Greta Ransom

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His father a medical man/mother `a member of the British Court` : Knows the DOPE growing Nobles of Scotland - Divinorum Salvia Scotland - pellets fire blown are worn in snout - create determination and greed = in 2 seconds hit the brain = big profit supplying British Empire overseas :

born 1912 - HARRINGTON has some schooling Scotland & Norway : GP license obtained 1947 Hong Kong JULY 1947 appoints himself `PHYSICIAN to ANDRE MALRAUX b 1901 ... for the divorced wife CLARA nee Goldsmidt b 1895 : `Mengele` is a friend of Royalty Scandinavia and titled persons Scotland :

He has a prison sentence 1936 Austria for sexual attacks 2 months on a baby of about 6-7 months - he was giving the babe morphine : transferred to a Psychiatric CLINIC Britain he is released in 2 years : he has relapses and is placed in various NUT HOUSES … until he assumes role 1953 of great Physician and sometimes has a sign on his infamous slinky blue car `member of Royal Household` :

DISMISSED 1982 by BMA (British Medical Association) he continues to use persons of British NAVAL Intelligence, and British Government Administration until his death February 1992 :


GENOCIDE 1938-1950s -

& the PROGRESS by cunning destruction of the GROTE HOMES & RANSOM `JOYOUS VENTURE` Estate worldwide in 3 Parts : thus removing a worldwide GENOCIDE of children & staff :

1930s : MOONLIGHT agreement with Great Britain Lords & Crowns & tribal connexions of Scandinavia to lay waste the Estate :

1938 try remember these are

people who have spent all their lives in close

contact with crooks

( above advice young Fred John RANSOM & Uncle Mainwarring RN, Clacton-on-Sea Essex - late 1930s )

criminally insane British-Scandinavian IMPERIAL snarling comes at our modest families because of the miracle Estate worldwide with its high quality philanthropy = FIGURES from A MORGUE brag they want to break it up - share it out to make Imperial Britain and Imperial Scandinavia rich they mouth threats at us - we are invited to places of enlightenment - they come without invitation : A remark they have is `that God has not yet given permission for Eskimos & Apes to make WILLS` :

1930s - GROTE HOMES TEACHING : The heirs Greta Ransom born 1933 March and uncle Len Immanuel Ransom born 1921, are having lessons, as all the worldwide GROTE CHILDREN have, upon the making of our RANSOM MIRACLE ESTATE and the help received by TIGGY who created their HOMES .

`Every nook and cranny, the very small, the tiny pieces that form this Estate and the roles, assistance, of whom gave advice whether big or small So they learn of every nook and cranny that contributes to the enlarging in the 18th-19th-early 20th They explore, by visits about the world, how all nations agree with the Estate, regarded as a delicate flower garden, passing into their lands, along their seashores : and how we are all in touch and see that it is agreeable to everyone : The Grote Homes begun 1864 educate orphans to 18/22/25 years of age - some have a mother or a father, grandparents, and some have no parents at all

1850s - 1900s - the GREAT ARISTOCRATIC BOOTS of the often coin less luxury living MORGUE FIGURES of GROSS BRITAIN and SCANDINAVIA are trying to stamp upon the world and have it remain THE BRITISH EMPIRE and all other nations outside are to do as the IMPERIAL SYSTEM tells it to The great Nonconformist & Quaker families that made the technology advances by their common sense and humanism, non-racism, that made Britain rich , have been undermined - their enterprises corrupted for quick money for a top Class - their Philanthropy cunningly mocked

1937-1939 : Young Frederick John RANSOM tells his daughter Greta and his youngest brother Lennie THE TEACHING to the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN We will take Georges Clemenceau of France for our lesson to-morrow morning We felt it better to show you every nook and cranny, however small that contributes to the enlarging in the 19th-20th century of our Estate YOU WILL MEET KIND PEOPLE who wish to help all other peoples you have met many abroad, and enjoyed

the hospitality of the GROTE HOMES children and staff

1979-1981 : Especial references : 1967 November/December - 1968-1969 - 1970 January - 1981/82

Mengele had 2 signed copies of the legal

WILL by 1967/1968

NB : It is natural that the Research worker will come upon evidence to be noted, considered, as they proceed with their investigation :

1967 November - ` MURDERS are PLOTTED of the 3 RANSOM brothers & daughter & niece Greta Ransom, all heirs --- & ANDRE MALRAUX Estate GUARDIAN, and all who have known since Christmas 1959 of the legal GUARDIANSHIP of MALRAUX French citizen - kept from him since 1938/39 and after the 2nd World War by The Imperial & Commonwealt h BRITISH GOVERNMENT for Aristocrats and Crowns - the Realm authorized and organised theft-persecution-blackmail and murders so it might be rich and rule the globe :

1969 March & early SUMMER 1969 : BARBARIC SLAYINGS of F.J. RANSOM killed by his attackers March 1969/his brother Dr John RAY Ransom USA CITIZEN killed with petrol poured down his throat at former RANSOM Farmhouse of 1500 near Montrose Basin - at first `missing` early Summer 1969 - 1970s - hunting, persecution, of remaining brother, Ransom heir, Dr Len Immanuel Ransom - tricked after theft of his Passport, personal Papers, possessions, left only sparse clothing, back broken and dragged in the seas off Scotland - died in a few hours A tug boat skipper had debts and was promised 400 pounds by paedophile HARRINGTON known to call himself ESTERHAZY too in Scotland - saved by crew - they listened - knew he spoke truth - he died recovering from their shock they reported the Skipper - he was found in Seas dead : 1982-1987 the truth comes out :

