Greta Ransom

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JACOPSHOLMEN ISLAND WEST GREENLAND…THE PLAY SEASON 19th century- Yachts anchored in the harbour come from Europe N. & S. Americas & Asia… The first Season to run 6 WEEKS lasted 7 SEVEN MONTHS- robes were made in Italy & France…

Ancient Classics/Shakespeare/Moliere/Racine/Schiller/modern plays of serious subjects/Miracle Plays/ FRED RANSOM tried to bring in the Family ship `The Mary Rose` but had to ANCHOR 2 miles out at SEA-  His wife Gertrude had her Greenland cousins to help & the orchestra usually made 2 dozen but grew to 40 then one occasion 60 players two thirds of them Eskimo/Greenlanders…with some famous people come to play instruments & take a turn on the stage…Gertrude Poulsen was greeted as the grand-daughter of the mighty POUL GRONLANDER  polymath/genius/Cathecist/Trader/6 feet 5 inches tall/& he had written his own HAMLET for `The Greenland mind` which liked to chew over a play for 2 weeks & having scenes acted again & againbut they always came to the SAME conclusion as William Shakespeare GERTRUID PUT BACK IN NATURE ALL SHE TOOK  OUT- & was recognised as a remarkable woman…she treasured the island as her husband Fred Ransom did…and both were eager to begin the UNIVERSITY OF POUL…the reason the Island was given to JACOP HIS ELDEST SON… Nasty powerful circles of Scandinavia & Gross Britain were stopping the first College being erected…

We Gertrude’s kin RANSOM are committed to build The UNIVERSITY OF POUL GRONLANDER & Margaret Yates of Carlisle his wife married at Frederickstown 1748/9 with the 2 sons of the great Norwegian Pastor HANS EGEDE & his wife Gertruid as witnesses-they are Poul’s clever young friends…

POUL & Margaret Yates her Father of Carlisle & the EGEDE friends feared the Norwegians the British & the Danes WOULD INTERFERE WITH A LEGAL MARRIAGE IF MADE IN GOTHARB- for POUL is a Greenlander-an orphan -& educated- `He is 6 feet 5 inches tall-devastatingly handsome with dark blue eyes dark hair…fiendishly clever…see drawings descriptions ` Poul is a GRONLANDER-Eskimo-Northern CHINESE & a little FRENCH- After the GREATEST SWIM ON EARTH he answered the Pope in 4 languages  `for which one your Excellence prefer` POUL preach`th  Gospel of JOHN  preferred at that time by the Greenlanders-Eskimo the Ancient Races of GREENLAND…

1937 Summer July- THE PRESENTATION OF HOPE- a meeting of ships-seas-heavens & stars com`th together bearing all HOPE for the globe A to Z- The heir to THE JOYOUS VENTURE laden with a CARGO OF  H O P E  meets The Guardian `He who hath been chosen by October 1937- ANDRE MALRAUX meets GRETA RANSOM of ancient Sea Traders & Fishing ancestors as he…who dwelt some centuries about these very shores where his ancestors did too- they were marrying often `off shore`- raising children who continue a journey of humanism & H O P E about East Anglia the Arctic over the top into Asia back round the Mediterranean then to the Americas -where they sail by humanist ships taking the Gospels Acted Out-

We are to have with happiness every day a whole FIVE WEEKS SUMMER HOLIDAY a real seaside holiday- 1937.…

MALRAUX is happily telling so many people in the 1950s-

`HE IS AGAIN A HAPPY MAN` - he has lost one chosen Catholic wife to death Josette-JO… & here he has returned to him the next he chose 1947...  She will live with him at 50 Lancaster Gate Square St Edmund’s House Roman Catholic hostel Charity-Mission run with General de Gaulle…It is called Andre Malraux’s London home- He know`th not of his full GUARDIANSHIP to the now murdered children of GROTE HOMES & The Joyous Venture round the globe A to Z… FJR LIR JRR & many others trying so much to stop the FRAUD with violent killings & blackmail going on so a disgusting bunch of uneducated sub-sub apes calling themselves NOBLE Britain can drip blood & gore piles of massive money- abuse properties situated in Nations A to Z & DEGRADE the progress the destiny of these nations in the name of Gross Britain Government & Crown… nota bene: a little line inserted at sometime in the FRAUD documents say`th `British Crown Property`…IT IS NOT-it is stolen…by Noble Britain the penniless ON THE PIN ~ The top of the British CLASS are Vagrants-penniless-who until 1937 paid the interest upon the interest of their vast debts… They `own` the PRESS so keep themselves top dogs -


IT IS ABOUT the SCARLET TOWN & the Globe… THAT ANDRE MALRAUX REFUSED THE GUARDIANSHIP BECAUSE HE WAS ORDERED TO BY GENERAL CHARLES DE GAULLE 1946…it is liesboth of them have their POST/mail intercepted by a tremendous cunning skilled dirty mob called `British Naval Intelligence` & others of gaseous groups operating between MI5 & MI6... They are paid well & all are ON THE PIN….

The obscene killers of the Grote children the Noble fraudsters-murderers now of all whom know of GROTE HOMES- are dripping in blood & gore moneys & grabbing when they can at more offshore & still calling the RANSOM Estate `Grote-an old illiterate Eskimo yah know…hee haw-hee haw…we can take so much more…`….

