Greta Ransom

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1944-1949 ….POST/mail STOLEN by Gross Britain -  letters messages sometimes asked for a meeting- some people felt slighted by having no response from ANDRE MALRAUX upon simple or otherwise philanthropic Estate matters- we hear they were always very polite because of his World position alongside his General de Gaulle- Malraux could not be got on the telephone…

1940s Letters enquiries came from Hemmingway Novelist/ USSR-the nation of Uzbekistan/ Charlie Bronson Films & actor Hollywood-  Grote Brokers/Ransom family- By 1949 GROTE BROKERS HAD TO CONSIDER MALRAUX AS NOT INTERESTED…he had failed to meet them when he came to the United Nations Building New York & GAVE A SPEECH of importance- ( The Roman Catholic connexions brought Charlie Bronson on a visit to England trying to get some sense about GROTE HOMES which his parents may have had a helping hand with…Charles appears in the Joseph Conrad film as the mad Captain of the ghost ship )

There were also enquiries from musicians/colleges & small schools/craftworks- & concern over the disgusting greed over our tiny Maryland enamel works arose/etc endless- reports/tapes/paperwork/

1957 As well as all POST/mail opened- STOLEN- there was full scale listening equipment in the Catholic Mission household Naval Intelligence et al obliging -  (they have got Peter Wright down there- knows some Science etc) threats-blackmail-vicious remarks-physical attacks-dope in drinks-went on-designed & ordered by dirty Jimmie Jong CUR James & Mengele Harrington- they also had some criminals got out of prison on Parole with certain skills-no lack of Watchers ~

The paedophile Mengele Harrington came walking in late night- getting a key to our doors 50 Lancaster Gate Square-demanding Greta Ransom leave & `LIVE WITH YOUR MOTHER- & leave my Patient ANDRE MALRAUX alone`    Very scared I would yawn & say  `-it was a good performance then-theatre-…did you have a good supper ? `  -I once told him to go and live with Mad Mother Kali-Clytemnestra- `she does her Racing Form all night-you can help her with the piled newspapers-Sporting Life…` Brandy & bacon sandwiches..` HE WAS VERY SCARY & stank of DUNG-  I could recall 1943/44 that at school in wartime Britain we were told never to confront the Village Idiot or the Town Drunk-   `Look pleasant Class !   A smile of good humour-sound gentle- listen agreeably- but say you must keep busy-& leave- perhaps fast…` (Thank you Mr Andrews BA Oxon Science-Maths)

Mengele is not a real doctor-his training at Hong Kong is very dicey-he is not allowed by 3 London hospitals to touch a patient-only be a Consultant- In 1953 he had “botched 3 operations & now another- his work looks as if a screwdriver taken to a patient ” said a Head of a hospital- Mengele goes about on that yacht with Angela`s men/

Mengele is a monster who has killed & cut people up alive-hit a girl with a wire to see if her head would come off- & poisoned many people saying they did it to themselves with dope- 1957 November 5th he handed out poisoned lollies & the boy at the Kent Hotel age 12 years died next evening from the red one- he jumped off a bus in heavy traffic- he was seen to be in a dazeMengele would have them moved away from the Square…but it took him a year…he may have been checking if anyone knew too much in that time-He is bestial insane-

Mengele HARRINGTON - 1982 he was dismissed by the BMA  after too much of his HIGH SIN LIFE got out in his Divorce Case 1981 Britain Continent USA observers- ‘the Public may be assured he will not enter a NHS Hospital again to work as a Doctor - we cannot ban him as a patient himself…” Mr Mengele still believed he would become a Peer for his work destroying all knowledge of Grote Homes & Ransom Estate in 3 Parts the world… newspaper item gives briefly his dismissal by BMA made public 1982-

Lennie (Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM) BRAZEN JIM-a half Chinese racist speaking French as a native-Chinese too-learned English well at 11 years of age- got into Court circles like Mengele Harrington-paedophiles-perverts- ON THE PIN their whole lives  ` JIM & HIS Gross Britain STORM TROOPERS  :

`…1938- you remember the island- the forest - France- Aunt Mag had a hospital for them-she gave them two big wood Crosses-old we think- not modern- they may have come from an old church or building gone-pulled down-suffered in some way-  `A well defined character turned up- we were told on the telephone- Asian speaking French as a  native- then it was learned he was half English- represented the British Empire & Crown- the forests were to be felled -he was taking the 2 Crosses into custody-to a Museum- to safety- the hospital was to be closed-  it was badly managed he told them (this is a familiar cry over the decades-so the criminally insane take lands or property because `Oh badly run`…LIES ) - it could be developed as a more important spot- they would have all they needed when the new management came in-` (He called himself the Hon. Major Carew) Your father alerted everyone- we could see the pattern- pick off isolated places- we did not know yet JIM Mr Pong was cunningly waving bits of document- `British Crown lands`(in France) a small line inserted- later to disappear when logging finished-  At the hospital a man who was considered tame made a complaint to our solicitors in Paris- We got to them the foresters-  gave them the Woodlands & re-instated the Hospital- funded it from Grote New York !

We put the workers as the management team-& alerted the French Police on our way back at every stop- they were amazed at how this could be done-   We explained who he was & that he took up Commissions from English Lords & two women with big debts & ambitions for the British Empire- The logging could not now begin ! The New Team were sent packing (by the French Police & Department administration) !   We never did find what JIM had done with the 2 Crosses that Aunt Mag had given them- we think they must have been significant to French history…` (he probably burned them somewhere-he has enjoyed this pastime since a teenager-on THE PIN- otherwise he may have put them in the Bloody Liar Dusty Mansion France- he has had the key since 1924 perhaps from 1921... (G.R. & all of Scarlet Town know these things-) (LIR)

1945 September- `When your poor father came back from the War he had nobody to help him- he had been deceived- he was threatened by mountebanks with titles (impudent tricksters with Titles Gross Britain & Scandinavia ) -some from Scandinavia- he was to have died Philippines or Africa- it was good people who kept him safe-  The greed of the very top Gross Britain showed- & the dead children were spoken of (1946 December- 2 Admirals & Alfred Charles-Rear Admiral Ransom Harwich ) -a terrible shock when the Nazi camps were becoming known-  Why did he not head for New York-Grote were desperate for me (LIR)  to come and take up Transport for which they’d supervised my training since I was a child- I believe he felt with the children slain worldwide we’d all be dead if we raised the alarm- & that would be done by others if we RANSOM & branches again stepped on the centre stage - But so much of the Estate was not available to THEM the impudent tricksters with titles-  USA Industry would not hand over Margarethe’s shares investments & properties-  Nevertheless the pilfering went on ! Lindsays had a mob & would let anyone grab where they could- fear there real reasons- the slain children in their HOMES were known of about Capital cities of the globe- not sufficiently to curb this ruthless rise of British power claiming everything must be done in the name of Trade-`  (LIR)

` A new working class had arisen - surprising to those at the top-  THE EXPERIENCE WE HAD WITH THE FRENCH FOREST LANDS is to be repeated and this was how they went on eroding the Estate-  It was horrible (from winter 1967/68) to find they now could manipulate Peter (PJPW) to act in your name- telling him you were of low intellect & bad character- after the marriage- We felt that when they began to walk into the Museum- & cousin Lindsay tried get himself head of the Trustees- Peter decided to do as advised- 1968 onwards ANDRE was a man with no hope-no home…our plans swiftly got known & disappeared in the mist- we had hoped to get you to America- away from bumps in the dark-threats to a new family…

BUT YOU GOT NO POST- NOTHING CAME FROM US- tricks-threats-attacks-bad management-we were facing a ruthless dope-soaked mob (LSD as well as heroin etc & Div. Salvia Scot.) who were determined their slaying of the children should not be known-  they had got way ahead destroying evidence of GROTE` (LIR)

…the theft of the 19 acres had Kennedy mad- his parents had known Aunt Mag- & he was determined to get the money back from all of them- properties investments- stop their lark- he got shot…Johnson told Nixon they had to put it all away after the tragedy of Kennedy- get on with what they could- MALRAUX & the Ransom brothers with help got the Estate working as it did under Aunt Mag & Tig- a great piece of philanthropy funding itself- `

`…there were homes some lovely places around the world-tenants in- we could all go and stay & banks where we could draw what we needed- But the undermining of this went on-Art works stolen around the globe- books were ordered to be burned- nothing to remain on Ransom-or Gronlander-Weddell not to feature in any newspapers- VAGRANTS going round the world on their nefarious missions cashed cheques- claiming it was Crown property  “old Eskimo left it all to the British Empire” …other cheap jibes when they knew they had got Peter ignorant about its philosophy ! There’s not a Weddell left down there- all killed - I remember the evening we arrived-the family the children all greeting us- with Billy Goat Weddell amongst them-unaware he was different to anyone else…his mother died & they had taken care of him from his first hour of life- ` (LIR)

(Jan-Feb 1936- cousin Clarke Gable was in another house- we’d see him to-morrow- these Weddell families are the line of John Weddell 2nd son born 1826 to James Weddell & the daughter of the INCA nobleman-the learned Ice breakers owner SAN JULIAN R.C. we are from the line of James elder son born 1825 who married late at 59 years of age Minerva Olivea Hesketh Wyoming- Songwriter- they the parents of JEAN Len‘s ballerina motherLen`s mother  Greta’s grandmother)

` … If it had not been for GERALDINE helping him your poor father could not have done anything after the WAR- he was devastated to find `Jerusalem` pulled down- his parents dead- Montrose too- here he got the full reports of their murders- the burning of the contents of the farm after the paintings the books had been taken off by JIM and Army thugs- returning with their dead bodies & burning them !

