Greta Ransom

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1938 - Year the Presentation of young


RANSOM HEIRS - in training : Greta Ransom 5 years old born March 1933 and her co- & sub-heir , her uncle Len Immanuel Ransom, musician - artist - excellent professional FLYER, 17 years old born October 1921 - We HEIRS are in training under guidance of worldwide human beings and exceptionally balanced people called Educationalists ...

We have our GROTE CHILDREN to look after and they are being educated so well that they are going to help us with their worldwide HOMES … We young people have a lot to do FOR THE WORLD … Our RANSOM & WEDDELL families, Brokers-Trustees-Solicitors New York & Argentina & worldwide are part of the education of the young HEIRS … It is an advantage that our close relatives RANSOM - WEDDELL/INCA - GRONLANDER/Poulsen and all branch lines are wholesome kindly and intelligent homesteaders - all of them able to run the Estate of Philanthropy !

BUT - THE DANGEROUS MANIACS rear up on two legs about us from 1900s : We have one family Maniac Teresa - she when age 7 years at a good London riding stables got noticed by older MANIACS - they kept up their Noble appearances by cold cunning murder violence & FRAUD using their kudos to get BIG DOUGH … The Roaring 1920s is really “ROARING ” in aristocrat Britain = they spill over into PARIS. Teresa Elizabeth Gordon has an older friend ANGELA Bowes Lyon and she is attached to JIM Jong PIMP, her travelling companion = they have been joking since 1914 `that an old ESKIMO gave a big Estate to Angela as a child`

JIM PIMP is sent out of China early 1920s by a respectable family for his increasing embezzlement-violence-heavy drug taking-a homicide since his early teens and now out of control on his VISITS - His Chinese grandfather had apprenticed him to the important CHINESE OPERA, a 2 year Course PEKIN it was hoped might have him with adult responsibilities - They had to ask the British family of his father to help … His mother and her sister are schooled in Europe - they are well-off young women - a British marriage was therefore possible …

Other MANIACS who eye RANSOM family with the great GROTE HOMES & Estate, are the most powerful G.B. & Scotland Premier EARLS of LINDSAY Crawford - claiming the entire RANSOM GROTE Estate from 1879 - But become dangerous to us because they are able to insist in secret silence to the Whitehall Centre of G.B. Government and House of Lords British Parliament, that the ESTATE BELONGS TO THEM ! Great Britain, as with Europe, has a money problem for the Upper Classes since the 1870s :

NB : ONE, only one, LINDSAY great-great-great grandmother LINDSAY is related to Greta Ransom, via FROBISHER … & therefore, as is their custom, ALL THE ESTATE, SNEER LINDSAYBUGGARHS, BELONGS TO THEM They also do this in cunning sneaky fraudulent secret silence to many other distant kith and kin ( GR for her RANSOM families … I personally experienced their violence from 1933 ~ … )

Dr John RAY Ransom/LIR/diaries : 1938 SUMMER

Do you recall COCKLE SHELLS thrown at us ?

We had gone to Frinton-on-Sea to tea on the seafront - we had family and some eminent persons with us … but we were not all dressed up in expensive clothes and jewellery Mr JIM Jong & his crazy chum the heir to the Premier EARLS of LINDSAY Crawford No 12 & 13, with some of their boon dope & liquor companions, met us suddenly with pails of stinking ammunition - it was empty unwashed COCKLE SHELLS - they had to have stacked these up for sometime … The attack was cunningly planned …

Your father FREDERICK John RANSOM apologised to our party and with the approval of the Tea House leapt on a table and began a SERMON … He apologised for the TRIBAL WARFARE from the SCOTLAND Clan of LINDSAY Crawford … they were never without a WAR going on -

they were now at War with PERU

& especially at War with the


I N C A … … … he would explain a little more … ”

You said that your father looked like CICERO - you had seen a drawing, a bust, of the Ancient Roman Orator - Can you recall how your father went on …

Your father said the Scientist Guardian Rulers … referred to in history as the Inca EMPEROR and his brother Huasca of PERU they had been slain by the SPANISH in the 16th century The brother HUASCA had a 5 years old son smuggled away on a hay cart … turned into a school-boy by kind Monks … then aided by JESUITS … then the direct descendants came into Portugal for Jesuit education

Because of the undisputable evidence of this HISTORY of PERU … some SCOTLAND TRIBES, known to be MANIACS for many centuries, wished now in the 20th century to continue for FUN ? the slaughter of the INCA peoples of the SPANISH 16th century CONQUEST … It appeared to be without the permission of present day SPAIN ….