They lie that it was given by an Old Eskimo to Angela when she was a child who also gave her 19 acres under New York that the Earls of Lindsaybuggarhs would get her by big violent FRAUD so long as she would let them have Spain & the Americas for their booty…& some more….`Well yes`  they drawl… they will give Scandinavian Crows a share…but they’d rather give them a carriage explosion…but so long as they prop up the British Upper Class hee haw hee haw…`  Big parties off shore…`

& ALL OF THEM ARE ON THE PIN… NO PAPERS HAVE TO BE DECLARED- shown until the forgers have got at a signature on a serviette for some extra seats at a Charity Doo now waved as proof of giving away 19 acres RANSOM under New York-  Angela is Divine-& all the Roaring 20s maniacs high on Divinorum Salvia Scotland- & absinthe whiskey cocktails laced with benezedrine crash through this Catholic door WHEN MALRAUX IS AWAY- purpose to destroy- TEAR GUARDIAN & HEIR APART-WHITES CLUB run by JIM Jong Cur James is ON THE PIN…& 3 dopes go in every glass of spirits…JIM who trained 2 years Pekin Opera…

AT 15 years of age they take their dope in the stables & go ON THE PIN…

1937 November

Auntie Esther Gordon 19 years when I Greetah am born says to her sister ` WHY…why Winifred…why is our niece grunting at everything we say to her or that others say…?

We cannot take her out to tea !   People might be offended`

Aunt Winnie replies cheerfully `Oh- she has got it from this Fellah- come from Spain.   She has been with them all the summer.   Harry took them out once or twice…to Dedham other places.   A nice young lady with him…French…been out East too…called ANDRE MALRAUX- written a book MEN likeHarry will tell you about it…   `

1937/1938 & I  WAS NOT TAKEN OUT TO TEA WITH ESTHER & YOUNG FASHIONABLE FRIENDS & older ones. Esther is just married in October 1937  (Mrs Frederick Neville Potter St Bridget’s Catholic Church Marylebone) to Uncle Potter who is 6 feet 4 & a half inches tall…his father is the Town Newspaper-The Printers- & he is the LIFEBOAT Secretary who used to go OUT with them when the Fog Horn sounded… We have along the coast the Goodwins Sands & the other way is the wild Oceanus Germanicus- THE NORTH SEA…where the wind doth blow in the cold iced Winters…& the coastline crumbles & beneath the waves are the Churches & the villages the cemeteries the lives…of long ago…

1937 Summer - Saint George ANDRE has learned some of my Quaker phrases & JOJoh&Jo… has learned to say  ` we will go shopping…Round-the-Town…for Foul Winter doth come`

This is spoken with careful deliberation when she does not want to make craftwork one rainy afternoon & we have waved him out into Clacton-on-sea with an umbrella to learn from his new friends & acquaintances & we know he loves to prowl his tall delicate form about exploring HOPE & humankind-   So we girls, young women, of the globe took umbrellas & went forth, explore wee…

I hath in mind certain fishy-pastes & can give Granny Gordon one or two tiny jars for her store cupboard & one for us at the old little house on the Old Road to be put away for winter toast teas round the fire on foul darkening afternoons when the Fog Horn doth moan Oh so lonely that Fog Horn I see as an old bearded thin man who doth MOAN out at sea with cruel cold waves mounting as dark night fall`th…

FOUL WINTER DOTH COME when you live in East Anglia- & we shall hear the Wild Wind heaving the grey-green SEAS into cottage & small house size waves-  Then my Father Frederick John RANSOM & I & his friends we sometimes put on mackintoshes & go for an exciting blow- `macs we doth put on-& venture for a blow` Then hurry back thru’ the town late end of afternoon…see women in stout overcoats fitted felt hat scarf a pram with babe two children one from school one sitting on pram holding the handlebar…they may come to buy new shoes always made an exciting purchase by the shop assistants who kindly fuss to see the fit is exactly right with room for growth- Women who still look as in the Lowry paintings…Granny Gordon’s Manchester families know him by sight- They perhaps now look to  some supper things & buy eggs-kippers-other fishes to bake with potatoes mashed to a pie & celery sticks long & white with some yellow curly leaves fresh pulled from the winter earth now washed & in a glass celery vase that everybody has on the table-  perhaps chumpie chops & sausages are bought for the men come from hard work… I love to see the last rush of  shoppers as its nearly coming 6.30 pm & know they go home to a warm fire a wireless & no fear of break-ins by Earls Lindsaybuggarhs & scum - Rough sea may be heard from the seafront…& shop-keepers & staff in aprons or long overalls bid us good night & say   `it may be a FOUL NIGHT-  best hurry home- keep a good fire..make a pot of soup for 9 o‘clock before you turn in…good cup of cocoa for the children last thing…see them through the night…`

Every one crosses themselves for POOR SOULS AT SEAthe Titanic is only a short time ago…we talk of it after Mass on Sundays & the churches commemorate the terrible sinking day….

Several languages are spoke Clacton-on-Sea Essex into Suffolk Norfolk at the SEAS EDGES… German Italian French & even some Welsh-  Summer workers have since late 19th century over the years made a marriage or return to a summer job & lingering into October find a job in London or Norwich stay a winter- some do stay with WAR coming…

1938 - In 1937 we are advised to not speak the Germanic tongue-  Not go in file along the seashores singing Han Eisler marching songs as we gather winkles from places unpolluted…I love a sandwich of Hovis brown bread lots of unsalted butter & the tiny winkles twigged from their silver blue grey shells which I can make things from…this food is good for my frame`…

The shell fish was very good to collect & eat in the 19th century at Clacton-on-sea- Many people came for holidays because of the shell fishes they could collect & have for picnics & take to The Lodgings for tea-  as the Neolithic families did of he who has our name Clacton & his tribe…CLACTONIAN MAN- I tell Josette & ANDRE these things…& it is he GRUNTS…& I learn it…you agree or ponder a matter & you GRUNT- I  try tell Jo & Andre a lot of comforting things-of the heimat the household-  & he says things in French-telling her exactly what I say-  And he tells me when my Quaker gets rather tangled up what I mean… as I speak both for I am supposed to learn English the modern way perhaps for the Nuns of Saint Clares` ?

