Greta Ransom

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1938 Summer my father FJR learned GROTE BROKERS had since Xmas 1933 sent to him A DUPLICATE ALL DOCUMENTS THEY SENT HIS FATHER…All the Estate now faced with an EMERGENCY…

THE THEFT OF THIS POST/mail by Earls of Lindsay & sent to the back of Buckingham Palace in their names & that of ANGELA for the CROWN had them with information on the great Ransom-Grote JOYOUS VENTURE of Philanthropy that had them the noble PENNILESS quite CRAZY  G R E E D Y criminally insane 1930s grasping at parts of it using their diplomatic force where they could…

This was how the attacks on our property world wide were taking place…the attacks on the GROTE HOMES & the individual children especially when a proportion had gone into higher education from 18 years of age…to HELP THEIR NATIONS which were outside the Gross Britain EMPIRE…  IT WAS A MOST HORRIBLE ILLEGAL THEFT from XMAS 1933 & IT HAD BEGUN THE SLAYING OF THE GROTE CHILDREN & the staff…the tenants of our properties…the settlements on the lands A to Z the globe…(Later called a genocide Grote-Ransom-Weddell-Gronlander)

THE INTENTION OF GROSS BRITAIN NOBLES & begun 1934 onwards  (many in Government) was to move in & cut forests- take minerals by cheap labour & humiliation of these small nations….NOBLE BRITAIN PENNILESS was getting its paws on Grote Ransom Weddell  D O U G H…by every savage method it could work out from sticking its SNOUTS in our Post/mail 1933 Xmas to summer 1938... No wonder the secret silence meetings could gobble at our properties…  OUTSIDE of GROSS BRITAIN & its FALLING EMPIRE….

A DUPLICATE SET of our ESTATE DOCUMENTS-  EVERY QUARTER sent to Frederick John Ransom for his daughter proclaimed HEIR by Margarethe Ransom Grote & her legal & financial team & agreed by her son & all Ransom families…GRETA RANSOM born 1933 is in secret silence claimed by EARLS OF Crawford & LINDSAYbuggarhs…& Lennie I. Ransom sub-heir & co-heir…both children heirs to the entire GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE in 3 Parts…& if they die then the RANSOM family may choose its heirs…on no account will the Estate be broken up…for then it would not work with this graceful HUMANISM…  It is the stream that never runs dry…

1933 LINDSAY violent filth now illegally claimed all the Post/mail & packages & belongings of the heirs-all photograph albums-all contents of the buildings-all ART WORKS…THEY HAD everything sent by Postal delivery SENT TO THE BACK OF BUCKINGHAM  PALACE…a cunning move…

Greta Ransom one week old was hit on the head by Lindsay family & the hospital said the blow would have killed a year old child…This Mob of sheep-stealers whose violent arrogance covers their illiteracy & uncouth breeding now began to call me Ape as well as Eskimo…frequent attacks lead to Ransom family fleeing to Greenland N & South America 1935 after an attack of hideous brutality summer 1935 on 2 years & a half Greetha…The Earls of Lindsay always told the Police `they were offshore`… Summer 1936 Greta was kidnapped back by Lindsay & JIM Jong   (`stuffed animals from a British Museum`- Many Accounts 1936/1971) to Gross Britain so more violence might begin…Lindsay mob were using the G. B. Diplomatic Force & a violent attack was engineered by them on Jean, Len, & Greta Ransom in Mexico March 1936...WE WERE DUE IN HOLLYWOOD to make the film on GROTE HOMES…Uncle Fred Mac Murray (Ransom line) had everything ready for 2 weeks work/the introduction had been made by a famous young person in films who admired Grote Homes…another young person was coming with her father to be in the film(Diaries 1930s/Reports 1960 & Records 1988 ) Greta Frobisher Weddell Maureen Caecelia Ransom would like to give all the violence Lindsaybuggarhs have dealt me back to them…& drop them in a lit volcano…they also grow Divinorum Salvia Scotland for stuffing up their snouts & selling abroad for slave labour…I have over a hundred female ancestors in 1830 & I have ex-communicated the Lindsay mob upon the violence done to me at my first week of life-  Greta Ransom - They should be forced to put back the Estate =work them ON CHAINS…North & Sud Poles…Reports Detectives Colleagues of ANDRE MALRAUX 1960 onwards…

The RANSOM families & all branches are all known to the children round the World from visits, & from the Tiggy Broadsheet which went out once a month to all HOMES…ALL CHILDREN KNOW THE HISTORY OF THE FAMILY..AND THAT POUL GRONLANDER IS THE 1st ORPHAN…AND IT WAS ON THE ISLAND JACOPSHOLMEN WEST GREENLAND, THAT TIGGY GOT THE IDEA FOR THEIR HOMES….THEY REGARD THEMSELVES AS MEMBERS OF THE RANSOM-GRONLANDER et al families….& have books, charts of family back to 92 AD/out of Jutland…& the other lines-THEY FEEL THEY ARE A FAMILY ALL ROUND THE WORLD - WITH A HOME !