(2 witnesses in the long grass-stunned-) (LIR)

( 1945 December-diaries/reports/1960 more information ) & then SHEshe took you all away that Xmas 1945- claiming victory-

She was paid in Racing Credit by her noble chums to do this- give you three children no home & deny your father a family-


`I weep for my murdered son to be 12 years at his birthday party- we were all to be killed in the new bungalow- (Libya ?) I found him like a statue in the shower- I yelled to my little Weddell wife to touch nothing & rushed to find the switch…it was the second house so wired- She & her family are all dead in the Argentine- not a trace of them anywhere-no Billy Goat Weddell…150 or more dead- missing-`

`The General said  `bury him here- we will look after his grave-`  but the monument to a RANSOM was attacked again & again-   They had gone mad now to destroy DNA… Mr Mengele who I did not know for sometime- was in charge… he took a holiday at Balmoral when Angela had it to herself… (LIR)

`Do not forget a poor boy LEN who never denied the Crown its fortune…they are preposterous- a list of items was left to David & Angela & children- nothing else- it was all made clear long ago-  It was decided to CLAIM ALL in silence using LINDSAY Earls as in charge of the heirs- they have no link to us the RANSOM family other than a woman 100 years back -  It was as Andre’s General said  `an obscene gigantic piece of British Statecraft`… (LIR) tapes/oral/diaries/books/reports/photos/paintings-drawings/

1930s-1970s ANDRE MALRAUX & GREETAH stayed alive-by skill-never taking the same route twice- incredible true tales of the dangers are well recorded- especially the 1950s-

There was no peace 1950s & if we were seen together we were dragged apart- the everlasting cups of spiked beverages cunningly brought to us with such sweet faced concern- Mengele tried destroy all our evenings- I G.R. threatened all the time  `who are you-what are YOU doing here- he Old Fossil has lots of women - YOU ARE A NOBODY- A PAUPER`  by Mad Mother Kali-Clytemnestra-Old Mother Ransom-   She kept calling ANDRE MALRAUX `OLD FOSSIL`   until he responded in public…calling her `Old Mother Ransom`

-They met December 1924 Deauville/Paris-2 weeks with Miss Plunket Green- teenage girls THEY had been robbed & doped by JIM-he on route after robbing Calais warehouse to Bloody Liar Dusty Mansion-FRANCE- Records/records/records-& Life at 50 Lancaster Gate Square

1958 Graham Greene novelist found Teresa SHEshe & Mengele in a very expensive discrete nightclub restaurant- they were dancing the TANGO- & Oh so pleasant & agreeable to him- they were partaking of many many dishes- ` Is she the idea for `Travels with my Aunt` ?…. Andre & Greta heard of the TANGO nosh-up from G.G. that winter 1958 & years on- he was shaking his head slowly side to side …`dancing the Tango-well-I began to see her in a different light -your mother- Greetah` …he may be a bit naeive -

He commented c 1972 on the unnecessary death of Mr Poulter Colchester… Museum people came to pay their respects - he is an old friend of the Librarian- BMNH-

1957- I am only 24 years- the Beggar girl at the feet of King Carpetua- a painting I go to see- HE IS A MAN OF LETTERS-

COME FROM ROME & GAULI sink inside when I see him in Saint Edmund’s House & my knees feel weak- I will NOT curtsey to him as I did when coming-5-years-  he says he put it in the marriage vows 17 April 1947 & may insist I curtsey in public to him as well !

Oh George Andre how I did need my memory & that of 1930s pre-war- but you had to get Mengele paedophile sadist (who is earning a thousand pounds a month to harm us & part us) & his foul fiends out of the house… If only you had insisted photographs remained on the walls in my room…if only you had printed up some of your notebooks- hung your FACE on the wall all over my room-  Photo-copy was already possible…it could be done in The City of London-you had to forbid these monsters entry & post Sentries with guns…they enter with guns to search to intimidate & you had to stop the endless cups of tea and coffee being handed to us because it is doped…to put us in a mist…with no memory…~ we sink into Cathedrals under the SEAS-

HE IS NOW OLDER- & I  tell him not to screw his face up when he tells me we have lost 10 years-  LOVE IS NOT LOVE WHICH ALTERS WHEN IT ALTERATION FINDS- WS…

He brought in several photos of himself over the decades `Which one will you choose ?`   I chose 1952 on the front of the book/Canadian photo-saying truthfully- `I could not marry that boy you were 1930s… I don‘t think-   The schools gave you wolf whistles 1945 & 1946-

you do not look much different if you will stop screwing your face up-Georgie- lock that other one from GAUL- Andre- in the cupboard-`

1957/1959 Life at 50 Lancaster Gate Square-  It was wise if I did not drink the warm cuppa brought up by the Housekeeper if she had

Mr or Mrs Mengele in her basement flat & offices- especially if ANDRE MALRAUX was just arrived to Lancaster Gate Square from GAUL-

Mengele Doctor Harrington will be pouring drinks at Blewbury Berkshire in 1967-1971 & on- some people died in Oxford…

1957 November -  Malraux discovering Mengele had been prescribing him a lethal medicine for 4 years- jabbed Mengele with one of his own needles from his Case- marched him out into South Kensington Gardens where Mengele took off all his clothes --- -newspaper item- `doctor attached to The Court-trying out new drugs for NHS `

Andre Malraux said he’d `PUT IT IN HIS HEAD -   he was sick of Mengele playing these hypnotist-dope tricks` Life at 50 L.G.Sq notebooks…

1958/60 ` Mengele Doctor HARRINGTON- IS BELIEVED TO HARM THE HEALTH OF MIDDLE-AGED MEN-for money- Reports -Secret Services from other nations/ who found he went about with top Nobles on a yacht & stopped off at tropical islands-spending DOUGH in name of Grote/Ransom/Weddellsome reports of Mengele Harrington chasing little boys- frolicking in the seas-

Tropics 1950s-1960s…the stealing Grote Ransom moneys from foreign Banks went on…they unable to stop powerful Gross British figures- doped up drunks- & Hurray Henrys…

1950s what was still remembered…

THIS IS AN ESTATE FORMED BY A REVERED & MOST HIGHLY EDUCATED WOMAN OF BRITAIN & GREENLAND-& THE GLOBE -born 1841 Margarethe RANSOM murdered 15 May 1938 by dirty Jim Mr Pong slitting a vein behind her ear & giving it out WHITEHALL `Greetah did it with the old Eskimo`s hair ornament…lock the kid up`….(reports/archives/   “Margarethe had  another 10 years to go”  said an old lady of 101 -complaining to families

and guests at CLOUDS - (Diary/visits/memories/records)

`they have killed Margarethe- WHY are you two on shore Lennie !  Greetah !  I want you OFF SHORE-where is Frederick Charles ! ` And she dashed off like an aged Flower Fairy to find my grandfather !   & heard our Passports had been withdrawn by Angela- & the Earls Lindsaybuggarhs & other SCUM… (it is about Angela is a packhorse for the crimes of her men…)

Margarethe`s great-grandfather is POUL GRONLANDER polymath/genius/ Catechist/Trader/wrote an extra half hour to HAMLET then another  complete Hamlet-extended many WS plays `for the Greenlander mind`- `they liked to chew them over for 2 weeks-` The orchestra was always 40 players- lots of Richard Wagner lastly Tchaikovsky towards the end of civilized life on the island but much 17th 18th century music-  The Danes & the Earls of Lindsay dirty sheep-stealers making life impossible- a Lindsay Earl monster coming up with 3 very big RN ships to get Millie Frobisher & her husband JOHN RANSOM their party of young educated friends OFF-  Or he would shell the Island…  This was 1884-   these young highly educated  intended making it their home & running the school again-theatre-everything…!  A little Republic a Grecian Democracy where civilized intelligent beings would again dwell albeit they Greenlander/Eskimo or out-breeds…Peoples whose ancestry often known to them easily back 2,000 years as with the Chinese…They had in the library of The Holm paperwork…Play Bills…an Emperor of Ethiopia sailed in…for Shakespeare & the great plays-the Sages-the histories of the globe…& ALL KNEW WE GO UP THERE TO THE STARS…more knowledge & we can go…

1850s Greenlanders were trying again for INDEPENDENCE FOR GREENLAND- not just having it supplying the gambling moneys for Scandinavia & Gross Britain & their UPPER CLASS SIN EMPIRES- 1930s GREENLAND West- Greta Ransom was last there June 1938- Lennie & Greetha RANSOM flew up with an old pilot (been flying since 1910)- We had to go up in secret silence…TO GREENLAND OUR HOME TO HAVE A BEER- & take Aunt Mag’s spirit back to our Island Jacopsholmen- We got there & back with help of kith-kin& Greta put in a borrowed fur jacket… (diaries/letters/archives 1600s to 1960s)… (Millions of people are slain so big SCUM can do itself up for the BIG TIME…dress up debauch DOPE & BOOZE…the unconscious reasoning of SUMMER 1937... by 3 young people…)

18th century 1740s-1760s POUL GRONLANDER & his wife Margaret Yates of Carlisle would perform the Shakespeare plays up & down the coast of Greenland-  her father brought her a set of Dolls from FRANCE- they used these as puppets- the DOLLS were STOLEN & dropped into the Bloody Liar Dusty Mansion FRANCE- JIM stole the 6 dolls (Greta saw for the first time) that day 15th May 1938- he killed Margarethe RANSOM Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE in the early afternoon- That morning he awoke me from a drugged car ride & said  `hand your Aunt this parcel for her birthday-it is a book`…then I will come in…he took me to her bedroom door….(O`Neills farm Ayrshire)…JIMMIE James Jong Mr Pong he said   `can I see the DOLLS Auntie`…he had his little pin prick eyes on…& was playing Page-puck-Courtier… Greta`s great-great-Aunt the girl MARGARETHE OF THE SNOWS WHO HAD NOW TO RISE from her bed…WHEN I WAS PUSHED INTO HER BY MR PONG… RISEN FROM HER BED LIKE A DANCER & PUTTING ON A HOUSECOAT of heavy cotton OF SUN YELLOW from the USA …she soon began telling me Greta about the BOOKS OF ANDRE MALRAUX  that she had already read as they were published …& THE NEW ONE which had just come from so-&-so…Frederick Charles Ransom’s Aunt Magarethe  A GODDESS…she looked alarmed-   SHE SAID  (TO GREETHA)  ` I AM TO BE PROTECTED FROM A NUMBER OF PEOPLE- I DO NOT KNOW HOW HE Mr JIM Jong HAS FOUND MY ADDRESS-  I DID NOT EXPECT YOU HERE GREETHA…` Later JIM Mr PONG  hit me Greetha on the jaw-  I had been kidnapped- TREASA Teresa Gordon R. had the look of an IDIOT A VULTURE on her face…same as her friend ANGELA has when JIM has this pair of saleable females at his evil machinations….THEY ARE ALL SO IGNORANT & INSANE on dopes… Records/accounts (POUL GROLNLANDER devastatingly handsome deep blue eyes dark hair 6` 5inches tall & Margaret Yates pale & calm & energetic & pretty with blonde curly hair light blue eyes not at all tall…both of them humanists…their education fitting them for any learned gathering…)