1937 Summer Jo&Joh understands the SEAS edges its moods & she will be a good wife to Saint George- Andre of France & Gaul - ANDRE MALRAUX a man hereafter to be maimed all his life-long & hereafter into eternity because of THIS SUMMER OF HAPPINESS 1937 IN EAST ANGLIA- Where he found beside the seas in villages small towns countryside- THE GOSPELS ACTED OUTthus THE GUARDIAN WAS APPOINTED…

1937 November-1961... ANDRE MALRAUX the dead Josette & two sons Pierre 1940 Vincent 1944... sadistically hunted as BIG GAME by the Satanic sordid Noble Class of Gross Britannia/Scandinavia-

Government Lords & Crown have Divinorum Salvia Scotland stuffed up their snouts training them for their role in life-

These Gross Britain monsters are drenched  in blood & gore moneys after they have SLAIN on land and at sea a Million GROTE HOMES children-educating to 18 years-with 3-4 languages learned easily by all of them-they are orphans & some few have mothers & they are around the globe in Nations  A to Z- Gross Brit nobles object to orphans/ GROTE HOMES children some from birth to 18 years never lose contact with their HOMES…They have the religion of their Nations- the laws- but THEY HAVE ALL RELIGIONS AS WELL AS ACTING THE GOSPELS OUT…they are humanists…THEY ARE HOPE FOR HUMANKIND- AN IDEA TIGGY GROTE GOT FROM HIS WIFE BEING OF MANY RACES & nearly 30 nations…humanist Sea Traders of 2,000 years AD…(out of Jutland B.C.)…

GROTE HOMES begun 1864- a girdle twice round the earth begun by Tiggy Grote 1864 on his in-laws Family RANSOM lands-   RANSOM families went without SHOES some years to support this kindness & common-sense addition to the JOYOUS VENTURE & thus established the greatest piece of philanthropy the globe had ever had- Tig had JESUS on one shoulder & LUCRETIUS & his 6 books 1st century B.C. de Natura Rerum on the other-

Tiggy-Thomas Immanuel GROTE German American citizen his mother a great niece of Frederick Immanuel KANT was 21 years old when he began to put a girdle across America the Pacific Islands Asia to his friend Boris a Russian nobleman who helped very much… using the Alphabet A to Z…coming round second time he needed another ‘U’- thus Uzbekistan/ 1949 Embassy messages from them- reached Miss Winnie Gordon & Ed du Cann her bastard nephew- `To GREETHA & ANDRE MALRAUXplease come call- did they mind it was now Teacher Training College-they were desperate for teachers & could cope with the orphans--Grote New York were getting the yearly funding through & nobody stopped it & they felt that all nations agreed to this - but they knew Gross Britain did not EVERYBODY the Globe nations independent A to Z WITH A GROTE HOME AGREED IT WAS SOUND COMMON SENSE…the children came out so civilized & gave others a chance in life…

Post/mail stolen from ANDRE MALRAUX assistant to General de GAULLE-  & Greta & Lennie RANSOM & families & branches-by G.B. Gov & Crown-Lindsaybuggarhs-Naval intelligence scum/ALL ON THE PIN… Greta kept without passport her father Army trained `goes to law` & we win…2 Judges die- papers go missing of course-  1944 there are 4 murdered grandparents to Greetah -they knew all these matters of NOBLE GREED -& who could pick up the phone & speak with `young Paccelli `usually in ROME…WAR CAME again…the penniless were increasing the globe…

20th century -The new music of the age we are familiar with is Claude DEBUSSY especially his  LA MER/his Iberia/his 23 Preludes- & perople hastened to play on the Essex shores his The Cathedral Under the Sea - & Footsteps in the Snow-Ben Britten is coming alone with Peter Grimes…SEA SOUNDS can keep the memory fresh…

1944 In 1944 we hath heard at Pathfields School Clacton-on-sea

played on piano by Raymond Salt our Teacher/Royal College of Music SEA music from PETER GRIMES`… Mr Salt says `Ben Britten-he could write something to equal Debussy’s LA MER-but I think he won’t-he is into Opera…`    Mr Salt has taken the music students over to Aldborough to meet the Composer-Raymond is unofficially engaged to Jean Page in the class 13 years old- she is a replica of the painting of Queen Christina of Sweden-she is a musician-they have an aesthetic ethereal outlook & are rather holy people- neat & tidy & have music gatherings & performances-

1945 onwards - ANDRE MALRAUX will come to know them he  WIDOWER of JOSETTE whom so many people about the Town & countryside & can recall Summer 1937 the young lady with the young man out of SPAIN & little Miss North Pole with them smiling & leading them by the hand to Mary Gordon…widowed too early…there are matters happening that never should happen in a CHRISTIAN NATION Summer 1945 Colonel Andre will teach a 10 minute lesson to the PATHFIELDS SCHOOL classes some days of the week that summer & he is also digging for the old gardeners the vegetable allotments where they grow our School Dinners vegetables- more salad & vegetables will be needed for us at school & their families as we are feeding Germany now the 2nd World War is finished- Margarethe Ransom began her first Mission Dusseldorf when she was 15 years of age in 1856...but I hath no memory of all these happy things & the monsters are keen I doth have no memory-especially with ANDRE MALRAUX Guardian to me-