… But, the Ransom family, were informed that this WAR was applauded after closing hours down The WHITEHALL centre of British Government … and in great houses and marble halls in Britain and Scandinavia

& very much hard liquor was ON TAP to toast

this new unofficial WAR with PERU

F.J.R - “ … two big TRIBES of PRIMITIVE OUTLOOK - with Fortresses in SCOTLAND … had decided it was LUCRATIVE to wipe out all the DESCENDANTS of Atahualpa & his brother …

= ATAHUALPA & his family of 16th century PERU - Learned Rulers : Scientists, Astrophysics, Horticulture, peaceful Referred to in History Books as the Emperor of the INCA and his brother …

“ … Two Tribes had got out of Scotland - they should never have been allowed to do so - kept behind a WALL the LINDSAY Tribe were warring with another Tribe … both claiming for themselves all the GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE … its lands and investments and moneys around the EARTH … they wished to rob the greatest piece of PHILANTHROPY which linked all nations and brought peace … ”

MEMO : because a Miss Millicent Frobisher at Saint Magnus the Martyr, the Seamans church, Thames River, site of Roman Londinium, married JOHN RANSOM 1883 - she unfortunate to have a Miss Lindsay for a mother …

F..J. R - “ … the ancient British Family of RANSOM & its James WEDDELL Mariner blood line were the legal owners of the Estate - Both these families were discovered by these two SCOTTISH TRIBES to be descended from the 16th century INCA man of Peace and Scientific Learning … ATAHUALPA & his brother HUASCAR … being their descendants from a 5 years old son schooled by Jesuits and from the late 17th century living in PORTUGAL they were families of Peace and civilized learning before the SPANISH CONQUEST of the 16th century … ”

` … The descendants visited PERU 17th-18th-19th-20th centuries and were known to their INCA high intelligence peoples over those centuries … but they did not wish to proclaim themselves KINGS & QUEENS or EMPERORS as in Europe or Britain or Scandinavia they helped with agriculture and education and Welfare in PERU, quietly and intelligently … and helped in all civilized activities where they could do so constructively We and our INCA relatives were not at all interested in the ROLE of `FIGURES from the MORGUE `

` These PRIMITIVE SCOTTISH TRIBES demonstrated their primitive greedy behaviour about the world … and now they had recently acquired excessive KUDOS - they had gone to SPAIN last year and killed a young man of 22 years - boiled him in marmalade in a small factory run by the local people to give themselves employment - The LINDSAY, claiming he and his family Weddell-RANSOM as cousins, they had taken over a Family Estate - The Spanish Court this Summer had them LEAVE - but they continued to cause massive disruption and destruction to private property in SPAIN - they insisted they would return and CLAIM OWNERSHIP they would claim ownership for The British Government and the Crowns … `

` The LINDSAY rarely progressed with civilized behaviour and learning beyond 10 years of age … They were trained for violent robbery on the purple narcotic plant the leading Scottish and North of Enland families grew in sheltered Glens = Divinorum Salvia Scotland = all Noble families had their 10/12 years of age offspring taught by Order of the Head of the TRIBE, how to insert pellets fire-blown up their SNOUTS … & MISRULE THE GLOBE … these are known as `bad blood Scottish families` … `

MEMO : readers : Take holidays in PERU or Frinton-on-Sea and Clacton-on-Sea or along those ancient Essex Suffolk Norfolk lands & seashores … ? and avoid Primitive Scotland … especially lonely pools that horses will not drink from HONOUR 19th-20th century MARTYRS in their grim pits, sea nets full of orphans around the globe … and charnel houses of RANSOM et al family victims … visit places where happiness once reigned … G.R.

MEMO : F.J.R. speech Frinton-on-Sea Tea House 1938 - We & our guests have just been attacked by Premier Earls of Lindsay MANIACS & their MOONLIGHT WORKER a half-breed JIM PIMP - he has been thrown out of China by his respectable family - JIM has had made for the older CHINESE relatives air cushions full of lethal gas …

Young 26 years old Frederick John RANSOM, ex-British Army Germany - trained in Gunnery & Stores, continues with r oughly the following phrases, but in elegant speech …

` (that) … the LINDSAY Tribe are now troubled by a greedy woman and her SCOTTISH Tribe with a bigger FORTRESS (BOWES LYON) claiming all our GROTE RANSOM Estate … ` and doing them one in the eye … her LINDSAY drinking friends … `

… She had now her in-laws of SCANDINAVIA - a pack of LATE VIKING GHOULS sailing their long-ships in to help her TRIBES `

THIS AFTERNOON we are having our TEA PARTY on this pleasant SEA FRONT, Frinton-on-Sea, ancient British lands where we hold a homestead/heimat from our first purchase of land in 92 AD … we are citizens of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire and, I apologise, we are unpleasantly attacked by THREE TRIBES, two of Scotland and two from `VIKING NOROWAY and DANMARK` they live by raiding good families … and other NATIONS …