`The Greenlanders always felt W.S. got it right` …human relationships… ` they always came to the same understanding as W-S.  but needed to explore more hence 18th century took 2 weeks stopping starting the PLAY…questions to be asked…`      POUL died 1765 of accidental gunshot- he was teaching a man to use a new gun- the man fired it at him by mistake- his eldest son Jacob 15 years old has a letter `on Father’s death` in Finn Gad 4 Vols History of Greenland…& Jacop’s mother is British Margaret Yates Carlisle she to die just before POUL going out alone to save a boat of children overturned Gotharb…JACOP BECAME HEAD OF THE FAMILY age 15 years 1765 with both parents early dead…he received help…& took off to Noroway in his late 20s to pursue his education…a late marriage 3 children he very carefully guarded & one becoming Count Poulsen of Norway…GERTRUDE was given the island as her Dowry as she was a girl rather lively & saintly given to `placing back in nature all she took out of it`… She is painted by Delacroix several times & is seen with indigo veil in Death of Sardanapalus Louvre…her exotic looks & her 18th century ENLIGHTENMENT had her in youth very popular Continent & the globe…she opened the mind…`

POUL’s family are given the ISLAND to keep as a holy place of study & good works & erect the University `when you can`  DECREE 1770 Ministers & King of Denmark…that King later said to be mad…) ( 1830s marriage Poulsen/Ransom creates the drive needed to make the Island a secure democracy & ask for Independence…)…

(nota bene:  `That 18th century king and his Ministers in the 20th centURY are said to be  mad-` no comment needed-

WHY does GREENLAND not have these vast records all on internet/ in libraries etc- it is answered by many nations who lost their GROTE children…1960 onwards …Where is the Coptic library so rare we gave Greenland… it paid Denmark Norway & Gross Brit Nobles gambling debts…or obscene doping boosing weekends & new togs…

How could these criminally insane of BRITISH & Scandinavian HIGH CLASS SIN be allowed the POWER to bomb the buildings on the Island first BELL ever cast in Greenland, the carved great boulders that Eskimo & Greenlanders came & carved their histories upon 1840s-50s for incorporation in the University Building…the first College building going up…the church of  JACOP’s heart that he struggled to build then his son-in-law FRED RANSOM came & finished it as only a ship builder can…he also a draughtsman & a young man friends with artist friends including Gericault & Delacroix all interested in science-music-technology- STARS…the library-the school-  “ Gold varnished & embellished theatre with tier ”  architects Report 1935  `The Theatre she will last 200 years & he could have put the 2nd tier on…with a little addition of strength here & there…`   the Eternal Staircase where every child born on the island had its name carved- Playbills of 30 years, lists of distinguished visitors & letters- the very valuable Theatre collection of historic garments made in Spain Italy France…An Emperor of Ethiopia sailed in for a month of the plays- A FAMOUS ARCHITECT WENT OVER THE BUILDINGS OF THE ISLAND in 1935- buildings will be standing in 200-400 years untouched…superb ship building work` -

` they should have had INDEPENDENCE by 1800 at least Peter-says Captain Alan Villiers…SHAME !  SHAME !  - Britain & Denmark bombed the island 7 years ago-MALRAUX had learned things- One SAIL Margarethe gave us the key- a Democracy-a Utopia-   Cousteau and I have had no end of trouble because we used to sail up there…   THEY killed all the children- the HOMES-round the globe..` Records/diaries/letters/research from several sources/

1950s onwards… It has become  MENGELE Harrington’s  lucrative JOB overseeing others from whom Noble Britain may steal filch NICK dough & properties- The paedophile Royal Satrap Harrington is drawing on all with criminal cunning to help The Realm see ANDRE MALRAUX & Greta Ransom  are parted !   Mengele’s secret silence Gross Britain employment is to see ANDRE MALRAUX DOES NOT LEARN OF HIS LAWFUL GUARDIANSHIP TO THIS VAST ESTATE -& THAT HIS POST/mail IS ALWAYS intercepted & STOLEN BY THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT & CROWN….as from Xmas 1937/38 when Noble Britain first got ITS SNOUTS INTO a young Frenchman’s correspondence-friends-movements-moneys-plans for his life…WAR CAME…he escaped them 4 years…  Mr Harrington `whose mother was at the British Court` was in Paris to slither up to Clara Malraux 1944 Liberation…AT this time he did not know the FULL FACTS of his National Employment by G.B. until he smelt a RAT the last Sunday afternoon October 1953...By the 3rd 4th November 1953 for a quarter of a MILLION POUNDS offshore he Mengele Dr Harrington agreed to serve further his fellow Nobles nation in the bloody & sadistic ROBBERY OF THE RANSOM ESTATE in 3 Parts seashores waterways forests investments farms settlements hospitals umbrellas for the Arts…Transport since 1830s…& everything useful to a civilized society…IT WAS AGREED OFFSHORE MR MENGELE as the Nobles did might draw all he needed from Banks where they did not dare say BOO to HIGH CLASS SIN Gross Britain…dirty traders…

THE MURDERS go on of all who know of GROTE-Ransom-Weddell Families South America…& JACOPSHOLMEN GREENLAND-

All POST/mail to Andre & Greta is examined/stolen & that of others who do not know they are under surveillance- putting thousands of families in terrible danger !

A plan to remove the name of James Weddell to a tiny few miles & put another name on OUR WEDDELL SEA is promoted by first JIM JONG Mr Pong -others- then with massive help from sadistic greedy envious  Mr Mengele Harrington & other scum nobles-

1960 `they have amongst themselves arrogantly spoken of divine right to an old Eskimo`s fortune…CHICAGO got a Forest of British Lorderiedeputation…voicing `GIVE US EVERY BIT OF PAPERWORK ITS Crown British Property…Chicago asked itself WHY have we had nothing in writing…no Paperwork of this CLAIM to the Grote Ransom Estate ?  Told them `get lost…Al Capone & gang are on your heels from now on…`  AT WESTMINSTER THEY WERE SO UPSET- DISTRESSED…they had plotted planned how to spend the dough… Noble Lords will be back again to Chicago with fireballs & dirty tricks…` Reports USA & Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux 1960/1961 before his two sons are killed in yet another deliberate crash…to remove all who know or heirs.. Madness rules…`

1957/59 ANDRE MALRAUX & GRETA RANSOM attempted a quiet discreet life 1957/59- it was made weird & dangerous !  The two rings used in the re-vowing allowed by `Paccelli ` 10 years after the Wedding of Grace were stolen- the little reverse of Mary Gordon’s ring (navy blue sapphire-gold set in tiny diamonds) the morning after we returned from the Re-Vowing 7th January 1958- the wedding ring

a week later- Brown was found to have taken it to a Jeweller & got it turned into a lump of gold- he was calling it his `lucky nugget` in

WHITES Club a vice bar- someone noticed his behaviour & reported it to another who traced the bestial theft !  He had clearly been paid to do this- ask Whitehall- they’d say `Gov & Crown`reports to everyone later-

On the 19th January 1958 ANDRE MALRAUX left for the GUYANAS Tour- Representing General de Gaulle- Mengele Harrington was in my room within 10 minutes of ANDRE leaving- & jabbed me with a needle “I I I  won’t have YOU remembering my patient MALRAUX”

2 weeks later a phone call from Andre South America at 11am in the morning had my response clearly worry the telephonist- he saw Greta had NO IDEA WHO WAS PHONING- and seemed to have forgotten ANDRE- he earns to keep his invalid mother & cycles in to work…he was now in danger…

SHEshe mad Mother Kali had been re-instated for some nights by Doctor Mengele paedophile- /it can all be followed in the vast accounts-Life at 50 Lancaster Gate Square-by 1960 there were many- & others added to them over the coming years-

MALRAUX had no idea until he spoke with Pope Pius 12 November 1957 that the April 1947 `early wedding` allowed by him `young Paccelli- who knew Mary Gordon & Irish family as well as Margarethe Ransom Grote` had never been annulled-  `or he Malraux would not have gone down the Registry again` (comforting words from the Catholics up North)

This French Registry Office marriage March 1948 was understood by Roman Catholics  as NUMBER 18 THE PRAYER BOOK FORBID-

you cannot marry your sister/sister-in-law`

Registry Office no 2- keeping the Jan Steen Tavern residence PARIS they lead their own lives after a short time/records-accounts-many hands/

1947July THE GRIP OF British Intelligence scum employee Doctor MENGELE HARRINGTON was now felt on the whole PARIS household-& dope & rolled in-   Mengele bragged he was in charge- even after Andre Malraux Minister of FRANCE walked out after the deaths of his two sons- buried with their mother Josette… May 1961-To MALRAUX’s death Mengele & Noble Britain persecuted him-