1943/45 After school holidays weekends  I attend to the organising of the HEIMAT/homestead/demesne-

It is no 112  `Pearly/Purleigh` - THE HOUSE ON THE REC-

(Recreation grounds) the end of Vista Road coming in a straight line from the Seafront- we have two gigantic water-barrels & the gold fish pond & they need some maintenance- floors to sweep & range to see to if there is some coal that Mother Ransom is not selling off at 5 shillings a lump to fund her gambling/London life/clothes- She has also some income from the little firms that Len & I have a half share in to learn our care of our peoples & our lands-

She also empties every month the Account given to me for school clothes/books/outings/ from Aunt Augusta Frobisher our ’dear grey girl’  (Ettrick & Napier branch)   Augusta is the niece of my dead at 32 years of age great-grandma Millie Frobisher Mrs JOHN Ransom Margarethe’s brother…   A Lord Wentworth  had 10 daughters & Sir Martin Frobisher Arctic Mariner 16th century married 1 of them-  Grandpa Fred Charles Ransom is Mill & John’s only surviving child & he has about 2,000 cousins…we meet them at aesthetic houses with grounds…

1944/45- autumn-winter I am making a rockery-

to try halt Mad Mother Kali-Clytenestra-Old Mother Ransom in her satanic savage wrath that she comes back with from London Town parties back of the Palace-other places-where they all raged climbing up the walls & over the ceilings when a friend Angela got engaged to a delicate not strong young man who needed a more educated wife…and not one ON THE PIN…LIKE ALL OF THEM the wild throng 1920s…

She also has open invitation to Family Mosley at Xmas-  they all wear something black-not just shirts but other things-  All are old chums before & during the Roaring 20s- learning to ride horses as children-using Divinorum Salvia Scotland pellets up the snout for THAT WINNING FEELING-  its in stables in bowls !

Sunday afternoons from age 11-15 years of age they turned the TEN Commandments upside down- its called  their Sunday Games -

Now they are getting long in the tooth & claw-hiding their evil deeds

but still going on with more mad games for dough-all on dopes…!

The Rockery was appreciated by Sheshe-Mother Ransom-then she went mad & brought out the big piece of coloured marbles mosaic from Halicarnassus when Mill & John Ransom went on their honeymoon 1883/4-  & smashed & smashed it with a sledge hammer saying  `GET OUT OF MY WAY- I get paid for doing this ` This is how her Satanic Noble friends are getting help to destroy all records RANSOM et al

I wept - & my father was told when he arrived back September 1945 that I had done it -   He was going to build a table & set this slab in the centre  !   I could not stop her~she gets the axe the poker & will mark me for life-she goes insane-when she comes back from London she has a bag of ‘sweeties’  It is this purple narcotic-it puts a wild beast in their brains-they want to kill-steal-play their Sunday Games again-

1944- All that summer Old Mother Ransom had been hissing  ‘my friends say HE your bloody Father will not be allowed back to our our NATION & they are having all all that money-I am to have my share-you are a pauper…`

My Father Captain Frederick John Ransom - he had a good record but I expect the Noble satanic sub-apes have added some nasty spiteful bits as they FIX ON THEIR PINS He was to be killed in the Philippines but when he got there January 1940 he was useful as he & all the family speak Japanese from our 1504 marriage…& we own the 2 Islets end of the LUSANS the dowry of the Lady Yuss-shampoo of Okinawa given her 1512 by her grandparents line…

Our bigger islet has a school settlement fishing-some are our kin or kith-we visit every year-they come here to Gross Britain or are met more safely offshore

They were slain by British Noble thugs SUMMER 1939 sailing in by RN ship- WEARING AMERICAN ARMY UNIFORMS-like the ones General Eisenhower & others wear in the Pathe New Reels Wartime Britain at the Cinemas….War with Japan had not begun- but as THE BRITISH EMPIRE Gross Britain & Government & Crown claim all our properties Grote Homes RANSOM-  they believe GOD allows them to do this- kill all foreigners & take their lands & dough-

1937 After the happiness of Summer 1937 I did not stop the grunting learned from ANDRE MALRAUX until after Christmas 1937/38 but I was aware of this problem & tried to halt my speech & think  `I must not grunt` but it was a link with they- Andre Saint George & JO- I spoke in bed to the invisible bluebird that comes from Andre`s Water jar in Spain-  it takes messages between hee and mee

I was more anxious not to grunt at the Nuns at the Our Lady Convent of St Clares `

1937 `1937 CHRISTMAS came` ANDRE MALRAUX will recall to me in December 1957 at St Edmund‘s House 50 Lancaster Gate Square that he hath put away with care the card I chose for him & Jo with a happy red Puffer Train on the front 1937 -  How in the card is written for me `if Jo did not want to marry him then I could marry him at 16 years-earlier we could marry- if we asked Granny Gordon’s young friend at Rome- who I perhaps cannot remember the name of -`young Paccelli ` as we go into 1950s & persecution from Gross Britain because they have got all this dough from their sordid murders of the GROTE children-& now they savage in secret silence of some sort the nations A to Z the globe…causing filthy havoc in Peru-Venezuela-Bolivia-Uruguay & Paraguay & some coasts of Brazil…even Arizona suffered horribly…after they had slain the GROTE CHILDREN…Records/lists/documents about the globe/