Some  handmade gifts came every year from young Grote children & the older children sometimes sent craftwork.  & letters of Greetings/their progress in something special like music/painting/athletics/ ALL NORMAL ACTIVITIES -

Also came NEWS/gifts from  relatives round the globe/from China came an elaborate ancient christening gown to borrow for Greta who will have several Xristenings / it was destroyed in a Mayfair gutter ! By Lindsaybuggarhs & their FIENDS-

THE MATTER OF POSTAL PACKAGES LOST WAS NOW SOLVED completely by winter 1938/9 FIGURES FROM A MORGUE WERE REPORTED TO HAVE BEEN TEARING OPEN GIFTS & TRAMPLING LITTLE HAND-MADE THINGS UNDERFOOT…TO GET AT THE MORE EXPENSIVE ITEMS…since Xmas 1933- ALL DONE IN SECRET SILENCE…All correspondence was given by LINDSAYBUGGARHS & SCUM to 3 grey suited men from  WHITEHALL who had Rooms Whitehall for dealing with sections of the RANSOM GROTE ESTATE…. Thus the above abuse of the GROTE HOMES & the Estate round the globe-its 1 million and a quarter children & people -was made possible using the KUDOS of a fast-falling IMPERIAL EMPIRE…penniless…& horribly ill-bred at the top of its Class structure…

JACOPSHOLMEN ISLAND West Greenland 1939-1944

Family de Salle of PARIS France parents & 4 children under 12 years of age evicted into the Arctic winter from the warm RANSOM great house to which they also have a legal claim if the heirs are all dead… by JIM Jong Mr Pong now British Major with a 2 Man Unit Intelligence at the back of BUCKINGHAM PALACE… JIM has been invading the Island from 1929 & stealing many valuable books & possessions from the buildings of this Ransom-GRONLANDER democracy granted to Jacop Poulsen eldest son 1770 to `erect a University when you may POUL GRONLANDER …accidental death 1765...`

REPORTED by the Coastguards Americans/Canadians that 2 girls had been seen…European girls living rough-

& not living in the great Ransom house above the harbour -architects report-  will be standing in 400 years/ the famous 19th century Theatre a very substantial building will be standing in 200 years/some buildings had been attacked wantonly by British launch squads sailing in & the church with great bell suffered terrible damage in name of British Government & Crown - The door painted inside by the French artist Delacroix was ripped off… (a later report has it being sold in Europe)

(Full reports/photos/archives/LETTERS)…

1944 end October-early November….Josette’s mother hearing her daughter talking to herself as she walked up & down in the big Chateau…felt her daughter  was writing a story for JO had earned her living from her writing since 15 years of age…

THEN JOSETTE FELL FROM THE TRAIN & HAD HER LEGS RUN OVERshe died after some hours 9th November 1944…  Andre Malraux June 1945 was crying at `Stella Maris` Clacton-on-Sea telling Annie artist (Miss Annie Agnes Carroll Williams R.C. born 1880 ) `they could not get the morphine to work for hours-she knew she was dying…`  ANDRE MALRAUX ARRIVED HOURS AFTER HER DEATH…his two sons were with a friend in the village Pierre 4 years and Vincent born March 10th 1944...Pierre 4 years had to learn his mother would not come for Christmas 1944…

Biography 18th century- De SALLE/Ransom family of PARIS…

M. de SALLE  an 18th century PARIS  (France) small Banker /letters to Alexander Necker were in existence 1938/ de Salle a man in his mid-50s married Elizabeth Ransom 1770s…& made her 9 years old son his heir/child mid-brown colour/ of a Venezuela German Pastor’s marriage 1760s...records said to have been destroyed by the Orders/Decrees Gross Brit Earls & other criminally insane…….

Elizabeth Ransom  letter in German to Madame de Stael….

