Greta Ransom

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1937 dawns & dusks To-morrow may dawn to Trumpets of the SUN -as at Tel`Amarna or Babylon where our little man learned to write or Stonehenge where harebells of intense blue can be found in the grasses

The INCA- Our Weddell ancestors INCA & Tierra del Fuego came calling ANY OLD JOBS YOU WANT DONE ON THE STARS ? Their placard quickly set up at Old Sarum mound where a nice picnic gets going-a craft & agricultural Fair-

Astronomy & Mathematic-assistance-/Travel bureau

& weve a nice line this decade in home-made bread-we use our maize pounded up with botanical seeds-old Sumerian touch that& from our TINKERS PURSE see here- try these spoons in the orchestra-gold makes interesting sound-harmonizes with the wood & the wind section-try this new pipe- We can SHIP YOU SOME OVER for the spring-see the STARS for the date of arrival- Payment ? we had this idea- when you are not too busy- how about throwing us one of these Stone Henges up ? -we like the blue stones- We could have a dance-Rite of Spring-when old Stravinsky gets himself born-we try not sacrifice our women-but if they wants to think we are savagesperhaps it helps em pay for their fast cars & screw-ball life

Bad times are a comin` in- Paddle over anytime-we can meet you New York-got 19 acres coming to us on a marriage line-Always some calculations to occupy your time-clearer skies with us than you got up here- We find faster route is up to Greenland-some visits-parties around the coast- then straight down-we came that way this time We carved for you all the way along the route `SAN JULIAN CLAN THIS WAY`Daddy FJRF & Lennie can tell our histories in a dry manner-& Uncle Mainwarring RN too

1937 SUMMER HOLIDAY- ANDRE & JOSETTE MALRAUX & Greetha Ransom Clacton-on-Sea rainy evening-

This raining night warm to our faces hands & legs- we may if pleases us walk the promenade towards the end in the DARK NIGHT passing happy holiday makers smoking fags wearing raincoats umbrellas unfurled like dark pansy flowers-all enjoying the THE SOUNDS OF THE SEA- Everybody cheerful for their holiday. Solid glass covered areas have seats out of the rain-older folk sit & stroll a bit - There are places open to eat a bite-take a summer drink in a tall glass or a last nightcap in a Pub or café- fish & chips in newspaper to eat out of the rain-

WE THREE can walk as far as the Holland beach now called JO`s beach to see if Unitys mother has her car outside the Home visiting her Father-or we take another direction if we feel like the extra stroll-We could catch a lift home if we find she is still there- but we may not want to-it is our lazy night- To be sure we will get to bed before midnight this evening ! No STARS to watch- Cassiopia is hid & Andre who wishes to be the North Pole star & me the plough are not to be seen -

the families gave me this STAR SIGN early on-because of my energy as Aunt Margarethes father Fred Ransom of Jacopsholmen our Island in the Snow- My father `young Fred R. son of F.C. R. ` tells people who ask of Greethas energy- `1935- when we took her to The Holm she was wandering about- saw his ghost busy about his Island- she said her name was RANSOM & he jumped in-goes on with his work…”

19th century- Fred RANSOM (they are Fred & John since they sailed for Queen Margarethe of Denmark 13th century) of Montrose -a dozen other Estates & Jacopshomen Island- the family tall ship is Mary Rose- Greetahs grandpa twice back- he cast the first bell in Greenland & photos 1850s showed it towering above him-beside his church built for POUL & Jacop his son father of Fred Ransom`s wife Gertruid Poulsen- Fred Ransom also began the University buildings to Gertruids grandpa 6`5 inches Poul Gronlander but the Noble British & Danes stopped him for they do not want educated GREENLANDERS- & in 1883 Earl LINDSAYbuggarh claimed it as the Property of his family because of the marriage of Millie Frobisher to JOHN RANSOM-The Earl sent 3 British R.N. big ships with guns to order Millie JOHN & highly educated friends OFF 1884-John Ransom murdered by him 1890-Millie 1897-1st World War saved her sons life FCR & he married - Fred Ransom FCRs grandfather turned the two experimental University buildings into the Restaurant in the skies-ham & eggs-tomato sauce only- Open Sundays- to stop young Greenlanders courting in darkness in the unfinished buildings-

Noble Britains High Class Sin penniless Vagrants paying interest upon interest the gambling debts of Lords & Crown always they sneeringly call us ESKIMOS & APES because of the great INCA Yaham. Josef San Julian F. San Miguel Acting Governor -Tierra del Fuego the father of Miss Aelovedmah Maria San Julian who married JAMES WEDDELL THE SEA-& we are the line of James his eldest son born 1825 m Minerva Olivea Hesketh songwriter-their daughter Jean marries Fred. Charles Ransom 1909-eldest son F.J.R./ Ivy J.R./John R.R./L.I.R b 1921- into the 21th century-