ANDRE MALRAUX now becoming a Roman Emperor like figure to the age & to me when he sweeps in from G A U L- to St Edmund’s House 50 Lancaster Gate Square- & I flee saying  ` you can lock him that ANDRE in the cupboard- I will come down to your rooms if you are George `-

He laughs & says ` Little one- I have to frighten people in GAUL  I  have to be seen to be a GREAT MAN- sometimes at a long-long table where they sit either side- someone at the head- IF I am lucky- there may be A MAN ` (He was actually describing a meeting at 9.30am Whitehall ) `the dogs come in slowly snuffle-there may be 2 or 3 dogs when I arrive-they shuffle their papers-peer-snuffle- others arrive-…it gets going…If I am lucky- there may be A MAN…`

There was much more to this description-but I do as Mr Poulter Camulodunum Colonia Victricensis advises - `keep out of modern matters in Britain & Gaul, Child-  keep back in the 18th century-back a bit further or early 19th century-never ask a name-`…..

I did not ever hear a name from my hero Andre-George & I keep him in my Soul in the Ancient Worlds-  `Master Atreus Father of our House- Master Mausolos-  Seti I-`…  & I may have advised him never to give me a name- because of the madness of old Mother Ransom & WHITES vice bar-we both have troubles here- `a bar rat JIM-dirty Jim Cur James-`

I have no memory of 1930s-early 1940s-  It is 1960 before Andre Malraux’s detectives & Colleagues TELL HIM OF THE VIOLENCE OF JIM Jong Mr PONG- Mengele paedophile Doc Harrington & his dames are here to see I do not get a memory

But Colonel Andre he would not break whatever OATH he has taken to GAUL- Pepin or Clovis-3 Muskateers--Count of Monte Christo whoever it is…

He is smiling when he first enters but sometimes his lips are perhaps a touch grim- I tell him I have been talking with them at UR & some words with Artemisia about Mausolus & the monument…The B.M. Caryatid from The Parthenon- & I took a Walk in the Silurian- autumn into winter 1957 1958... ANDRE MALRAUX of GAUL…called George again by me…sat down crash thump on the stairs of 50 Lancaster Gate Square & howled & rocked himself & howled again with laughter looking into my face with those lovely eyes of his with sometimes are hazel & can flash deep grass green tipped with frost early morning…I kept my dignity & said I would go to my room-change my jumper-wash my hands brush my hair…LATER he explained `Mausolus married his sister`…(Number 18 the Prayer book BANNED R.C.) & kept kissing the top of my head his arm about my waist…We went roaming about Bayswater Road to find a shop open selling milk…

1937-notebooks/diaries/memories oral/ 1960 entry into Summer again 1937 Clacton-on-Seait is to be TIME REGAINED- the diaries that are read aloud Colne Engaine 1960 to try give me a memory- ANDRE MALRAUX reading his notebooks &  telling me things that slide away my mind feeling like an egg & I trying to walk on the surface … (Mengele Doctor Harrington has spiked every beverage in the kitchen & the candles I use the nightlights are made with YOU WILL HAVE NO MEMORY by a small Chemist he knows) Dr John Ray reading his grief at not knowing his mother until she murdered by all of these…only knowing her from Letters from JEAN- & Patrick MacDrew with his murdered in 1942 9 years old niece Newfoundland heir who was in my Class …Markham Makepeace taking a Night Watch was very funny on having to pack a gun on his hip from age 10... to keep the paedophile Lindsay Earl 14 & Jimmie Jong from grabbing him in the Royal Hotel when they were drunk- where his Ancient Uncle had a suite- ` Never knowing I do not have a memory of The Soiree to bring a new shawl to Madam de Stael just after Kristalnacht has happened (I am 5 years 8 months- Account November 1938/he takes my part as well as his own when I go to my 9.30pm bedtime-he is 19 years old…)

1960 January -next morning after making my tea then coffee everything went from my memory- It was only fragments they were giving me sketches on the air the seas…& not the memory pictures one normally has for recall-  They had to give me printed papers ~ Malone did try the first week- but everything went missing from the post-box-& I was scared as he spoke…was it a trick he might not know of to lure me to the entrance of the meadow early morning…  The detectives colleagues were short of help-…they needed a half regiment…like my Indian Tribe alongside the Navajoe`  that I had in 1936...or French Resistance…we needed a big house a big table a big screen to place the history upon of this GENOCIDE…`THEY COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT IF THEY DID NOT HAVE THE BIG SHIPS OF THE ROYAL NAVY TO BRING THEM IN…`

1946 December a bevy of RN with gold braid in the Quaker Rooms Clacton-on-sea are waiting for FJR & family party to arrive…then they will tell Andre Malraux who is with Greetah Ransom & the Ocean & Sea Scouts at the Church Service…  The party of FJR were in a hospital…he had been attacked savagely as the light faded & he made his way to them…IT WAS WELL ORGANISED-very professional-& they THE CRIMINALLY INSANE were well paid to save the faces of THE CRIMINALLY INSANE who have slain the GROTE CHILDREN using the Royal Navy of Gross Britain…to GET THEMSELVES DOUGH…ALL OF THEM ARE ON THE PIN…

ANDRE saying Night Watch January 1960 (de Gaulle has allowed him some hours to come)... ` do you remember-we go to the Tennis Club that morning- the Man who said he was now A King out on the marshes with his small piece of land- the day we went to Felixstowe- How we sat out those summer nights- & we were up at dawn to get my newspapers-

WE SAT UNDER THE STARS- & WORE OUTSELVES OUT- after our routine of DAWN- I have been telling you of this while you have been living in my home at St Edmund’s House 50 Lancaster Gate Square the past two winters…& about a young woman who was with us- & now is dead…`