1947 - 1957... VATICAN had Georges-ANDRE Colonel MALRAUX on his knees to them in the Church of Our Lady Clacton on Sea 1947- they saw no need to let go of the Man of Letters & see he made it to Heaven /Guardian to the Estate where half of GROTE HOMES WERE IN CATHOLIC LANDS/ since 1870s /MARRIAGE ON HOLD from September 1947 !   The marriage made as early wedding` to  Mary Gordon’s grand-daughter …they’d received advice from valued sources & Mr Professor Winnclemann had sent some advice…  VATICAN WERE CONSULTED OVER THE GUARDIANSHIP BY MARGARETHE RANSOM GROTE- October 1937.…BUT still nobody told him what they thought he knew…GUARDIANSHIP to Greta Frobisher Weddell RANSOM & an Estate…it was not known he had never met the three RANSOM BROTHERS…& that he had no idea of the SLAIN GROTE HOMES CHILDREN around the globe…

1957 November- He returned from ROME & looked at Greetha a long time & was wordless…then looked pleased & said   `I am puzzled…it has never been cancelled…he  (Paccelli)  was a bit impatient with me…& sent me to see the Cardinals…yes we can take up the marriage again…live here quietly…have a Service of re-vowing…I have to get permission from GAUL…

He fixed the service for the ancient Roman Crypt Saint Ethedreada in the City of London …saying  `I thought this would be nice for you & it would please Mr Poulter…we only have to have 4 banns this time not 6 & they suggest the end of the Christmas because there is a day they have no ceremonies…7th January…` I had my tiny Lempriere in my bucket bag & we found it was even better…7th January is Feast of Saint Cede Bishop of Londinium & also he is Bishop of OTHONA GREAT FORT OF ROME…of the Saxon Shores…  Later that evening Andre George said it was also the Feast of a French Saint not so interesting but he liked the ing one he felt… we might go & see where she was…Kentigurna Widow…Northumberland…He meets Aunt Bessie at teas at the Oblate Saint Charles for Retired Priests & Bishops round the corner from 50 Lancaster Gate Square…I was never taken…probably too young…

1957 October/November-  I accompanied the great person of GAUL  ANDRE MALRAUX of whom I am in some awe & he doth have me appear as if with his side kick Nicholas-Nicoli or another young Catholic boy for we must observe the DECORUM OF BRITAIN & GAUL…some doth call Greetha BOADICEA…) MALRAUX whom I am at ease with as named Georges as his mother called him… insisted I wear the pink net floor length gown he had bought me Xmas 1953...(photos)… & I believe again he arranged my hair as he watched his mother Berthe & her sister Marie when he was a small boy…a band as in Pompeii frescoes… then the hair tucked up with a hundred hairpins & more as my hair is so long & thick…1900s style rather Grecian( If he had said go buy a new gown I would have got grey shades & wanted to look like a Parthenon girl in mourning….) Churchill talked with Andre- I saw him briefly eating his dinner at Claridges & was drawn by the hand to him & told to smile say my name nothing more- He did look like Father Christmas…he beamed as if he too were emerging from 19th century illustrations for the past…. said something about  `a meeting in winter & he a worried man with a newspaper- a small girl telling him something about overseas - Well small girls grew up & her father had been in the Army & SWUM in JAPAN…he‘d see Andre later if they both had time…` I fear they were now kept apart except in hostelries)…` the result was A Notification of a tucked away Grace & Favour 4 bedroom home available for Andre MAN OF WARS & PEACE to view 1957- ANDRE did not follow what Churchill  said… or me… Did now poor men of vision wearing heavy cloaks of HUMANISM try speak…FJR & WSC…?

This all dovetails into an old lady with Shanghai pearls Andre bought-stolen from me swiftly- by November 1957 in 50 Lancaster Gate Square- I went on the train to see Mr POULTER Colchester Museums- I told him things were odd…. but did not have the words for the SINISTER MADNESS about us…I doubt I would have worried him with it had I the vocabulary…I am a young person a pauperHWP  he said `you can borrow some of the Hollytrees trinkets Child- I have not booked them in yet- they are the property of my mother & her QUAKER friends-` I Greetha Ransom 1951/1956 Colchester Museums  only wanted the MOURNING JEWELLERY-

Of those old Quaker families of Colcestre…it suited ANDRE & ME ! I felt strength gather with in me & the spiri of Georges-Andre `as I stepped out into coming wintertime taking them all out into Londinium…& returned with them stepping into lavender violet dusks about the leafless branches across the Parks from ALBERT man of Letters & Intelligence to Reggie Monument 1920s entrance to Lancaster Gate Square…& so thus we entered upon iced winter days these Quaker names…their hair (DNA) on my wrists my neck & as a romantic girl felt they came with me supporting Andre Georges of GAUL & I in our attempt to be HUMANISTS…these Quaker Mourning Reliquaries I wore upon my young very tall strong body-18th century Citizens of Colchester & Essex…YOUNG PEOPLE SEARCH FOR HOPE….Merci…Old Quakers…you gave a state of common sense to the dawns & dusks of those winters 1957/ fight back against the decayed Imperial Mind.(These obscene brutes have now added LSD to their heroin-cocaine- purple plum Divi.Salvia Scotland…divinity & now they call themselves businessmen a few hours…)

I went about wearing this sombre black onyx dull silver with dead Quakers hair set in pendants & lozenges- I attended the Shakespeare Anthony Cleopatra/Midsummer Dream Frankie Howard Old Vic, the Opera Covent Garden, and the great museums proudly wearing my dead QUAKER family reminders of their dead-  & felt THIS WAS US dwelling ALWAYS IN WINTER…ANDRE AND GRETA…WE WERE FROM THE DEAD AGES… Not so….about us was the obscene sadism of the SLAYERS OF THE GROTE CHILDREN…they could be found out…THEIR INCOME DEPENDED UPON ANDRE MALRAUX AND GRETA RANSOM BEING ALIVE…. ANDRE & GRETA HAD TO BE ALIVE FOR THEM TO GATHER IN THE D O U G H for the British Nobility…told by GOD to preserve their divine class…

I believe I could not follow what was happening because of the awful dopes that Mengele` Harrington & SHEshe were using on us with such professional skills-others paid well helping-usually addicts of heroin or other dopes-  I COULD NOT RECALL THAT PAST before the War-If I did then these evil would become the `big game`- A certain doorway in The SCIENCE Museum had me drift up to it- only years on will I know it’s the door my Grandpa Ransom & I went through 1937/1939 to see the JACOPSHOLMEN plans-blueprints of the ISLAND IN THE SNOW of HUMANISM & HOPE …Records of RANSOM INVENTIONS like the joke of the 2 brothers who invented a collapsible mast to tease the Council of the Hanseatic League with their law about the height of masts going under the bridges…JIM & Lindsay 14 tormented my Grandfather Ransom summer 1939 before poisons caused his murder in Suffolk where they had taken him brutally doped saying he was `a pauper`  (records/3 medical witnesses who knew about brutal creatures browsing amongst Crowns & ignorance & GREED) The records Jacopsholmen were found to be MISSING 1967 by MORRISON SCOTT- now Director of the Natural History Museum-British Museum Natural History- BMNH-

Records of that queer autumn-winter with its massive cruelty to Amx & GR & many others…some deaths… 1957/1958...


He has their two sons in PARIS Pierre b 1940 5th November/Vincent 10 March 1944 & he reminds me of the SUMMER 1937...`we came from Spain- we had a summer holiday- we became the Star Watchers - sometimes we wore ourselves out because there was so much to do - We were coming the next year-1938-`  Within hours of George Andre

speaking to me I have no memory-or minutes if I am given something in a cup from the housekeeper’s quarters below…

1957 Autumn- ANDRE MALRAUX has no POST/mail to tell him of his GUARDIANSHIP to GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE IN 3 PARTS-no letters get to us to tell us what we should know- the killings have begun again, the persecution of people writing to us…discovered from the THEFT by the British Crown & NOBLES of our Post/mail…persons good families that were not known to this NATIONAL INDUSTRY that sees we do not learn of GROTE HOMES and all the slain children- done to get the British Upper Crust rich  UNTIL THIS CRIMINALLY INSANE STUCK THEIR SNOUTS INTO THE STOLEN POST/mail of RANSOM GROTE WEDDELL branches & THUS COULD PULL DOWN THE GLOBE…. About us is the envy & jealousy of creatures Vagrants-Scavengers with these HIGH CLASS SIN positons …suddenly rolling in riches dripping blood & gore…Added by them is Mad Doc Mengele- Mad Mother Kali- Lindsaybuggarh & Uncle JIM come in with a woman Angela 1919 whose brothers called her Miss Bloody Liar when she was HIGH with JIM on this dangerous dope… Other Noble thugs he & they cultivate-all is dangerous murderous deceit- & there is Crown office money & expenses to get for harming us, spying…looking for more leads to whom knows about GROTE-who has books-papers-photographs-documents-Carrion Crow fly in from Scandinavia …they do not want GREENLAND free…

1957 Others have better accounts, October/November 1957-I do recall George-Andre arranging my long hair as his mother Bertha & Aunt Marie did their hair-rolled on a headband- it required 4 packets of hairpins !   I kept a memory for sometime because of this hairstyle the hairpins getting all over the floor of my room- the housekeeper saying she had found another in her hoover ! I could recall that session one late afternoon-MALRAUX hair-style historian ! I could thus recall the evening & the dress he got made up from the film Studios-Pinewood or Elstree ? It had a 4 foot CROSS of LORRAINE-I am very tall-the cross went from bosom to below the knee-the material was dull silver-gold lame` & the Cross  green & orange beginning one side-right I think-a big cross- Of course it is the Anniversary of Saint Joan d`Arc- Andre came back with frock draped over his arm like piece of sculpture…

Mr Mengele went insane with hate of us- he insisted that somebody in France wear it-  It was to go back to the Film Studio- I remember it was only on loan- Mengele saw a replica was worn in Paris & photographed- The idea of the gown did not have dignity with modern hairstyling & manners…it required suffering perhaps…

1957- IT IS THE ANNIVERSARY OF SAINT JOAN- Jeanne d` Arc. Celebrations went on, Westminster Cathedral/ I saw 5 performances film theatre choral of JOAN d` Arc in 2-3 months that autumn all on my own ! The dress just a sheath of silver-gilt that com`th THE COLOSSUS OF GAUL BEARING ACROSS HIS ARM & he will adorn me…I am regarded as a bit of sculpture by him…he sometimes stops & laughs at me with his head on one side…`I DID NOT KNOW YOU WOULD GROW SO BIG …your grandmother Mary Gordon was petite & my Aunts Annie & Bessie Martha…` It is without shoulder straps a swathe of ancient silver gilt  shade soft material that he has persuaded a girl or two to run up at Pinewood Studios…it has to go back…(he & I hath no moneys)…. I felt like a Greek column of the Parthenon by moonlight & things like that passing in faint pencil sketches upon the air of winter … The hairstyle he did is very Greek -we are given to looking at statues-drawings-iconographical matters- LATER WHEN I WAS ASKED TO RECALL THIS BY ANDRE MALRAUX- I told him it was as a dream but knew it was nothe had to find it for me again in those journies of darkened landscapes that they forced to be our lives& he kept notebooks & I made `Stark Lines`

MALRAUX DID NOT KNOW THE MENGELES WERE REMOVING MY MEMORY WHEN-EVER HE HAD BEEN IN THE St Edmund’s HOUSE- when we had been together to some event/even a lunch-time meeting in the Museums- Malraux as he is in the daytime to me…he leaving a postcard for me if he had a rushed day. Mengele Harrington now began to search my room- rush in when I returned at 6.30pm & search my handbag- he & Jimmie Cur James said I might be using heroin ! As this pair of criminally-insane do in excess - with pretty pellets of Divinorum salvia Scotland ready to thrust up their snouts when they want to kill….