1937 SUMMER HOLIDAY -Andre Malraux-Josette-Greta Ransom

Concerning the above family histories- I may tell Jo & Andre things but will be selective & not say ugly things-but I hath to warn them that these MONSTERS FROM THE DEEP may appear at their crouching Jurassic dog the GRAND-but I will not say what the townsfolk call them ` piles of dogs dirt along our Seafront`

Monsters- Figures from a Morgue- may make a lightening visit to rob highways & bye ways & townsfolk-if they finish with misbehaving in London & up & down Europe-I doth not know yet of Spain horrors

However Unitys mother our hostess has been quite careful in laying down the LAW here to the young people Andre & Miss Jo Elliot- they heed me when I say we take the lower promenades here

1937 SUMMER Over the five weeks as our days dawned some were carefully planned- there were trips with picnics visits & teas-explorations & buying some wine for the evening meals at home from Colchester-other days unplanned were very agreeable to us all for we might lazily choose what to do-an unexpected holiday indeed for us all-& it gave our hostess more time with her dying father-already faces are a little solemn-

I will never in my entire life have this length of HAPPY TIME again free of the violence/horror/threats/fear/from a Class that made itself criminally insane on opium-all dopes liquors & living the big time in debt- believing themselves divine- Controlling newspapers Institutions Armed forces-& if finding there any resistance destroying characters-careers- killing !

GREED & MADNESS OF THE DOPE-FIENDS OF HIGH CLASS SIN GROSS BRITAIN- who use the State kudos to carry out their crimes-especially the Royal Mail Service & the Telephone Service- Destroying RANSOM & all branches before & after they have slain all the GROTE HOMES children Nations A to Z the globe- Top of the Pyramid vagrants-insolvents of G.B. greedily eyeing our lands-investments-pulling them towards them where they can with fraud-theft-violence- the 20th century- G.R.

1937 August - JO goes to London Town again to see a friend & go to the John Constable Exhibition at the Royal Academy Andre will see it elsewhere & she has to take luncheon with a friends friend old Quiller Couch- it may be to do with a book by 2 French authors on English Literature/ people who know people perhaps or have studied with them-

Quiller-Couch was the very young friend of JOHN RANSOM educationalist & Millie Frobisher- He helped Mill sell her wedding painting to the National Gallery when she was further robbed by Earl Lindsaybuggarh & their victim after they had murdered John RANSOM her husband in the playground of Hithergreen School at night 1890- (He put some Medieval pots in the London Museum at this time-I got the Barbican Museum to look up the record/I had seen the collection from Cheapside 1957 with information at the South Kensington Museum-) Millies painting is a modern piece 1880s-it reminded her of her future husbands SEA ANCESTRY & she looked forward to sons- Her second son was drowned by order of Lindsaybuggarhs at 3 months old- The painting was sold to a leading London Gallery with Quiller-Couch handling the matter- Lindsaybuggarh Earls rushed to change documentation 1920s

1897 MILLIE FROBISHER direct line 16th cent Sir Martin Frobisher Arctic Navigator was murdered age 32 years 1897 by two 2nd- cousins LINDSAY-they & EARL Lindsay began by destroying her reputation with their foul black tongues reaching to their boots- She REFUSED to marry one of them (a family line from her mother who knew they were criminally insane) They stabbed Millie in the eye with a steel pen to get her Frobisher Lands Florida & she was half blind from this- She owned these Orange Groves Florida with her only brother in Canada -These monstrous Lindsay figures from a Morgue delivered her little body into my future Grandpa Ransoms arms at the door of their little home `Jerusalem` by the tiny sloping Park Deptford-he was 14 years of age- She an athlete with a little school of Ancient Arts & an Exhibition ice skater -Winston Churchill describes her Skating performance-January 1960 to Philip Silverlee who related it from his notes after the visit- Records/accounts/

Millie Mrs JOHN RANSOM widow-husband murdered 1890 by Lindsay mob after stealing his Capital & passport & CLAIMING JACOPSHOLMEN ISLAND off Xristenshab- She has signed away the last of her possessions her Florida Lands shared with her brother in Canada because the LINDSAYS COUSINS were threatening to drag her 14 years old son Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM by his feet behind a carriage- Later Newspapers USA told how the two Lindsay cousins shot one another dead in the Orange Groves-ruined by them- The Earl came over in big R.N. ship- He received 17/- shillings- The lands would take 30 years to recover- liquor bottles were everywhere-a half coloured wife & child of 2 years lay shot dead too-possibly a babe few weeks old taken away-perhaps to safety-

1937 SUMMERhow much detail I would hath told Andre & JO of the tragedy of John & Millie Ransom is with some doubt- or I might have been firm that WE GO & SEE JERUSALEM the sweet house of my Ransom grandparents-where MILL SITS ON THE STAIRS WITH HER SKATING BOOTS-she never looked more than 17 years of age- BUT I DID NOT KNOW OF QUILLER COUCH AT THAT TIME-or it had slipped my mind-

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