I Greta Ransom could have answered if I had a normal memory allowed- ‘ when early Morn DAWN had put on her cloak of grey- & as we returned she had put on her gown of saffron yellow…George Andre…’ 2 years ago I could have answered George-ANDRE  the above…& more…if the Genocide hiding REALM of Gross Britain was not employing the paedophile maniac Dr Mengele Harrington & his Naval Intelligence workers to empty my mind - a cup of cocoa coffee tea brought me with such graciousness such a jolly quip - A system used by High Class Sin 1920s to get hold of moneys-jewels-properties-lands from old & young-doo their Grannies IN - THE NOBLE CLASS GREAT BRITAIN OF SIN ON THE PIN UPPED their technique 1st World War shell-shock cases…visiting nobles of their Class…learned about REMOVE MEMORY POWDERS…

1960 January MALRAUX MINISTER OF FRANCE is keeping Night Watch…going on softly speaking a frost laden night in a controlled voice I can recognise & my heart doth be with the STARS but a dreadful drear in my understanding for I am without education & he has to hold his JOB…This is the place so perfect for a home Colne Engaine albeit Gallows Corner… `where a Roman Child took his Grant of Land stayed on-with his British Family-made a homestead & thus came down to us…` Harold W. Poulter Camulodunum Colonia Victricenses COLCESTRE 1959 December   `We went at dawn to get my old newspapers- we had sometimes after an early luncheon to take a rest-   We had worn ourselves out- WE HAD WORN OURSELVES OUT STAR WATCHING - I drew for you & JO stamps for the first Post Offices on the Stars…`

`We had often to go to The Dancing in the town…or the Blue Lagoon-  There was the very nice expensive restaurant we were treated to on the Seafront as we turn right before the slope to the Pier -remember we had looked at it and its balcony open to the air ?  Then sometimes a suggestion we go out to small villages with A DANCE- an old Inn- or a Village Hall meeting & dance that Harry knew…`

Our Queen Cassiopia`eah had to be given enough rest for I had worn her out in SPAIN being a young man & she should not be expected to have OUR strength- Greetah Maureen `

(Greta Ransom has her memory down black tunnels where the only dawn is from memory & if she had been shown Papers-Letters-photographs especially PHOTOGRAPHS then she could answer he that Josette must not be expected to have `the great SURGE & THUNDER OF THE ODYSSEY like us George-Colonel ANDRE- `only my Soul doth remember thee without visual things…the photographs were so very important…but nobody thought to show them to me…) Yet we hath NO POST/mail it is STOLEN as from 1933 BRITISH by “ALL ON THE PIN CROWN”  & LINDSAYBUGGARHS EARLS…

1960 ANDRE MALRAUX says ` Do you recall Colchester Castle-winter 1954 & Mr Poulter saying ` I have checked my Diary for that day- a Wednesday- (July 1937) I was home in Hollytrees in the flat reading some articles- Darn  it !

A big notice outside the Castle said CALL AT HOLLYTREES IF YOU WOULD LIKE ANY ATTENTION- `

ANDRE MALRAUX from his 1937 notebooks 1960 Colne Engaine- ` He… Mr Poulter… said if we had rung the Bell at Hollytrees he would have been down in a trice- if he had heard your name RANSOM he would have enquired were you the Suffolk branch- as the monument has been smashed to smithereens 1932 & is in 3 boxes behind the Altar- the Vicar was out at tea with his family- `

1960 January Detectives & Colleagues Research Team :

1937 MALRAUX - ` You would have been able to give him in 1937 Mr Poulter , Colchester Museums,  full details of RANSOM family- Grote Homes & Aunt Margarethe- your grandparents- the islands-  the island in the snow-& that your Tour last year was true you would have wanted to correct my failure to believe you…your family Ransom were away & I had not taken up your offer to telephone for an appointment to Aunt girl-of-the-snows to telephone us back…it might have been a day or even four days before we heard she would talk with us…she was often away but there were telephone numbers who might arrange for us to speak with her…as you did quite often…she had to live a quiet life as she had much to do-but I felt you dreamed as I did when I was a child…Woe !…` (ANDRE MALRAUX means  Greta Ransom to understand she had no memory of Ransom relatives  after WAR 1939 came & they all went away to fight for the British Nations-)

1934 HAROLD Walter POULTER came to COLCHESTER MUSEUMS in 1934-from a career of 19 years OUT EAST-geology-Camborne School of Mining- He would have got more information swiftly-known the entire matter-he would have telephoned-spoken with friends who had lived as he about the globe- spoken in this vein :    `Andre Malraux and the child Greta Ransom- a nice young lady with him and a woman artist- who sometimes lives in Paris- husband does some work for the  BRITISH Embassy-has a child at Mill Hill-interesting bunch of nice people…now he did not seem to know too much…about what the British Empire is trying to lay its filthy paws on…`

Andre Malraux continues `1951...when you came from the College on North Hill to ask for a job at the Castle Museum he would have immediately known who you werehad we met that afternoon 1937... done as the NOTICE said- called at Hollytrees Museum- He Mr Poulter has said that in 1951 you did not seem to know if you had any relatives RANSOM-  He remembers this clearly, Mr Poulter- ` It is I Malraux the Burgermeister of Paris…I have to sleep-the Watch will be taken by another at sometime…I will take a walk about the lanes…sleep now…`