…. two TRIBES … of SCOTLAND … THEY HAVE NOW A SECRET WAR WITH PERU & especially with the I N C A unfortunately this private WAR has extended into other small nations where the GROTE HOMES & RANSOM `JOYOUS VENTURE` reach … by invitation the civilized peoples of these lands We sometimes find MONEYS missing from our BANKS & are informed by these small Nations that our Cousins LINDSAY have called by … they were staying at the BRITISH EMBASSY or with the BRITISH CONSUL

… We also receive tragic REPORTS from these small NATIONS that the GROTE HOMES young children of promise are being attacked We are told, and you have kindly indicated you understand, from the foul phrases directed to us at our TEA, this afternoon, that these barbarians have a MISSION = it is to MAKE BRITAIN RICH … ”

MEMORANDUM : JRR/LIR ` The FRINTON-on-Sea Tea House proprietors and its guests clapped their applause for your father young 26 years old FREDERICK John RANSOM Mr JIM JONG PIMP … British Worker by MOONLIGHT for 2 CAMPS of Scottish EARLS - Jimmie realised he had made a mistake … he hurried his FORCES away … ”

… it would be accurate to say they, LINDSAY TRIBE & scavenger friends/fiends, now DRANK AWAY the DAYLIGHT at their GRAND on the Clacton seafront … a sinister looking narrow building built of Scots granite … They won a Court battle to erect it in 1910 … The builder said it was a bad design for such heavy stone … `

It is pulled down by ORDER Essex Authorities winter 1945-1946 = it was going to fall down and could have injured citizens passing by on the seafront road towards Holland-on-Sea. I cannot find a photo of it but ANDRE MALRAUX had several that he took on black-white film in 1937 and summer 1945 = he prefers black/white to colour photos, he says, at this time …

Nota bene : Premier EARLS of LINDSAY were anxious to REMOVE all memory and RECORDS of themselves from this part of ESSEX SEASHORES … the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN are slain, and LINDSAY Tribe lead the GENOCIDE in the 2nd World War …

1942-1946 … CASTLE HEDINGHAM - MEMORANDUM : the British artist

Eric Ravilious 1904-1942 lived here 1934-1941 - then moves to Shalford - His painting of Village Street is of Falcon Square in Castle

Hedingham - he dies in the 2nd World War an official War Artist - I recall my father and LIR, with Patrick MacDrew uncle of the Newfoundland SEA HEIRS hurrying over to Castle Hedingham to a meeting in private 1938 = … because THEY - LINDSAY and JIM Jong have been at them ! …

… The year 1938 is called by good people `The Presentation of the two heirs Greetah and Lennie Ransom ` There is the similar matter of persecution as to GROTE-RANSOM Estate in this small community ! Two young people HEIRS, in a 900 years old ESSEX family TRAGEDY : 1942 LINDSAY 14 & Jim JONG carry out the murder of the 9 years old SEA HEIRESS : her father and brother having been killed quickly in the 2nd WORLD WAR 1938 they too live at Castle Hedingham, near Colchester … `UFF-MacDrew family with ancestry of 900 years ESSEX - with well-manicured civilized administration of seashore lands with philanthropy held in Newfoundland/ Canada/ Yugoslavia …

1942 spring … She, age 9, now sole heir to the family properties is in the same school class as Greta RANSOM …

1942 she was found strangled on her way to choir practice curiously her father, her brother, her male relatives, have died in the same year in the 2nd World War … Her mother is taken to hospital and dies bearing a last `UFF MACDREW child - premature - she will die soon A 900 years old SEA family of ESSEX

… they had acquired in honest trade over the centuries LANDS in Newfoundland and Yugoslavia, Canada … all kept beautifully manicured with good wholesome settlers - ESKIMO and persons of mixed ancestry : peoples civilised & educated in HUMANITAS = Peoples the LINDSAY TRIBE and others of SCOTLAND call `Apes & Eskimo ` … `stomp in` - `big-boot in` on their LANDS =

in this particular matter they have called the LANDS `British CROWN lands` LINDSAY PAID THEIR DOUBLE DEATH DUTIES from banked moneys of this Community - in 2 months a dirty belching Factory went up - in 2 years there was no trace of civilisation - all to MAKE BRITISH ARISTOCRATS RICH … tells more … and other works …