MEMORANDUM : Mr Doctor `MENGELE` HARRINGTON carries out all 3 slayings - injects FJR after having him beaten up in an ambulance he and JIM JONG Cur JAMES run `for Noble persons` : Lures Dr RAY to the RANSOM 1500 farmhouse Montrose Basin, called CROWN LANDS since 1941 - a present from Major JIM JONG says WHITEHALL : then appears and shoots with gun at the petrol filled head and stomach of JRR :

1968 onwards : HARRINGTON b 1912, a hideous sentenced prisoner 1936 and lunatic Psychiatric clinic commitments into 1951, known as Royal Satrap, but better known as the very rich paedophile who savages babies and very tiny children overseas holds Court at BLEWBURY VILLAGE Oxfordshire from Summer 1968 & uses foul mouth at ANDRE MALRAUX & Greta Ransom W. from that summer :

After organising with JIM JONG and LINDSAY-Lindsey EARLS the killings and early deaths of RANSOM families and branches, advisors and friends, he now accuses LIR born 1921 of being a paedophile :

1982 dismissed by BMA : pressure from nameless Medical world 1982 - small newspaper article from BMA says he may not work in G.B. National Heath Hospitals - the Public can rest assured : although they cannot stop him taking Private Consulting Work : A MANIAC KILLER was left free He continued to dine about the countryside with his former noble criminals He is not PUT DOWN until February 1992 REPORTS entered Oxford circles 1992/early 1993

1982 : he has 1982 earlier that year married a very rich naive widow woman in her mid-40s, she has a 12 years old son : He now applies for his PEERSHIP promised him by the British Aristocrats and relatives for his criminal work since 1938 - did not get it - his glitzy publicity Divorce went wrong 1981 = he was exposed somewhat by the foreign Press :

1978/1980 : conversations with Mrs Nurse `Mengele` Harrington - she born c 1930 - she has been told by him that he is divorcing her :

he `Mengele` had 2 signed copies of the legal WILL to the worldwide GROTE RANSOM ESTATE one in 1953 the second he may have taken from Mr F.J. Ransom 1967-1968 when he obtained ACCESS to his modest London accommodation

MEMO : ABOVE STATEMENT is by Mrs Nurse Harrington to a sympathetic observer : She is in shock at being cast off suddenly by Harrington - 1976 after the too early death of ANDRE MALRAUX he had acknowledged to a very rich naïve widow of 39/ 40 that they could be a team : This cold blooded KILLER reasoned that if he had such a rich fairly well connected wife he would be given the PEERSHIP promised him for his filthy barbaric killer work for his employers the British and Scandinavian Aristocrats So he soon booted the 20 years younger wife of 1953 out - ended the Lease on their classy very expensive Mayfair 2-rooms kitchen & bathroom hole-in-the-wall : She had no home a good solicitor took up the matter for her : )

MEMORANDUM : Mengele HARRINGTON is a sentenced paedophile Austria 1936 for 2 months or more of full sexual attacks on a baby of a few months - he was using morphine on the baby : in 1947 age 35/36 he took a medical course Hong Kong & obtained a GP certificate - 1954 he was banned from operating on patients by 3 London hospitals - killing a patient & 3 operations looked as if `a screwdriver taken to patient - had to be done again …” He is seen to be a companion of Phil the Greek Mountbatten and various bad blood Aristocrats & JIM Jong the PIMP 1953 the steward-barman at WHITES Club St James`


1930s - `Mengele` Harrington b 1912, is a pre-war acquaintance of ANGELA (born 1900)

( Angela is to be known on ceremonial occasions as Duchess Elizabeth and then as a Queen the wife of George VI May 1937 - after the booting out of her brother-in-law ) From 1920 ANGELA has Continental chums, especially in PARIS -

In 1938 HARRINGTON is introduced to Clara Malraux and her brother Maurice by JIMMIE JONG (whose Chinese mother and aunt have a pleasant Apartment in Paris from 1920, possibly much earlier ) HARRINGTON, prison & NUT HOUSES now to be forgotten, is given a salary for SPYING on ANDRE MALRAUX for the British Government & Crown :

1967 November - marriage of 12 October 1967 by G.R. and PJPW of BMNH, twin to Sir Rowland Whitehead : discovered by EARL LINDSAY-Lindsey, dirty JIM Cur James, Angela and Doc Mengele Harrington, and other criminally insane scum responsible for worldwide GENOCIDE Grote Homes Children and theft of a 3rd of the RANSOM Estate by 1945 during 2nd World War to make themselves RICH ( hence their togs-new diamonds-horses and big gambling and SCARLET LILAC TIME )

1958/59 - ANDRE MALRAUX living half the week at 50 Lancaster Gate Square ( the Catholic Charity run by he and General de Gaulle with Westminster Catholic Diocese ) had to ask French and other Secret Services to get a report on the London persecution and violence against him for 4-5 years - included dirty remarks behind his back at WHITES CLUB, lately to his face and attempts of maiming and murder at he and Miss Greta Ransom

REPORTS : some of these men have dirty lives and a few of their women too He did not read more to me, Greta Ransom, but he went one Sunday January 1954 morning WHITES CLUB St James, a Vice Bar now, jumped up on a chair one Sunday morning and gave them `A SERMON ON THE MOUNT`

it did result in a few giving dirty JIM the sack - but he did not leave Club until May 1970 - pleading and wheedling he had the Club Finances tied up with his City `Empire`

( Full report on this given to Greta Ransom Whitehead, December 1970 in The Ashmolean Museum - Boyd Alexander - et al )


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