Nota bene: 1937 I would have said we are 2nd cousins to the Suffolk Branch IN THE 13th CENTURY- & I stayed with them a few days LAST SUMMER 1936, after being kidnapped back to Great Britain by them…the Lindsaybuggarhs who are nothing to do with me- the relationship is over a hundred years ago& EARLS LINDSAYBUGGARHS THEY CANNOT BEAR ANYONE TO HOLD TITLE DEEDS TO ANYTHINGthey are dope-fiends.. And I would not have held back for here was another person the Deputy Curator of the Castle asking for information - I must not mind that ANDRE MALRAUX had said I dreamed & heard the grown-ups by sleeping with my bedroom door ajar…  I would need to have the truth verified…

1955/    Donovan Bookseller need not have died & Graham Greene got lost in the Wilderness- & a thousand other things- AT SOME POINT IN ALL THAT TIME 1952-1955 THEY COULD HAVE TOLD ME WHAT I DID NOT KNOW- the Will to ANDRE MALRAUX was stolen in Paris summer 1938 by an ugly woman & her men - they proceeded to slay the Grote children in their Homes, to gain the lands around the world, on SEASHORES and other valuable locations to be turned to their kind of LIFE STYLE- THE THEFT OF OUR POST/mail goes on-  Greta Ransom & Andre Malraux-  & all these deaths are the result of GREED- THEFT BY BRITISH GOVERNMENT & CROWN-in name of Lindsaybuggarhs et al-


1957/1960 ANDRE MALRAUX  February 1960Do you remember he Mr Poulter saying when you & I were to enter LIFE & CELEBRATE OUR 10th wedding anniversary (April 1947-1957) a child on the way soon I hoped for- he said we had to be put together to keep one another safe- we dove-tailed-  I came a Wooing again  (ref. A Frog he Would a Wooing go)- said I would not any longer object to a Boadicea Justinian-a Marcus  (Quo Vadis !) an Osythe….I was desperate for a settled home as we had with JO that SUMMER 1937- I had two boys entered their teens & I wished to have them with an old fashioned hearth- Ten years ago (1946/7) your families had offered a school & it would be paid for-(Ampleforth)…I MALRAUX  WAS BUT A POOR MAN OF GAUL IN THOSE DAYS- I WAS NOT TOLD WHAT THEY THOUGHT I KNEW- Guardian to you- (to the heir to dear Thomas & Margarethe girl of the snows) not just in the eyes of the Church-

1958/59 November 1958 into 1959/ Lancaster Gate Square-Londinium- a tucked away terrace beside the Park…

Where I clad Saint George in his armour give him sup from his Great Cup send him forth into the rising SUN- he doth depart for GAUL-

….& takes my dragon of Xmas 1936 with him- it hops in the taxi- & he has to hide it at the General’s feet at these awesome meetings- where they sit down a long-long-long table…(The French Government know`th not-)

We sometimes could be young a few minutes…turn to face one another and be young again-  As the figure just come from Gaul not St George but himself ANDRE MALRAUX he has turned down living in 130 Soho Square- Sir Joseph Bank’s House the most famous address in 18th century Europe- with the great library windows-he said  `NO-my bloody horses have lost` The pink fairy is wondering therefore if we might all live at OTHONA Fort of the Saxon Shores-where a tiny chapel on the great WALL of ROME is to Saint Cede & Saint PeterThus a few minutes of having dreams-being young-being together…even though HELL HAS ITS DOORS OPEN EVERYWHERE WE STEP…in the house or outside in that wintertime…`I would like to gather up his words wind them into a scarf or have them in pocketfuls to touch in a thoughtful way…when he must away to GAUL…`

Most of it has gone into the SEAS- but perhaps we might restore it-a project- a theatre- Modern Dance-

`In 1987 in The Pillar House great kitchen-a girl jumped in happiness when I say`th to little PETER `16 years old- ’Oh this is the sort of food they`d have at Othona in Roman Britain times` She had spent such happy holidays there camping as a child-she had no idea anyone else could remember what it was…OTHONA- where a Roman might feel very dismal in winter- but in spring it was `a place to where the  south winds come- an Othona…` I rather liked it for a girl`s name…long ago…in a life forbidden to recall it seemed…

We live in The Pillar House & here in the garden of the immortal stories for children of LLB aris`th that other world …a delicate tall man in a Glenn Miller raincoat is standing just there at the edge of the terrace April 1972- Victoria-Augusta will see him and say  ‘Its Andre-I love Andre-he makes me laugh-we always have a walk round the garden` And she disappeared as if magic took her out to him…I saw her like a little star running down towards the East Gate-   He is that tall-tall figure of the East Anglia coasts & then the winters of Londinium- & ALL WAS NO HOPE AT ALL- IT WAS ALWAYS WINTER…they take the memory out every day- these obscene Noble vagrants they STEAL OUR POST/mail…

ANDRE MALRAUX- November 1986 has arisen at QUINGDAO-Greta Ransom Whitehead is with PJPW on the Tour of the  Chinese Fishery Universities for British Museum Natural History- 6 weeks-   At the Art Nouveau German Governor’s Summer Palace I have been asked to make a symbolic walk-down the stairs-lead the party of scientists into the Banqueting Hall-