(The Prime Minister is to say in the 1960s ` YES-I know ALL OF THEM ARE ON booze & the other stuff-bar one-Yes documents are missing at Somerset House-everyone is telling me- find a Magistrate-swear who you are-get another certificate-whatever it is you need )

1957 age 24 years I was nervous the dirty brutes might plant dope on me.  But fairly sure that the Paddington police would never believe them ! ANDRE had already got help from the Paddington Police over the monsters  sent in-  WOE ! two matters are so horrific- a big black man in purple Kaftan clearly on dope excess- & an ancient monster known as `hunchback of Notre Dame from Italy` working in cellars on dope & booze-  It was done to destroy us, my reputation BUT ALSO TO GET THE MISSION of Andre Malraux General de Gaulle A BAD REPUTATION- they were now trying to get General de Gaulle to SHUT UP SHOP here ! Knowing I would hardly go & live in FRANCE with Clara crazy again & the PARIS house there known as `THE JAN STEEN TAVERN`  where Andre could never get a bed but took a LILO beside the boys on their `platform` (Reports Malraux 1950s & to PJPW ichthyology BMNH November 1967 Paris form eye witnesses…)….

A BREAK THRU` October 1957  -  ONE OF THE DETECTIVES  sent Andre down to Deptford to find my father & Ivy Ransom -  telling him a well known respectable family-old man was in Sailing ships & Battle of Jutland..’ But after a meeting the violence was turned on my father and IVY again-…records/accounts nobody could understand the tricksters of Whitehall Nobles Houses of Perversions & Crown…Scandinavia…all gone criminally insane for DOUGH 1920S….

A DOUBLE RAMPART is about the criminals now…they all WANT THEIR SHARE OF THE DOUGH….Upon the marriage 1909 Weddell-Ransom Aunt Margarethe girl of the snows put big INVESTMENT into PERU… Oh the baiting 1960 summer Colne Engaine over HOW THE NOBLE LINDSAYBUGGARHs & Angela’s sub-sub-sub APE men had ripped it all out….`IT WAS IN THE WAY OF BRITISH trade…`

These Figures from a Morgue were ripping apart other nations crashing those gentle swirling circles connecting interconnecting as early geometrics AS PATTERNS IN THE STARSif there was catastrophe then the gentle circles saw that it was softened and ALL HUMAN BEINGS had shelter food and humanism…that music art common sense went on….  A good roof coverings in heat/ winter & 2 years stores enough or coming in by ships then later our hundreds of tiny seaplanes…A to Z the GLOBE the Joyous Venture ran twice round the planet…  It was all COMMON SENSE…  There were big houses wondrous apartments in places featuring in the history of the world…all taken care of by a family with retainers or a housekeeper if it be modest…to be used by teaching staff, visitors, the vast families of Ransom now added Weddell… THE UNCOUTH NOBLE PENNILESS OF GROSS BRITAIN now pilfered all the more 1948 onwards…GLOBAL WARMING & THE MONSTROUS RICH NOW GATHER INTO  NEWSPAPER STORMS…where you cannot tell WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH….THE PHRASE GEORGES-ANDRE SAINT-Colonel Malraux…tells PJPW…`why did we leave Office Peter…General de Gaulle & I…`.WE COULD NO LONGER TELL WHO WAS TELLING THE TRUTH…we had been deceived so many times…the bombing of the ISLAND was the most horrible deception we could have imagined It meant GREENLAND HAD NO FRAGILE INDEPENDENCE WHAT SO EVER

How can this happen…EASY-  THE IMPERIAL BRITISH EMPIRE FALLEN GOT ITS  S N O U T into Post/mail of the globe A to Z….it wished to ARISE…put its UPPER CRUST well togged Class  ABOVE THE UNIVERSE ….OFTEN QUOTING ITS PROTESTANT GOD…Henry VIII would have dumped all of them in Oceanus Germanicus for their brutish ignorance of the globe



1945&1977-tapes-Lennie-Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM

`I came with you-you did not know me-I am not to speak to my kin as myself-I have no identity now my Papers are all removed-no record of my birth-of `Jerusalem`, my parents…Mengele has made me an orphan of people of no standing- he boasts at his blondes & his male partners-   I had began to speak to the young ones-my own kin-you are now in your own setting again-this world we all knew before we WENT TO WAR 1939-

(G.R.    I think it is the ASHMOLEAN- the paintings…we have days out in the holidays from school- I show the children my world which to me is more meaningful… Pete born 1970 21st August/ Victoria-Augusta (2nd legion Ancient Rome ) 1968 21st April- `A & A 21` as PJPW did call them once or twice- …I do recall this small man-  Lennie has not grown like his brothers Fred & John…he has kept the height of his father and the delicacy of his mother- the eyes are not round but almond…I KNOW HIM AS SOMEBODY AROUND- there is nothing remembered of 1930s but 1940s all I have there of memory is misery of she- & being told I am a pauper- & nasty things in the darka concrete wall of shivering billowing blackness throws itself in my head- nothing more… YET TO CONFRONT THIS MISERY IS THE WAY OF ENTRY INTO THIS PAST THEY HAVE OFTEN DAILY TAKEN FROM MY WAKING HOURS WITH THEIR FIENDISH DOPES THAT REMOVE THE MEMORY…

THEY LEARNED IT ALL IN GREAT WAR NUT HOUSES VISITING THE SHELL SHOCKED FROM THE FRONT`… I want to AXE `EM Lennie & they have murdered your son then your daughter…your Weddell kin & kith…burned their bodies in their madness after the discovery of DNA….I Greetha want to put them on chains to build our great JOYOUS VENTURE back again… they are dope-trash at the top of the British Pyramid- ignorant crass…& piles of dogs dirt on Clacton-on-sea seafront-as the many good people who protected us called them- 1920s to 1950s…..Lindsaybuggarhs & Noble SCUM !

LEN speaks on….`ANDRE TAUGHT ME THIS-look at paintings thus

…1960- he had taught the boys-VINCENT was most interested with it-  How to put yourself in the painting-walk in-and look out at the world if you like-walk about- this painting has all the kindly animals all over the gentle landscape…little Peter 7 years understood-Victoria was delighted- I told them how my brother John who worked one time on the STARS used to imagine himself up in a balloon above the earth and then look at his life-his work-his problems…they understood- `

I G.R. must have been listening to him-for I too can walk about in that painting with little Peter and Victoria-Mousie in a dream I have…Len is there & others familiar…big Peter comes and says something about mistakes-then I am in a car Victoria driving she both child & adult merged… she driving & I suddenly see thick mists -the windscreen wipers are not on & she seems to be in a trance as I feel I am -I shout her name-Victoria-Augusta ! …I know no more….

(Her name-it’s the 2nd Legion ROME-the Empress own regiment-the VICTORIA AUGUSTA-II Legion visited Camulodunum Colonia Victricensis-Colchester- Claudius Emperor had his temple there burned by Boadicea )

If I were allowed to live free of these-they full of deceit & madness that they will be found out for slaying the GROTE HOMES children & stopped at the ongoing robbery… of the delicate flower garden round the globe THE JOYOUS VENTURE…I would recall ANDRE MALRAUX winter 1969 shouting in agony `thats my child` as we leave a fashionable dinner party at Blewbury- where he has been walking about with Victoria on his shoulder-she 9 months-she cried if he put her down in her tiny cot- I take her everywhere-I have already had threats to `take her away`…She lived on my hip for over a year- ( There is a painting by Grandpa Gordon that Andre would tell me he was to be imagined by me on the Grandpa big bike coming down the snowy hill & bidding good evening to the people coming to Church by Moonlight…He also told me that I should  pretend the painting is sometimes with daylight & I should remember he comes down that hill on the bike to me when he is away in GAUL…)

Andre calls her Victoria but we at The Pillar House often call her `Mousie`she is used to him & she & little Peter smile at him readilyI see her one morning run towards him she nearly 4 years old calling gently

`its Andre-I love Andre-he makes me laugh` and she ran down The Pillar House garden to the East Gate -& I thought of the little child like a little star described on the climb up the mountain paths in the story JOHN RUSKIN writes-its printed at the back of Sesame & Lillies- `King of the Golden River`…but most children recall it as `Mr South West Wind Esquire`…& 2nd World wartime children immediately thought of a lovely joint of mutton cooking over a warm fire…)

