China girl of the Mystic condition on the RANSOM line. Lennie admires THE MANIAC OF MAINZ Kingdom of OTTO/she is restored on their wall for 2,000 AD /with her axe ?/ with Jacque RANSOM - he with gold-red wavy hair-they had their names 1900s photos ! She is Granny backwards No 29- Unless I have our records restored I cannot be sure of the numbering…but she is a STRAIGHT LINE TO RANSOM ! (Mrs Jack Ransom-12 kids ! )

1937 SUMMER Rain day - with Josette Clacton-on-Sea…

& I tell ANDRE & JO summer 1937 of our histories if an honest remark is required to something we are discussing - ANDRE-Saint George he thinks I dream- I have been told to remember that they have COME FROM SPAIN & need a good rest-time to themselves to talk- But Josette is happy for me to take him out & give her time to write-

She knows when he is impatient I will say to him `YOU ARE LOSING YOUR GRACE - that you were born with, a gift from your Guardian Angel ` He may say SAY it again-if you DARE`- putting me on a high place or he may nod in agreement & even ask something of meeh…

But JOSETTE one afternoon a wet day had me GR build for her

THE ISLAND IN THE SNOW in Unity’s grandpa’s bricks from his childhood. Josette was making notes… she writes headlines sub-head lines across the page- she thought she might do a story…he Saint George Andre is` round the town ` talking his head off but listening also- he doth get some learning from all the people he now knows & calls friends. We girls do not keep him tied to our apron strings. I thought I might make some more fairy cakes but JO says Andre will be calling at the Co-op & he likes to choose cakes & bring them back for a surprise to us…he may have been taught this when he was a big child-

So I began to build & speak on the Island that is really our home in Greenland - THE ETERNAL STAIRCASE to the harbour - where every child born on the Island has its name CARVED…

Josette can do marvellous paper work & from newspapers too - she makes hats & things anything you want our of papers -she made a ship & smaller ships that come to the PLAY Season Jacopsholmen in the SNOW as I spoke to her…

I tell her the first Season was to be for 6 weeks but it lasted Seven months & they had to make a Theatre outside as well for the Northern Lights…that is Fred & the Greenlanders - he is my grandpa’s grandpa-they heated the seats-they invent everything up there if it is needed- I think he did it like the Romans did- but we do have two little oil wells in Kentucky… we saved the lives of two tiny Oil worker boys & some more & brought them up for a good education -

“ The 5 Romney boys were very pleased with themselves after 2 years schooling -they were such a trial until Fred sailed them down to New York showed them good houses kind people- then he threw them out on the harbour wall & said `now you can see what it is like when you do not have our education` … Next day they said they would learn everything in the school - BUT it was finding Tomato ketchup that won their hearts- so barrels & barrels of it had to come up all the time to The Holm- they’d have ham & eggs at weekends- in the restaurant in the sky- Well- they are Fred`s experimental buildings for the first Colleges of the University of POUL…”

GR to Josette Summer 1937… (“ Ask Alan Villiers/Cousteau/ Science Museum South Kensington-records stolen 1950s & 1967 for Noble Scum- & loss of lives goes on by the DOPE INSANE …)

Records Dr John Ray & his RANSOM brothers/Politan etc. 1960 on-

… “ Oh the Romney boys 1850- Fred got permission from Queen Victoria to have 5 of them at first-he took them off in the `Mary Rose ` from the Thames one became a Norwegian man of letters… my name is also from his grand-daughter…Daddy met her in Berlin 1929 but she was pushed under a tram-he has a tiny tattoo Greta & her telephone number on his arm Berlin but now it makes him sad big tears come in his eyes - it is nasty people who want our heimat in the SNOWS… one Romney boy is a Senator in USA- & then another said `I think I will be one too` but one went to Spain to grow grapes & everybody could sail in… They send Aunt Margarethe Christmas cards - well they are not all alive but they have children & grandchildren & great grandchildren like me…”

19th century GREENLAND/ Jacopsholmen Island

Margaretha said to Greetha 1937... “oh the learning in our school on the Island it was too much - it was too much for a girl - but my father had to keep us quiet in winter- really it was because we thought we were having GREENLAND Independence…we had to prove we could run our nation…».