“… you cannot bring a man of colour to Europe these


Elizabeth Ransom had been a delicate semi-invalid until about 25 years of age…a visit to the West Indies had her recover her health…fresh air exercise fresh fruits swimming did the trick…she fell in love with 6` 9 inches of Venezuelan satin brown…Political & racial problems had her flee with her son back to Europe… G.R. can recall no more…it is another love story & if I told it to JOSETTE she would understand it…M. de Salle was an excellent husband & they were very happy until his death..they went about in Society & travelled a little…`

1968/69  de SALLE/Ransom Families… at Blewbury Village her female descendant a woman married into the family de la Rue had 2 children…there was unpleasant talk reported from Mengele Harrington & JIM Cur James about the darker skin & her beauty offending a woman with purple rice (both these sadistic killers have their scarlet women spying with them too) This wife de Salle/Ransom branch

( ancestral line to Lennie Ransom & me the HEIRS to the biggest piece of philanthropy the world has ever known who are shown violence from Earls of Lindsay for the Crown since we were born ) This beautiful woman in her mid-30s years…was with a tiara seen in a BOX in a public theatre-perhaps Opera…Orders were given to DESTROY HER as she was RANSOM… PJPW was told  `jealousy has arisen because they are all ON THE PIN her husband is over the limit on HEROIN-they can be told anything so long as they make money` `…  I G.R./W. am told this is the modern world of the real world…THIS IS THE WORLD OF AGING DOPE FIENDS WHO HAVE GONE TO THE TOP OF THE PYRAMID & MAKE MONEY FOR THE NEWSPAPERS& BIG BIG BIG BUSINESS…WHO ARE WRECKING THE GLOBE… A man of Rio Tinto was present…/probably they have been mining our RANSOM ANCESTRAL LANDS…where the GROTE HOMES children are slain in pits…or dropped in nets offshores…  Get yourselves on chains building our Gronlander Weddell RANSOM universities…& CHAIRS for the Family de Salle to !   You dirty little pin-prick eyed crass sub-sub-sub apes… ANDRE MALRAUX IS A MANyou are foul evil  with long black tonguestrendy-rather trendy

Family de SALLE/Ransom/ of PARIS (France) … At a dinner party I was kept apart from her 1969 & told her husband (who has the little glittery eyes of the DOPE user) did not want any contact as I was not respectable & had led Andre Malraux astray…Arthur Malone POLITAN faithful Detective/reporting to Philip Silverlee & trying to keep ANDRE balanced…was present…I leaned over the table & spoke with him Malone…I began `you were at Lancaster Gate Square`…

He was called to the head of the table for instructions… WE HAD FOUL SPIES ON THE PIN ABOUT US…

MALRAUX was upstairs walking about with the bundle Victoria-Augusta MOUSIE in her nightclothes…now a few months old & she knows him & likes him…if he put her down she moaned to be picked up…SHE WAS NEVER LEFT BY her mother Greta Ransom W. & had already made her first Classical Tour ancient Italy…  Her first Scientific Annual General Meeting was when she was a few weeks…IT WAS DANGEROUS TO LEAVE HER ANYWHEREBritish Museum Natural History had these JIM LINDSAY Mengele Special Branch inthere were murmurs from Teresa Gordon R.  `she could be taken off you…this Pillar House given to the Nation…YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MARRY OR HAVE CHILDREN…I am told by MY MY MY friends…your father is insane…you are to be watched…` I SHOUTED AT HER TO SHUT UP THIS STUPID TALK~ it seemed to have her enter sanity for awhile-but she is clearly in and out of DOPE-as they all are Noble Britain from their teens…the penniless they were -

JIM is about her again…& I had forgotten she goes to TANGO with Mengele in expensive West End dives…. THEY ARE CRIMINALLY INSANE & HAVE BLOWN THEIR MINDS ON DOPES from ages 11 to 14 years…back in the pre-roaring 1920s…

Family de SALLE/Ransom…of PARIS - Soon she was divorced-called a whore-her two children attacked in Paris street…in their very early teens perhaps…  7 years on the husband divorced was on his hands & knees on heroin Mengele Lindsay & JIM had DECREED do him in-HE MAY HAVE DIED

1968 February/1980s An unpleasant world & I try with humanism to KEEP IT OUT OF The PILLAR HOUSE of the immortal books for children by LLB…because it is the world of DOPE…  Insults from April 1968 were aimed at me & more on the same theme 1969 as if I were the culprit in this RANSOM de SALLE family lack of respectability…MY FATHER & HIS RELATIVES who have known this woman’s branch de Salle as children…WERE TURNED AWAY FROM THE PILLAR HOUSE a childrens` Xmas Party 1968 by 3 or 4 cars full of these filthy LINDSAY things…Mengele Harrington…JIM & SCUM…and awesome threats were made…  I learn of this 1992...