ENTER we- THAT LOST WORLD- where British Noble SCUM can cover up the slaying of our GROTE CHILDREN… Len speaks: “1977/80  tapes/  I am Len-I am your kin- I am a musician and artist-I have 3 books on social and philosophical matters abroad-I speak several tongues even Japanese of which I am `A Master` -yet I am not to tell these my kin whom we descend from…all that magic has to be locked away-one day some grubby creatures may unlock their stolen trunks and laugh and jeer-some more…I have talked with Miss Welch explained the matters of the Estate-of course she knew of GROTE…`enlightenment-she knew older people who had been to teach awhile or make an academic visit-it was ORDER out of chaos for the whole world-   She’d look after the young…I should watch the world- see if there could not be some break-through…she’d try have a talk with some persons involved( See BOOK OF LEN-)

Memo from G.R. (1995-2008 AD- our work programmme)

MEMO to LIR after his death as I set out this Document as he has done in this manner in his diaries he kept all his life from boyhood…

`Lennie- it was in the June 1945 George COLONEL ANDRE came out of `Stella Maris` from talking with Annie & using the sitting room with the gilded old piano for reading & writing his thoughts his work… I HAVE NO MEMORY AT ALL OF YOU…this is where you would so often 1930s go in and talk with Annie- show your drawings, and speak on the ancient and modern art & music & people & life…

( before 2nd World War)…& Mademoiselle Mrs Honoria-Rachel might call on Annie & Bessie or you could go and have a secret tea in Rachel’s tiny half a house both of you speaking in French her first language-   The Monsters on the Seafront think she is a beggar woman-       she knows there sort- do you recall picking her up in the snow her cat in her tiny rough wood cart she takes for her shopping she in a ragged coat… she plays that beggar woman very well- and then flips off to the most expensive Watering Places the Continent for a rest -or calls in on `young Paccelli & old friends in Rome- `

1945 Summer- `WELL-I am in awe of Colonel Malraux- Malroohx- and in love-- he bends his tall frame and has a ghostly smile on face but never in those eyes of the stars because he is A WIDOWER- & Colonel Andre  say`th    `I have seen your Grandfather’s paintings-  Now little one- do you look at the one on the staircase where it curves- his  painting of snow & moonlight…I want you to look into it next time & see ME coming down that hill on your Grandfather Gordon’s bike- on George’s bike-which I am now to ride-it is for a tall man-   I shall be coming down the snowy hill, I will stop & lean on the pedal and speak to the figures going up and into the lighted warm church-Annie says your grandfather knew who they were-we will try and find out-  I shall then continue down-and at the bottom of the hill I WILL COME TO YOU-  ”

`   I-   will come to you… ` - tremble doth meeeee G.R.…`

I find some words ` yes -it is in my bottom drawer- my dowry- Great Aunt Annie did say it last yearbut I have to be worthy of it-to have a holy home for it to come to…` HE DOTH RETURN TO THIS POETIC TIME Outside time …as when you walk in grief- delicacy- uncertainty- outside  dimensions-   there was a book I used to enjoy turning the pages of 1943 because it had been my father’s but out of date in his time he said…. old Professor Dunn’s book his ideas on dimensions…they were not sailing upright I had heard… I will print Grandpa Gordon’s painting in this book for JO- she would have like it `Going to Church by moonlight in the snow` people sent photo-copy posters of it say what nice feelings it hath rise- Do you recall Lennie sound & such things technology began with Ben Westinghause` great-grandpa in his garden shed- & Fred Ransom of Jacopsholmen used to call in- where was it in Germany ? Where we had 1840s the first `hole in the wall bank ` ? There was a letter from JANACEK saying he had used it in an emergency-as it was designed-1938-the Lindsaybuggarhs & Jim Mr Pong may have used the letter for catapult pellets fired at us with other famous letters-`

1957/59 Penthatol was used on G.R.  it was later reported/& I was seen dumb & in a trance many times for 4 days or more -It was later understood they were using needles on me- Mengele IS Tolkien’s Gollum-Lord of the RING-& there are several ORCS about Scarlet Town who drip blood & gore moneys GROTE-RANSOM-WEDDELL- banging their chests in public and saying `look at me-I`m the big Boots` (G.R. gives report… 19 Jan 1958 Mengele sticking needle in her wrist `so you cannot remember my patient Andre Malraux you Ape…`  He then moved Mad Mother Kali back in the house `when she wants to stay`…MALRAUX gone for General de Gaulle to GUYANAS…Life at 50 Lancaster Gate Square records)

THE TRAGEDIES OF JOSETTE Clotis MALRAUX & the family of M. de SALLE of PARIS stranded by the British on Jacopsholmen Island West Greenland-within the Arctic Circle- Reports 1939-1944-1960-

M. de Salle   (direct line of Elizabeth RANSOM 1770s married Paris banker de Salle known to Jacques Necker) is NOT allowed to leave with wife and 4 children… they were with no possessions allowed wearing day clothes from Paris put in an unheated enormous hut near the shores December 1939- they in 20 minutes ordered out of the great warm RANSOM home- It was then locked & wired with explosives by JIMMIE JONG Major James Carew JAMES with 6/7 British Army thugs come in by fast launch from a big RN ship out at sea West Greenland-  JIM known to GROTE RANSOM GORDON families is a foul creature from 1920-  he lives by theft with violence- he is ON THE PIN- (Full reports several persons/sources)

1939 JIM has a 2-man UNIT back of Buckingham Palace- called Intelligence-  he is criminally insane and ON THE PIN all his life- he pours tea liquors & drops things in…`Uncle Jimmie James`…who can go anywhere `Queens Flight`…time of one they address as Auntie M. Teck…they used to take her fast driving with them  1920s…& she gave them the RUN OF BUCKINGHAM PALACE & other Marbled Halls… `We all had a lovely time` says Teresa Gordon…but it got less innocent swiftly 1921 onwards…as the dopes & the liquors flowed…few had any intelligent education of the world past present future beyond 7 to 10 years of age…A sign said GOD is a Noble of the British Upper Crust…YOU must have money & power…

A half Chinese racist-  JIM passes easily as French, Chinese or British (He had 2 years training in his teens PEKIN Chinese Opera Course where his Report said he was good at villains but less successful at sensitive parts)…The British Thuggery Department of RN have a watch & a blockade on the 1770 Decree RANSOM Island- 78 miles of it off Xristenshab- TO STOP THE FAMILY de SALLE of PARIS  BEING RESCUED-

1944 JOSETTE learned many Grote Ransom Estate matters-The end of October 1944- she was reading ANDRE’s POST/mail she had COLLECTED from an address he had once used in PARIS- it is why she died- distressed ? -doped to make her forget ? or she was pushed ? (reports 1945 Xmas 2 men G. B. War office Foreign Office visits Clacton elders of high intelligence & humanism ) `Before they parted in PARIS that last time she Jo said to Andre she would call in- in case something was there-` ………………………..

JO READ AND UNDERSTOOD because she had made notes in story notebooks summer 1937 of what Greta Ransom told her when she let me speak on for she could follow the human matters ( I G. R. well travelled ) related to her because there was a connexion to our Summer Holiday 1937...(Greta`s fear being  LINDSAYBUGGARTHS would return to their GRAND between the Royal Hotel & the Towerswhere it is squashed in like a Jurassic dog that low dark Scotland granite building slipping & tipping from when they forced the builder & the Court to allow them to put it up…) Summer 1944 Grote Brokers Wall Street New York America- write to ANDRE MALRAUX GUARDIAN TO ALL THE ESTATE PROPERTY -   `that last year 1943 they received news on the fate of the family of M. de SALLE Citizen of FRANCE who lived in PARIS-  stranded upon the Ransom Island with his family of wife and 4 children from December 1939-  2 letters received 23rd December to Captain Fred J. Ransom at Clacton-on-Sea…  The island is just within the Arctic Circle West Greenland-Jacopsholmen Island off Xristenshab- 2 hours by petrol launch- a big island of 78 miles…`a little utopia a democracy Peter` Capt. Alan Villiers Oxford December 1967...

INFORMATION IS IN THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO ANDRE MALRAUX from the lawful Brokers GROTE New York USA…(stolen by Gross Britain Noble THUGGERY…) `Rumour & sightings from the Coast Guards Canada-ships-  ` the parents were believed dead & the 2 small boys-but the 2 teenage girls HAD BEEN SEEN RECENTLY LIVING ROUGH-IT WAS KNOWN THEY WERE NOT ALLOWED IN THE BIG RANSOM HOUSE-warm and comfortable-designed to live in all wintertime- They had been evicted by a man they knew slightly in PARIS…He was now in the British Army-`

( This is information received by Grote Brokers others by 1943...)

Nota bene:  In JOSETTE’s memory would arise the speech of the child GRETA RANSOM-Summer 1937...whose name she now saw on documents very legal- & letters about GROTE HOMES for children around the world-  & ANDRE MALRAUX as GUARDIAN- JO would be scared ! She would recall Greetha telling her `the Monsters from the Deep do not want The Children of Thomas to have HOMES` it was 7 years ago…

The Grote Brokers New York USA correspondence of Summer 1944 to PARIS address of Andre Malraux used October 1937... goes on describing the FATE OF de Salle family of the 18th century banking house…  1939 XMAS ARCTIC- IN A HUT IN THE SNOW-big warm house locked up-explosives-Orders G.B. & Crown-

The Grote Brokers NEW YORK & others knew by 1943/44 their worst 1930s fears were gathering`The British would NOT LET ANYONE GO & SEARCH & BRING THE DE SALLE FAMILY OF PARIS OFF an Island of Arctic winters where they G.B. Noble Britain forced them to live rough…(for de Salle Family Paris a Ransom branch & a Poul Gronlander branch twice… G.B. Nobles  knew this family too could inherit this vast Estate if every Ransom Weddell branch from 92 AD in the globe were slain by Noble Britain ! They had already stolen the Ransom genealogies & KNEW THE TRUTH…  That these monsters could put their snouts into private POST/mail  put endless families in danger from them  able to control the Institutions of the Nation of B.G.  …the criminally insane penniless noble mobsters were in charge of FRAUD-VIOLENT THEFT & able to manipulate the fate of nations A to Z the World….) Lordly nobles Gross Britain were saying as it injected its wrists raised its brandy bottles `the Greenland Island Jacopsholmen belonged to them G.B. but they‘d play a game of cards with Denmark for it- DEATH DUTIES on RANSOM properties in GROSS BRITAIN had not been paid !  (you dirty liars you’ve had death duties 3 times over by stole the cheque 15 thousand pounds for Greta Ransom’s education to 18...Angela got 2 black horses out of it…Shares were demanded for all Lindsaybuggarhs & SCUM…. `DEATH DUTIES NOT PAID so we British Crown & Lindsaybuggarhs are taking this Greenland Island ! No entry !  WE RULE THE SEA ! ` It was known worldwide the British Crown & its Noble dope & booze galore God on their shoulders Animal Packs were penniless…Oh so penniless…& little more than Vagrants Scavengers coming like FIGURES FROM A MORGUE TO CRUSH human beings with different colours of skinThe great British & Continental Nonconformist families were not of ….this high-low divine mental deformitythe NONCONFORMIST famous names were the advancers of technology-science-medicine-earth sciences…& THE STARS…the divine go in for BOMBS & THINGS…

The truth given in letters/witnesses/1939-1960-

1939- 9th December Jacopsholmen island, West Greenland.