It is 10 years since ANDRE MALRAUX’s death-24 Nov 1976  “You are the closest they have ever come to him-he is admired for a book they give all the Students- Storm In Shanghai…~PJPW had tried have him rise in my mind at Shanghai- The PEACE hotel- former home of Sassoon family… But it had to be done by a Deputation my father & his brothers his families Ransom & Weddell leading…with photograph albums documents family histories…all that I knew in the 1930s…AH all my kin have been early slain by Gross Britain Nobles & Crown & things as evil wanting moneys in secret silence calling themselves upper class business men…` THE EVIL WHO SURVIVE ARE ALL ON THE PIN…well togged & with luxuries…these penniless vagrants who negotiated with Earls of Lindsaybuggarhs to have their massive debts paid off & bills helped with & investments handed over…shared…then they’d let UNLAWFULLY the Lindsaybuggarhs claim the Apes & Eskimos had no legal right to make Wills… Walking on The Bund at 9.30pm going to see some old Chinese friends in the Dong Fang…the Bund empty the ships hooting only…a lone figure one side of the street tired from work…THERE AROSE IN MY MEMORY ANDRE MALRAUX ….& I felt like falling down…but this TOUR is hard work & I must be alert-useful-not enter realms of my life for which I have NO WORDS…for the memories of the violence were landscapes in the darkness & still terrifying…nauseating…

The Pillar House-covered by photographs-the house that Andre Malraux 19 March 1972 calls `a home-a home`-

The GROTE HOMES children had a home but greed was able to use the British Navy big ships to sail in & slay them the staff the settlements burn them not too well in pits…& take some out to sea in nets and sink them…endless reports/photographs/brought forward 1960s of this genocide…The children at Montevideo took my hands 1936 & showed me over their beautiful HOME…and I saw the Homes in many South American nations, in North America too, in Spain the Basque Home & one in France 1935 & 1936...the children spoke to Lennie and me…they know our vast families who come & visit…& they feel they belong with us as Tiggy had them understand from the very beginning in their HOMES…we Tiggy’s family  are, like the Grote children, of all nations too…

I’d work these killers on chains building our Universities IN THE SNOWS-Nord & South Poles-they can sleep on the Wilkins Ice Shelf with their  P I N S

The Grote children & the other victims of Noble GREEDY Britain are slain in a planned calculated savagery that matches the madness of Nazi Germany-

OUR RANSOM 10th century motto is SATTEUS LAETUS…(it flows from my young memory as `I am satisfied with sufficient`…Medieval Latinists will help…) It is used by OSBERT RANSOM our main line-  Osbert goes to Court with others to Plead `otherwise he tells us they kept a distance from courts & kings` (Records/description & text about a tapestry he & wife Alice & sister-in-law (Alexia ?) appear in…she has a sharp face & looks a gossip not too kind…)

Captain Liam Ransom of the 4 tall ships-dies 1945 from an attack 1938 at their hands !   Uncle Liam says 1937 after Xmas 1936  visit to Clacton-on-Sea `have nothing to do with Courts & Kings young woman-nearly 4 years old- We once found an enlightened Ruler down in San Salvador-now Margarethe has made you head-& Len is to help…we shall all be there with you..`  Liam is happy to be helping a young man called Kurt Gogel at Birmingham-they are into figures & STARS….

ANDRE MALRAUX French Minister-

1957/1959- He has with General de Gaulle the home at 50 Lancaster Gate Square- he does not live half the month there anymore for he is appointed Minister of Culture Gaul-  Andre may return to the house when he is told by General de Gaulle  `you may go off-shore Andre` & MALRAUX a figure of fun to these dirty little noble G.B. IMPS plays Scarlet Pimpernel across the channel- MALRAUX is a figure of PURE REASON & COMMON SENSE & will return a few hours to the Catholic Place Saint Edmund’s House …which has suffered the ugliness of Imperial HIGH CLASS SIN from 1938 when a legal Will put the home & fortune in the care of Westminster R.C. Diocese & French Embassy… But MALRAUX is Guardian to another WILL & now Guardian to the dispensing of the fortune of an old Anglo-Frenchman whose home this was-  Of the legality of one WILL Malraux understands- of the other he has only acceptance of Guardian to Greta Ransom…Whitehall had special ROOMS of secret silence to grab at all this LOOT … As we enter the 1950s many more persecutions & murders occur to BOTH ESTATES by Gross Britain nobles…General de Gaulle also has to be kept from investigating anything touching upon GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE in 3 parts seashores of the globe etc & knowing the extend of Grote Children slain 2nd World War by Gross Britain Nobles for dough…& that they are hunted all the time…even their grandchildren are to be murdered in the name of The British Empire & its noble monsters always short of dough…Mengele Harrington heads a big team 3rd November 1953...they are employed to WIPE THE GENOCIDE OF GROTE OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH…& the Island Jacopsholmen & its beauty of purpose & common sense…Eskimos are savages you know…  POUL great grandpa of Margarethe Ransom doth offend the British Nobles & Crown & one creep calls him `the Ice man` & searches for moneys `not doing anything`….

1957 October …The sight of Ransom-Malraux together doth have the evil falter- wish us dead- attempt it- defamation of our characters is obscene-the evil distorted of the Roaring 20s can now reach back & falsify to 1937 from Mengele paedophile Harrington spy for G. B. Government Lords & Crown- when a woman called Angela was `a pack horse for the crimes of her men`…her parents go in for witchcraft entertainment in the winters & grow crops of this dangerous narcotic Divinorum Salvia Scotland…ITS EFFECT IS TO HAVE THE SNOUT HOLDER WIN…with maniacal strength…`That is no Queen ,  young woman ,  that is a shark wrapped in satin…

IT HAS PUT A RIVER OF BLOOD ABOUT YOUR ANKLES…` City of London  ELDERS 1965...speaking in grief one morning with the daily newspapers spread out…about a woman they call `The former Miss Bloody Liar`…& more comment is `WE DO NOT WANT THIS MONEY IN THE CITY IT DRIPS OF BLOOD & GORE….`

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