For if I get a MEMORY returned of my first 7 years then I speak…& REMEMBER THE LINDSAY & JIM hideous attacks on all of us…& they are called LINDSAYBUGGARHS by all the town & area the Police the Churches the good citizens who live good lives ACTING THE GOSPELS OUT… Mengele died in some poverty along the Thames near to some of his crimes… a NON Peer he had a Noble carrot dangled over his nose from 1938 & a bigger carrot from November 1953...he was exterminated Feb 1992.../

De SALLE/Ransom Family of PARIS-  20th century…IT IS ALL THE MADNESS OF THE KILLERS OF THE GROTE CHILDREN in their HOMES to lay hands on ALL THIS DOUGH made by our ancestors…GRONLANDER RANSOM de SALLEA woman in a tiara…she was killed by them with dopes & her children lost in the usual manner the Earls of Lindsay choose…put girls into prostitution on dope…kill boys in car hit & run or in a faked feud…

PJPW did not seem to bother too much …he said `I walked into all this…it is the way of the world`…  It is rare for a Museum worker to fall into the hands of these MONSTERS OF THE DEEP…  I closed the doors TO UNHOLY PEOPLE as much as I could… I certainly DID NOT KEEP AN UNHOLY HOUSE…as all of these creatures wallowing in THE RIVER OF BLOOD of the GROTE CHILDREN SLAIN…our settlements our relatives…our friends… (G.R. was in her 30s & did refuse to think upon THAT OTHER LIFE…for it was expected of me with young children & I was told I was not clever - it had been a DECREE given out by NOBLE BRITAIN & Scandinavian frozen mud puddles ON THE PIN when I was born 1933

…& 1968 I was told by PJPW & Mengele trendy circles I was still a pauper…and ANDRE MALRAUX was a great man of GAUL…I needed my MEMORY-my letters-my photos-my documents…that is all…BUT THEY ARE STILL STOLEN BY GROSS BRITAIN GOVERNMENT LORDS & CROWN-ALL ON THE PIN…)

1969 This was a cousin of M. de SALLE he who in his grief autumn 1938 I doth recall seeing him at `Jerusalem`…he is at least 6` 5 inches tall…it was the time of KRISTALNACHT… his line of Elizabeth Ransom is not of our Gronlander line marriage F.R. and Gertrude c 1830/

M. de Salle of Paris/Archives/ November 1938 -  He has come from Paris to `Jerusalem` & comes down to Clacton-on-sea but he will not stay for he is afraid to leave the family his wife and four children alone in PARIS…after what has happened…`THE LINDSAY`s ARE AFTER THE ISLAND AGAIN…they have been heard bragging that they can do it with the War coming-get hold of it…`

De Salle/Ransom - Records/ LIR & JRR…FJR… “  the Lindsays have been using me as pig-in-the-middle” says M. de Salle to Frederick Charles Ransom at ‘Jerusalem’ Deptford… he must rush back to PARIS where he has left the family (his wife is of the Poulsen-Gronlander line & he of Ransom/Venezuela marriage 1770s) ` de SALLE they have 4 children under 13-  in the tiny Paris flat they are reduced to…

`He will take the family to Jacopsholmen Island because the LINDSAYBUGGARHS are claiming it for themselves in the name of the British Crown…but he has no money at this time …she his wife has lived on the Island two years with her mother when she was a young woman…Veronica FROBISHER is sending all the STORES they will need…but she’d rather they came to her in Canada or went to USA…

He has never lived there & she had her mother & the other families there…the Danes & they fear the British have ordered all the families off some years agoBUT THEY CANNOT BE FOUND & some are known to have died unnatural deaths…the cousin who could go into the Danish Parliament & represent her Greenland people…she is well educated with several languages…her brother saved Greetha in the snow November 1935 when an attack was planned…then he was killed all his money had been taken…his sister killed earlier…he was chased by a pack of them & a man known to be British but half something else…there are others after the Island…they do not want education up there…`

1938 November - Krystalnacht SOIREE- `TO BRING A NEW SHAWL TO MADAM De STAEL/letters by the Packet Boat` …Markham Makepeace reminds Greta Ransom of this January 1960 when HE TAKES NIGHTWATCH Colne Engaine  for Arthur Malone who is awaiting the arrival of ANDRE MALRAUX…then Dr JOHN RAY Ransom from USA…)

De SALLE /RANSOM line reach back with us to 92 AD Dunwich

1938/1968 is 30 years…here the same GANG of penniless Noble Britain Earls of  Lindsaybuggarhs- JIM Jong/Cur James…& Mengele Harrington paedophile are persecuting to the death an 18th century Ransom line of PARIS France/Elizabeth’s brother our main line had a little Museum in our Paris house…at the Revolution it was moved to our Chateau Perigord/Montaigne French MAN OF LETTERS has a Ransom line from his great grandparents MONTROSE Scotland…When France 19th century restored its Government  FRED RANSOM returned & put the Museum of the SEA up against a WALL…Except ANDRE MALRAUX Burgermeister of PARIS does not say which WALL…Information given by him on NIGHTWATCH Colne Engaine 1960 JanuaryWould somebody knock on Georgie-ANDRE  in The Pantheon & ask him which flipping WALL in Paris … ?