CHRISTMASTIDE 1939 when they

the de Salle Family of Paris  F R A N C E ….

were making the Christmas Cake

with in the Inner Circle West Greenland

9 December 1939

with their 4 children under 12 years of age….


for the Gross Britain CROWN & NOBLES…

so they can pick up fast some more dough….



23rd December 1939... LETTERS FROM JACOPSHOLMEN  ISLAND granted by Decree 1770 to Jacop Poulsen eldest son of POUL GRONLANDER… (pedigrees available) `Mr Jimmie Jong now a British Major came with 6-7 men in army uniforms & threw us out-  Jim had furs on- he took all our Xmas presents in the great  window where the SUN comes- ( poem by HORACE Ancient Rome knocked the top of a bottle of wine- we had 2- and drank it-began eating the candies-` (I Greta Ransom AM LISTENING TO THIS LETTER READ 23rd DECEMBER 1939 as we `young Fred Ransom’s household `The house on the REC` Vista Road Clacton-on-Sea had begun putting up the Xmas decorations in an old fashioned style as my young father 28 years of age had thought he would do… in honour of his dead murdered parents Jean Weddell Ransom & Frederick Charles Frobisher Ransom she murdered with poisons 1938 later summer & 1939 Greetha’s grandpa Ransom F.C. Greetha’s grandpa Len’s father hit upon his back by Mr Pong  & the evil jack in the Box LINDSAY TO BE EARL 14 who have a QUEEN ANGELA on dope & booze as is the way of these Roaring 1920s sub-sub-Apes...

1939 October Grandpa Ransom was poisoned in a Suffolk hospital by JIM Major PONG & a LINDSAY Brute & they used a doped up evil fool Teresa Gordon R to accompany them…..)

Now JIM set about the de Salle family of PARIS on the Ransom Arctic Island….J I M favourite of Royal & noble monsters of dope & divinity…& boozers -has learned conjuring in PEKIN…at the 4 persons dinner party back of Buckingham Palace October 1939 he got from Winston CHURCHILL A SIGNATURE FOR CANADA…and without  W.S. his understanding A SIGNATURE FOR STOPPING OFF AT WEST GREENLAND… Mr Pong…`PONG CONJURER` POURED THE BRANDY…waffling on it was a gift from a Noble lout…stuck some dope in…(records related 1953 gathered from 1939 oral & checked with others observing)

December 11th/12th 1939 …LETTERS/Greenland from M. de SALLE of PARIS & his 12 years old daughter SARAH a cousin to Lennie & Greetah Ransom….

` GREENLAND WEST Jacopsholmen Island  9 December 1939...RANSOM GREAT HOUSE BUILT AS A SHIP WILL LAST 400 years AMERICAN 19th century OPEN PLAN DOWNSTAIRS…staircase…..J I M (now a British Major for Buckingham Palace Intelligence Unit…) ` packed all the presents in a sack and bowled them down the hill to the men with the launch at the harbour- WE WERE ORDERED OUT-NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE ANYTHING-we put on two layers of our Paris clothes-THE FURS & STORES FROM AUNT FROBISHER IN CANADA HAD NOT ARRIVED-they were very late-later we found all the tinned food & the dried meat and fish in the ice caves was gone-and the grains-there was nothing for us to eat-

We were just making the cake we always make for Xmas when the men arrived and ordered us out-We were allowed to take no bedding-nothing at all-ONLY THE CLOTHES WE WORE- ` M. de Salle & daughter Sarah 13 years old- letters- taken by a Skipper who by chance sailed in-posted days later in Shetlands the letters which arrived to secret address Clacton-on-Sea 23rd December 1939- 11th/12th December 1939...a big icy HUT by the shoreline of Jacopsholmen island off Xristenshab West Greenland. we put on two layers of our Paris day clothes hoping the men with JIM would not notice.. I can see the face of my dear father-as the men ordered us out of your great warm houseit had lit up like a lamp when we arrived & Aunt Margarethe had filled it with such comfortable things for that Christmas we all missed here 1933…” An earlier letter from Cousin Sarah Poulsen de Salle has said `…as I go out over the snow I think I am Red Riding Hood in my scarlet cloakand words about her little sister who is 9 years- two baby brothers under 5 years old…`  ALL TO DIE in the Arctic cold BECAUSE OF GROSS BRITAIN NOBLES & SCANDINAVIAN OBSCENE  G R E E D…only Sarah & sister surviving to 1958...then only Sarah…

(There is no discussion  /oratory/  that can be used to hesitate the understanding of this HORRIBLE CRIME…the Island its history was known to the globe- & all GROTE HOMES   (existing at that time in Germany & Eastern Europe)  had books on POUL the development of the Island the Theatre the School the Workshops…the families…) THE ISLAND WAS NO THREAT & ITS VALUABLE CONTRIBUTION TO civilized life…to   H U M A N I T A S  was known to intelligent human beings the World… only Gross Britain vowed to demolish all Grote Ransom Estate & WALLOW IN THE DOUGH… USE IT AS EASY MONEY TO PAY OFF THEIR GAMBLING & DEBAUCHING DEBTS their easy living their SMART TOGS…A fallen Empire had a Pyramid of evil & ignorance at the top…)

“… your great house lit up like a lamp, little Greetah - we were just making the cake we always make for Christmas…” December 1939 Arctic Circle West Greenland

1960 January/February Dr John RAY ® reports `I have spoken with Sarah-I will read you some of it back….fuller reports-others-as it goes on into 1978-lies-threats-only Sarah left-Mengele & blondes keeping eye on her-  in Alaska-

Sarah: `they could find no money-there was plenty in Norway-France- yet I was to understand my sister and I could not have any money- then she died - `

Doc Mengele Harrington paedophile-violent thief-remover of national records-  birth death marriages etc burns books & DNA-was in attendance for G.B. Lords- Earls  & The Crown-

It was he Mengele decided the girls were not Virgins- and Sarah’s sister now died in a hammock - while Mengele Harrington was there pawing away at her -he poisoned her in a hammock she fell asleep…rather as so many have done when these filthy obscene Nobles find themselves able to get more & more MONEYS without INCOME TAX if someone is CULLED….

Sarah’s sister SHE WAS NOT YET 30 years of age…She had been 9 years old when this ordeal began- thrown out of a great comfortable warm HOME on the FAMILY Jacopsholmen island- ORDERS BRITISH CROWN & LINDSAY EARLS SAYING THEY OWN ALL OF THIS PART OF WEST GREENLAND…JIM came with violence TO STEAL FOR THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT LORDS EARLS & THE CROWN THE GROTE RANSOM ESTATE- to pay their massive debts from their frightful debauching ON THE PIN lives of the last 2 generations-

Since they put Albert in a wet carriage-because he could think-

The pack of them should never be allowed near a War Memorial-

and if they go to church then they kneel in the churchyard!   Never cross the doorstep !  Their greed caused ALL THESE DEATHS !

1959- Naval Intelligence gave out in its `Navy Lark` heroin & gin-vodka manner‘the girls would not be virgins and could not come back to the nation of a Royal family where they could not be allowed to take any part in society…blah blah…

It was understood even Naval Intelligence were squirming-

Orders were given by Gross Brit to see Sarah did not speak on the ordeal-blamed the Ransoms-and her lack of schooling…

…The moneys of the family Poulsen de Salle of Paris & Norway could be seen on the backs of the Nobles of Scandinavia & Gross Brit-horses-cars-flash & glitter & immorality-dope-immorality-dope-booze-

The motto of Osbert RANSOM 963 AD our direct line back is `Satteus Laetus- Salle of Paris is

a RANSOM -Elizabeth Ransom c 1770 m 2ndly de Salle 18th Century Banker Paris-/letters/records/

`I am satisfied with sufficient…`

1944 November 9th THE TRAGEDY OF JOSETTE Clotis MALRAUX who for the previous 2 weeks tried get help to the DE SALLE FAMILY of PARIS- heirs also to Grote Ransom Estatede Salle family have 4 children under 12 years old youngest 2 years oldThey are abused within the Inner Circle ARCTIC by Gross Britain Lords & Crown thugs stealing GROTE RANSOM ESTATE worldwide & having a share-out … while they parents & 4 children are making the Christmas Cake & from the ORDERS from British NOBLESLAND tipped in the snow in 20 minutes from the great warm Fred RANSOM house built 1830s as a sturdy ship for civilized living-  open Plan downstairs as the great USA 18th 19th century homes…3 from of heating(` biggest house USA style last century-400 years of life say architects` & Captain Alan Villiers ) Villiers says a Saturday morning Oxford December 1967... `Fred Ransom built it for HIS BRIDE- THE GRONLANDER‘s grand-daughter … a mighty man mighty intellect Peter… ONE SAIL MARGARETHE GAVE US THE KEY TO THE ISLAND A LITTLE UTOPIA A DEMOCRACY…Cousteau & I have had no end of trouble because we have sailed up there..` A visit           to a great MARINER’S HOUSEHOLD by Greta Frobisher Weddell RANSOM Whitehead - PJPW ichthyology BMNH `200 years Celebrations Voyages of James Cook RN….December 1967 Oxford ) …It was 9 December 1939 on JACOPSHOLMEN Island in the afternoon when they were ORDERED OUT IN 20 MINUTES by JIM JONG Major Carew of Buckingham Palace Intelligence Unit & 6-7 thugs in British Army gear….OUT of the  Gronlander/RANSOM warm home to which they are ALL 6 of them de Salle/Poulsen Ransom kin are also heirs… on the Island a holy Place & by decree 1770 WE are to erect the University to POUL when we can