1942/1943 … It was understood by many persons working for the British Government & Crowns that LINDSAYBUGGARHS were responsible for this crime : but we live in a nation ruled by ARISTOCRAT BRITAIN - many of them of MENTALITY very cunning - impoverished of human qualities … These creatures saw the name of a real M A N on the legal WILL of Margaret nee Ransom Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE … then they saw the FRENCHMAN ANDRE MALRAUX in person … young MAN of LETTERS …

and did a WAR DANCE of ANGER ever after …

Inter-net = There is one photo on the poverty pictorial record of ESSEX ARCHIVES, but this is a 19th century photograph of the site of the GRAND of 1910 - Attached to the big splendid ROYAL HOTEL, seafront Clacton, east side, towards the East beaches towards Holland-on-Sea, is a vacant narrow plot “ where the ROYAL HOTEL put the carriages, horses, dogs, when the visitors 19th century came to stay … The LINDSAY EARL speculating in Clacton-on-sea and district lands from 1880s bought this piece of now unused ground 1907/8 = cars had been invented so only a few holidaymakers came in carriages - and there was a good RAILWAY from London …

In 1910, Premier EARLS LINDSAY ( THEY who from 1884 CLAIM ALL RANSOM LANDS WORLD WIDE … ) got a `JOB LOT` of Scots granite, and erected a sinister looking place of the heavy dark grey stone … … they may have even LIFTED IT from an Edinburgh historic building … … … they bought for the price of a `PINT POT` the narrow piece of land alongside Clacton seafront ROYAL HOTEL had a FIGHT with the local Courts as the builder said the GRANITE was too heavy for their DESIGN - he explained to CHELMSFORD COURT that it was dangerous - the LINDSAY EARL won his case and the Builder would be SUED if he did not keep to the terms of the Contract …

THEY WON because everybody is frightened of them - they are known to be dangerously insane (ref. Duke of Argyll and others 20th century Scotland ) The building began slipping badly by 1920 and the women of the LINDSAY TRIBE would put Japanese FANS and artificial flowers in the deep crevasses around the doors and corners of the rooms … LINDSAYBUGGARHS insisted to friends/fiends/VICTIMS … that the building was `only settling down` … It was said barrels of whiskey propped up the ceilings …

I, Greta RANSOM, used to liken it to a low crouching dinosaur doggy - CYNO-something … It had only the sign in big letters above the heavy Tudor looking door G R A N D - It was known to be a place where STAFF never stayed overnight … The drinking began at 9 pm, the door locked … Angela and her GANG came down in the 1920s/my mother too Mr JIM got into this LINDSAY PEN at that time … He had known the LINDSAY since he was 11 years of age …

… VIOLET LINDSAY ARTIST talking with my grandmother ( Mary Helena Murphy-Carroll-O`Brien Williams Mrs George Ernest GORDON ) has much to say AUTUMN 1937 That she found JIMMIE when at her tea-able “ a child who worried you - he would speak behind his hand, then dash off with another child … at mischief I felt … ” She was sad for his CHINESE mother … an heiress - They had to put him in a school in WALES to learn ENGLISH … his natural speech was in CHINESE or good FRENCH … ” VIOLET ( widow Lady Rutland ) who would come down to have some peace and draw in wintertime … and to speak with my grandmother Mary Helena … both have Southern IRISH mothers …

1960 NIGHTWATCH - Dr JOHN RAY Ransom “ … you may recall her VIOLET LINDSAY, widow Lady Rutland, in a deepening CRISES in October into November 1937 - she and others know that ANDRE MALRAUX is chosen as GUARDIAN of the Estate She and the Chinese mother of JIM were getting a MAGISTRATE DOCUMENT to lock him up … he was become more and more violent … Your grandmother Mary Gordon had him around her, with Angela, since the 1st World War … Harry says he would drive you all up to have TEA with Violet - from when you, Greetah, were born … Violet no longer lived in the big house with the steps but had a small London house in Chapel Street …`


IN MEMORIUM - VIOLET nee LINDSAY, ARTIST, was poisoned with heroin-plus at a party in December 1937 …

Violet opened a little Exhibition of her paintings in November 1937 = JIMMIE JONG gets all the post/mail/messages for his mother sent to him first via Buckingham Palace = he has a 2 room apartment at the back since 1921 ! JIM LEARNED THAT A DOCUMENT TO LOCK HIM UP IN AN ASYLUM WOULD ARRIVE from THE MAGISTRATE OFFICE … his mother and Violet set about it in October 1937 … they were both worried for the safety of the younger brother … he seems to die in the 1950s ? Doc Mengele HARRINGTON is mentioned in records … Next PHOTOGRAPH shows the ROSE GARDENS that Violet knew and the ROYAL HOTEL where she came for peace in wintertime … she could draw … she liked the sound of the seas Greta Ransom who remembers her tall figure - she did a drawing of me when I was 3-4 years old …