1972 after the `Renaissance Party` The Pillar House Harwell 19 March 1972...(Records LIR & Politan & another not known…) “ Until his death (1976 November ) ANDRE MALRAUX…he had to keep coming to see Madam Whitehead & her children…it kept him sane…after the little exquisite angel was born the boy Peter (21 August 1970) …he was desperate to have a child again…he found assistance Spain a woman who had wept at his plight & got permission from her husband…”

(Memo :  Greta Ransom W. We met the child Blewbury 1978/9...blinded age 9 years & a hit & run car death age 11 same as IVY Ransom’s son & so many others…this means of displaying upper crust penniless noble anger was being perfected in 1920s…records are too manyIVY RANSOM had to pick up the pieces of her 9 years old child‘s head on the road…he was called over the road deliberately in Switzerland…JIM & Lindsay 14 two Evil Little Jack-in-Boxes are good at this… & THEY RANT AT US WITH THEIR FANGS HANGING OUT…Noble Britain penniless & on the PIN does so…)

“ Andre he was overjoyed at Greetha managing a largish house a home & the gardens…The garages haunted him where he was promised a small flat the long gallery to go up-but it all got lost in madness vile threats & messages from on high of the lowest kind…& had it been built Len & others could come-his brothers…they’d do good work on the records-  The garages had been the outbuildings of the Pillar House 18th-19th century before the house was burned down 1852 a village fire-  Then in their youth with young families two becoming well known artists had worked there making a Studio-

L. Leslie Brooke of the delightful books for children took it over on a RENT from John Henry Frederick Bacon- he has a gigantic canvas in the Guildhall London- Andre he had looked at it after Greetha was drawn to the Place by dim memories surfacing of what she no longer understood…that was when she lived with him & they had taken up the marriage once more…HE HAD NO IDEA THEN WHY THEY WERE ATTACKED EVERY TIME THEY WERE JOINED TOGETHER…”

“ She Greetha put the fruit trees in the old gardens as soon as they got all of The Pillar House…he Andre would have bought 4...but she ordered 21 fruit trees & when he saw them planted it worked…he saw the first blossoms & took Victoria by the hand & they walked around the old gardens…she was then 4 years old & not at school but at home learning in garden &  nursery & what was becoming a world of its own in this classical proportions house  -he felt there would have been children like her…he was told she looked like Margarethe had when she was  a child .” (Doctor Miss Bunty Grandison BM Natural History is related via Uncle Frank Grandison to whom Greta & Lennie sold Pirn Mill Arran Island in 1938 for he had the SKILLS…but we retained the land for our Estate Ransom Grote)   “ Andre…he had a photo of the girl of the snows when she was 11 years of age...the same firm gaze the goodwill in the greeting…

1945 JUNE he remembered how Annie had told him ` MY SISTER BESSIE & I DO NOT LET THE UNHOLY IN THE DOOR…we can talk to them in the church grounds or by the sea…` & he had entered a harmony of graceful human practical  striving…They’d seen him through that first year of his WIDOWHOOD to JO… Here in Berkshire from 1968 when Greta made a Civil marriage to a man of the seas from the Natural History Museum (later Oxfordshire) Andre quickly knew all the history from the villagers  Harwell before Peter…No one felt the marriage could last for a girl who had no memory and now was under attack from MONSTERS OF THE DEEP as she had warned he & JOSETTE about that Summer 1937...