` The Inner Circle Arctic  West Greenland-

JOSETTE Clotis MALRAUX HAVING LIVED IN THE LITTLE CHATEAU CHARENTES PERIGORD the previous winter could understand a winter in the ARCTIC inner circle with 4 children the youngest 2 years would be horrible…no food except what they fish & hunt…but believed 1943/44 Canada et al Reports `only the 2 teenage girls now alive- “…British have a blockade with Denmark on the Island…  Fred Ransom father of heir believed sent to his death Philippines…”

JOSETTE tried to get help to them de Salle (Ransom Poulsen branch) Family of PARIS evicted by G. B. criminally insane Nobles of GREED 1939 December with 4 children- kicked into the Arctic snow not allowed leave-  It was the end of October 1944- she had Pierre her 4 years old (birthday 5 Nov)  & son born March 1944 Vincent put with a close friend because of the hardships of wartime France… AT THE SAME TIME THAT HER MOTHER ARRIVED the British Consul FRANCE…HAD HIS 2 GUNMEN ARRIVE to kill she & MALRAUX…

it had been learned end October 1944 by

Gross Britain Consul diplomatic staff etc etc etc

from her attempts to help the de Salle Family of Paris that she had received lawful documents for ANDRE MALRAUX from GROTE BROKERS New York end October 1944

& THE ORDERS of Gross Britain Nobles


(Reports/ `that girl Jo Andre’s Catholic wife did not know where he was…she managed to get with help a village a message sent him she knew not where…it had to go by 3 or 4 resistance workers`…Colne Engaine 1960 from talking with persons of that time…)

The robbery of the Grote-Ransom estate-the slaying of the children GROTE HOMES of which there were 2,500 principal homes of quality keeping a low profile from when Tiggy was murdered ARRAN Hebrides 1904 by the filthy Scots Lords & Lindsaybuggarhs Earls for this `Fortune` as they termed it… Then rudely adding `of an old Eskimo` as the comely & beautiful of mind & presence Margarethe Ransom Mrs Thomas Immanuel Grote got older in her widowhood…

1930s…Gross Brit & Scandinavia Organised criminal insanity clutching in secret silence at the institutions of the G. B. Realm & had got going thoroughly with violence & destruction worldwide on RANSOM our seashores… (Mrs M. R. Grote legal Will to Greta Ransom descending in a direct line regardless of SEX from she & her parents (GP & FR)  to FJR father of Greta first born grandchild of her brother JOHN RANSOM his only surviving son Frederick Charles RANSOM….Margarethe Ransom Grote does not make a distinction between sexes in matters of inheritance…IT IS ALL ABOUT HUMANISM….SHE & all legally involved in her Estate are WELL PLEASED WITH LENNIE & GREETAH RANSOM ) & it was easily assisted with RN big ships   (see account of an old 1920s Roaring CHUM in a French sailor suit a sort of Absinthe drinker of Marseille rushing in on Teresa Gordon Ransom Clacton-on-Sea 1937 early morning waving a gun demanding moneys from Greta Ransom age 4 years…it is going to be Centaur of The Sea 2nd World War THEY ARE ALL ON THE PIN ) …All FRAUD-THEFT-BESTIAL genocide… being well under way by 1944/1945 WHICH IS ALSO THE 2nd WORLD WAR.… Nothing must be allowed to interfere with the private Fortunes these Noble British penniless OF THE PIN  would  PULL IN (references Dec 1946-to 1960 Malraux Detectives & Colleagues…) - There were 5 HOMES in FRANCE- the Lands were to be sold for the British Crown & the Lindsay Earls et al - The family of M. de Salle must not be allowed off the Island-they could inform the French Government that MALRAUX was Guardian to the greatest Estate in the world…Mrs Margarethe Ransom Grote….Legal Will USA 1938- All of Malraux his Post/mail had been stolen so far by the British Government & Crown- The Liberation of PARIS had correspondence from GROTE New York arrive to an address ANDRE MALRAUX used pre-War & where his letters from Margarethe Grote & Mary Gordon arrived October 1937- Nota bene “ Grote Homes were often very small outside the 2,500 architect designed Homes...because the little investments & big investments circled around & around in the RANSOM Traders centuries age old custom in all Nations where we had centuries of dowry lands & GOODWILL & cousins who from 11th-12th century Palestine shores sent us XMAS CARDS (not all Christians hence my prayer mat from the Arab king ) until they seem to have been murdered from 1929 onwards…What happens in 1930 that they can write no more or visit to us…?

We THE JOYOUS VENTUE need not be concerned with big big profit…WE are welcomed as of 14 Races & 27 nations the globe…quite unique are we RANSOM….thus a Tiggy Grote Home might be put in for 30 orphans on an island a tiny landshaft…the education was THE SAME HIGH HUMANISM…

19th century… In Asia it was very cheap to fund the Homes however big or small…QUALITY was always insisted upon…the drawing in of the community immediately about the Home the establishment of the basic requirements for civilized life…farms/ craftworks/ musicians/sport/hospitals & RESEARCH etc…an understanding in lectures for all was of `WE HAVE TO GO TO THE STARS `GOD` WANTS US TO but that depends upon progress in Lucretian terms…matter/the composition of the earth/ .… The nations outside Gross Britain well thus they understood…& were well pleased with the children who came out of the Grote Homes & took up POSITIONS which helped them the peoples of the area & the nation have a more comfortable life span…

This was how TIGGY GROTE learned his HUMANISM -

IN THE SNOWS OF Jacopsholmen Island where we go local Arctic shopping to Xristensharb 1850s-1930s…

( Thomas Immanuel GROTE an old family of West Saxony born 1841/1842-murdered 1904 by Scots Nobles Arran our 98 acres stolen by JIM JONG & sold on to Angela’s 2nd cousin…there was a beautiful woman 1968/9 ANDRE MALRAUX & PJPW tried help for this MOB had in mind her certain murder…she had rather got lost in her philosophy…Records/archives/reaching to The Pillar House 1972 renaissance party 19 March) TIGGY (Ward of the ARCTIC because of his Ringworm from talking to the Animals Boston Zoo ) … felt human nature functioned best when it knew common sense & he grew up with this… his mother‘s great uncle was Frederick IMMANUEL  K A N T… Tiggy says he learned much from age 11 years Ward to Fred Ransom & Gertrude Poulsen his wife…  TIG BEGAN HIS WORK AT 21 YEARS after plaguing Edward LEAR artist cartoonist on the family acres Corfu aged 18 to 19 years of age… TIG now upon marriage to Margarethe Ransom in his enthusiasm & her agreement both aged 20 years put both Grote Brokers New York & Ransom families into NO SHOES state for a few yearsbut nobody minded… FAIR TRADERS HUMANISTS…Tiggy’s ideas with the intelligent the noble of the world  flourished… & soon with Aunt Mag’s GREEN GOLD FINGERS everybody had shoes….

Nota bene : we go from the HUMANITAS above to the LUCIFERS of a Fallen British NOBLES Empire …all penniless for 2 even 3 generations ….I/we give it below…YOU DOTH LEARN WITH THIS DOCUMENT


...& I Greetah found them FULL OF SUCH GRACE…JoJOH&Jo & Saint George ANDRE

A WORD IMPORTANT…IN SUMMATRA WE HAD IN EDUCATION GROTE HOMES 3,000 orphans in HUMANISM living in quality GROTE HOMES… When the British Empire 1940s slew them they using The Realms of noble circles (Scandinavia & Gross Britain)  mouthed that about 200 children only were on all these LANDS & they were used as SIN (so they had told the Diplomatic Enclaves to PAY THEIR BILLS FROM RANSOM GROTE BANKS where they may…) And thus for a few years this FOULNESS at the TOP OF THE CLASS PYRAMID OF GROSS BRITAIN paid its gigantic life of debauch…touring the globe fingering other NATIONS…./The lies about the numbers of GROTE HOMES CHILDREN will be repeated & falsified where they bulldoze the HOMES nations A to Z  1950s claiming THE LANDS ARE THE PROPERTIES OF THE LAWFUL PURCHASE CONQUEST OF THE ANCESTORS OF THE CROWN…It is ALL LIES…thus they have become quite-quite-quite mad…Oh so very criminally insane concerning Grote Homes & Ransom Estate…When the moneys & KUDOS reaches to grandchildren it is more difficult to point out the EVIL OF THE ROARING 1920s & the horrible slitherings of their previous generations in this RIVER OF BLOOD …


The SPEAKER A physician on high who had brought great advances to medicine c 1970... Blewbury…he was alarmed at Peter J. P. Whitehead being given all this power to dispense of the great RANSOM ESTATE that Andre Malraux & the Ransom families had got circling about again the globe from 1960s ….He of New Zealand began his speech/oratory…`So you find there is NO MONEYS IN THE BANKS OF NEW ZEALAND…& that they the divine (of the PIN) have received handouts from those who are permitted to STEAL THE ESTATE FROM THE LAWFUL HEIRS RANSOM- THERE IS THE ANSWER TO THE MADNESS WE HAVE ALL OBSERVED…the greed-dope & liquor…`1968/1970/a visitor & others…concerned 2 Ransom brothers they have known well are dead far too soon…murder by the known-


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