1968 Christmas… He Andre had come to take she Greetha & the baby Victoria away if they were in the way of the death squads again…JIM had moved in to Oxford & they were infiltrating OVER THE HILL (Blewbury) …Leslie Paine was a good man & tried to help but tardy persons were often by his side…(then he died in the plane crash 1973..) At the Renaissance Party where Arthur Malone & Len stood guard at the East Gate he ANDRE felt he would not be needed to be GUARDIAN all the time…but he WOULD TAKE HIS DUTIES AS HE HAD ACCEPTED 1937...until his deathHe had asked that she be allowed to come South France with them April …the friend had not understood…GRETA WOULD NOT LEAVE WITHOUT BOTH CHILDREN WITH HER…the friends had felt he could not cope with small children…so it was all called off…  IF ONLY HE HAD KNOWN …  He Andre had wanted Greta to be given some moneys from her Estate but was told as she did not know enough about it then it was not at all necessary…he had explained that she had never had a penny piece & that it had all gone dripping blood to the THIEVES THE FRAUDSTERS…he did not understand soon enough the system of HIGH POWER that could remove moneys from anyone…with the mark of a THUMB from penniless NOBILITY…He felt Peter was under pressure not to take a penny either…so he began to give it away to big Museums abroad…where it was swiftly removed for the MOST EVIL REGIME…

He ANDRE had entered the last room of her father that poor clever young man born 10 years after he…THEY HAD STRIPPED IT OF EVERYTHING…then they began to give away all his properties …an Island Noroway- (an Estate left for the 2 eldest children of Peter…another in Kenya…  It was all TAKEN BY THOSE WHO HAD TRODDEN IN GLEE IN THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN blood & gore…all of them with pellets of Purple Narcotic UP THE SNOUT…)

“Andre found that with General de Gaulle dead nothing could be done to take back from the CRIMINALLY INSANE their booty…  After the boys death he`d met nothing but SCORN FROM ALL OF THEM…(1961 May…Andre Malraux came to represent General de Gaulle at a SOMETHING in Gross obscene Britain & he was not shaken hands with by `a bloody frozen muddy puddle of Noroway`…gone mad by having Mengele & JIM about him…(Arise RANSOM line from 92 AD & AXE them-I will put them on chains to build our Universities -IF IT WAS A WORLD OF HUMANISTS…G. R. )

“Andre said…Peter he felt had a screw loose suddenly…& it was MENGELE (Harrington) with his mixtures of rare dopes…pity nobody told him that was his name before 1959...


He ANDRE had learned late 1960s …. how they were washing peoples heads out with acids…complete memory loss was being ordered up so they could go on clawing big incomes from the Estate and so many other persons not guarded sufficient…A GAME THEY HAD ALL LEARNED after the Great War when they came to understand, visit…the victims of the WAR…in shock…the new method was to WASH OUT THE MEMORY WITH ACIDS…then get them back into action or jobs …they were expected to now be able to enter normal life again…He felt it had been done to him…” (Clara Malraux learned it Out EAST…ref. Diplomatic Force & Vatican Corp- ref. H.W. Poulter Hollytrees Mansion Museum December 1953...Wheeler RIX ` hot foot from PARIS…`)…

(THE SURGE & THUNDER OF THE ODYSSEY hath BECOME IMPRISONED IN CAVERNS DEEP…BELCHING EVIL RULESGreetha Frobisher Weddell M.C. Ransom sends a message to Georges-Andre Malraux 2008 AD upon all this awakening again 1968/1976...& again 1986/1988 in China (BMNH tours ichthyology) when some very caring & honest people of SCIENCE & connections did again try to help… )


“ HERE a diversion for ANDRE MALRAUX & he headed for SPAINHE LOVED TO TALK UPON THE LIFE THAT HAD BEEN…He began to say in SPAIN…

`…how his Mother had crucified him for marrying a Jewess…because she had lost her English piece of land & the family moneys because of a Jew !

He would now tell of that SUMMER 1937...ANY EXCUSE TO SPEAK UPON THAT HAPPINESS…How with Josette & Greetha they had travelled to LINCOLN & re-traced from old photographs & letters his mother’s lines…found the monument complete & other landmarks…but he had not been able to trace her little piece of land and a home built upon it long ago part of a big Estate…he would have tried buy it back…visit with Josette…later he thought of finding it for the boys…   It was when he RETURNED A WIDOWER OF JOSETTE 1945 in the MAY that he went with a new friend a Geographer (Armstrong Cambridge University taught in East  Anglia schools all the wartime rushing about in his car…he combined for us 1943/1944 GEOGRAPHY & HISTORY…& knowing FJR Greta‘s father before the War began to put back her MEMORY realising that Teresa Gordon Ransom was INSANE & with her NOBLE CHUMS was WASHING OUT GRETA & little COLIN`s BRAIN….  )

Andre & his friend who had petrol for his car …they found it…He Andre could recall HIS MOTHER’S LAND WAS BY A SCHOOL in a certain area…  They found it…the building little left but a home could be made…it had been part of a bigger Estate when they had risen up in wealth  awhile…She would have brought him here if it had survived a Jew who took the property & the land from her family .”

(it was probably her Dowry…Andre speaking of her says  `he felt she fell in love with his father for his looks then found he had not the same dimension of her soul…perhaps if she’d had this English land & they’d visited even stayed awhile the marriage would not have faltered…she was given to books as his Grandmother Adrianna…they had given him his early learning…)

“ ANDRE -  he was not RACIST at all it was understood…

BUT HE ANDRE MALRAUX IN HIS GRIEF 1967 onwards  TOOK ANY OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK UPON THAT SUMMER 1937...WHEN HE ARRIVED WITH JOSETTE & Greetha taught him how to behave & what to look for in life…& SHE WOULD BE A BRIDESMAID or a PAGE AT THE WEDDING if her hair was cropped short again by Sheshe& Aunt Margarethe could pay for it…in LINCOLN CATHEDRAL IF THEY WISHED…” (3 people talking of Andre Malraux)

I Greta Ransom  1945 to over-awed & tremulous of the Colossus of GAUL come striding to me known as  ANDRE MALRAUX…come from Gaul where he and General de Gaulle have had to DISCOURSE with EVIL sub-sub-MEN… By the time he Georges-ANDRE departs from 50 Lancaster Gate Square 1957/1959 he is George of the Wedding of Grace that Georges- A. Colonel X. …whom I hath roamed  East Anglia coasts & villages with from SUMMER 1937 & then with the WIDOWER OF JOSETTE 1945...  & I tell`th HIM OF ALL THERE IS from my soul…he is a Catholic boy a HUMANIST…IT WAS  for 39 YEARS THAT ANDRE MALRAUX & GRETA RANSOM WERE WALKING TALL & STRONG HUMANISTS TOGETHER            …savage greed clawing at us….

1968 A MAN TALKING...Greta Ransom W. trembling from insults behind her back at Blewbury Berkshire…I am being fooled in front of some ARAB whose great grandpa may have sent Aunt Mag’s HEIR (me) a prayer mat Christmastide 1936/1937...He has been just handed a `DO & THINK AS WE TELL YOU DRINK` & the new Mrs Whitehead (Rathbone-Palmer-W. branches) has been handed  `A GLASS OF EGYPTIAN GRANITE IN THE HEAD`- What is it about ?  the Gross Britain WHITE TRASH is after our ARAB EMIRATES SHARES & I suppose we hath some lands from 3 Arab Grannies 11th-13th centuries AD RANSOM) (the hostess has Mr Mengele paedophile in her kitchen mixing the drinks…she opens the door 4 inches & says who the drink is for…TRENDY 20th century Yah know-)

(It may be this man…I cannot be sure…there are others from Peru-Colombia & the Government in Waiting for Algiers…but this may be over 2 days…)

“ The girl who sat out with me in the REC knew nothing of FINANCE…she had all of that attended for her round the globe…she gave out HOPE… When MALRAUX came over after the WAR he had no HOPE…his life had been a rising sun with JO…a home & two boys…he hoped for more…girls…another boy…HE HAD HOPE… Clara had her life as before & her brother supported her wishes…she did not lack moneys… HE FOUND MARY GORDON DEAD too soon it was said in shadow voices AROUND THE TOWN…Andre found the girl Prophet of the SUMMER OF HAPPINESS 1937 laid low…THERE WAS NO HOPE…

…. except the kindly Winnclemann couple childless who wished to adopt Greetah Ransom niece of Miss Winifred Mary Gordon whom they invited in…she was a staunch Catholic church member & the church was over the road…with the musician aesthete Father WILSON come out of a poor Parish Liverpool…an old Italian Priest sent by Pope Pius 12 could be addressed in Italian or Latin…

1945 JUNE…A delicate matter perhaps with the Hitler Camps being shown in newspapers on the cinema…Mr Winnclemann had been put in Internment Camp Epsom Races by some idiot WHITEHALL…so his skills were lain in iced British winter conditions 3 years…Mrs Winnclemann British Shropshire got him some writing paper at last…RACISM was feared somewhat when they came to Clacton-on-Sea 1944... & met you Greta in the REC & noted your history games with the other younger children you took care ofbut Colonel ANDRE of SUMMER 1937 stepped in 1945 MAY the young friend of the Winnclemann family (…Malraux he knows the son of first marriage Berlin & 2 grand-daughters /Freda ? Helga ?…) of pre-war days with whom he had always had a correspondence going on…WIDOWER of JOSETTE & the town mourned with him… Not his old chum of Christmastide 1924/1925 two weeks Deauville & PARIS… she & Miss Plunket-Greene he had helped with his young friends…Clara away  (ask not where)…TERESA 1945  wished everyone evil…she had been fooled by her friends JIM & Angela…who were calling in big blood & gore moneys…LINDSAYBUGGARHS were also doing thus but were anxious to see Teresa at Private Parties…dope-booze-tricks…   THUS 1939 to 1945 the 2nd World War…which Gross Britain has won they give out…(it sounds as if another skirmish between Noble families when you listen to them-they are crass)

` GREETHA…if nobody wished to have her Greta Ransom then the WINNCLEMANN couple in maturity did…she was not an idiot as her Virago mother claimed…the bond of the three was MUSIC…old Wagner but modern too…Debussy…anything to do with the SEA they found…but she could no longer say why…shadow voices said it was a matter of her father’s line…IF Mr Professor Winnclemann had been given a hint he could have informed ANDRE of the danger they were all entered upon…JUNE 1945 onwards

THUS A MARRIAGE OF GRACE WAS MADE Spring 1947between the sometimes half knowing HEIR TO THE BIGGEST ESTATE OF PHILANTHROPY THE GLOBE hath EVER HAD…& the unknowing GUARDIAN CHOSEN BY THE NATIONS A-Z by October 1937... ANDRE MALRAUX becoming husband & WIDOWER of JOSETTE…parents of 2 boys to be slain by Gross Britain GREED ages 18 & 21 years 23 Mai 1961-

`There are many photographs of you both…two tall young people…solemn…on Clacton-on-Sea front…sometimes with a dog or two…1945 to were too impressive in your grave manner…your suitability to play a role… of HUMANITAS…`

1930s RANSOM brothers & cousins are steeped in the family histories-gatherings were serious & light hearted-`San Julian’s  INCA  family went to OPENING Grande Buffet / at  STONEHENGE / ALES of GAUL-FINE WINES of GREECE/ MENU in  Ransom  Ancestral B.C. Cook Book/memo Annie-Agnes Cook Book of Heaven - try Stonehenge mock-goose with barley & daisy & wild garlic sauce with eggs boiled in stinging nettle juice decorated/ ALL VEGETARIANS AT THAT TIME  ?…

Mrs Margarethe Ransom Grote‘s erudite letters & request to please deliver to  Andre Malraux or his publisher or family …& enclosed letter for Andre Malraux to deliver to the President of France were stolen May 1938 PARIS by British Embassy / had Leon Blum still been President Mrs Grote would have gone to PARIS to see him-they are acquaintances & speak upon her French holdings…

A Mr Phipps British Ambassador did not organise this but he did refuse to hand the envelopes to Mr Pong Jimmie Jong & heir Lindsay 14 Earl on the 17th Mai 1938 when they came hot foot `those 2 Evil little Jack-in-Boxes RANTING with FANGS hanging out…` from Gross Britain …demanding the package & letters… IN NAME OF THE CROWN…PHIPPS Ambassador OPENED & LOOKED AT THIS PRIVATE POSTAL package …& handed Malraux’s copy the WILL of Mrs Grote &  the letter to the French President to a woman with a faceless secret silence about her …called Angela by her friends/fiends….It was her official State visit Paris July 1938...see reports/etc.)

Angela/sometimes called Angela MacMurphy/MacMurray when she travels with Mr JIM Jong Mr Pong 1930s…eyeing all the RANSOM GROTE lands…1934 PARTY Germany arrived by silver plane…Hitler came for 20 minutes/passes comment on Ange & Tree- /it was a top Nazi gang party & all were most courteous- but they are stopping British SCUM Nobles stealing the GROTE HOMES childrens` toys at CHRISTMASTIDE & given ORDERS they are not to nick Mrs Grote‘s art works the children have on the walls of THEIR HOMES- British Nobles & Diplomats are now banned from entry…Teresa went too with Earls of Lindsaybuggarhs…other noble scum came in the PLANE OF SILVER- they have all SLEPT WITH RIBBENTOP…he is so dishy

` Angela & her parents it was given out in secret silence were “embarrassed by such a gift from an OLD ESKIMO therefore there would be discretion in accepting this Estate…”

They refer to the highly educated & 12 & more languages speaking Margarethe RANSOM Mrs Thomas Immanuel Grote-richest person in the world` as they brag in their secret silence booze-ups when the syringe of DOPE is passed about for their wrists…`

Nota bene : 1919/1920 a noble & well crusted gang of girls ages 14 to 17 had their parents-grandparents give parties & DOOs for Neddy Crown Prince of THE BRITISH EMPIRE…one of them would marry him & they would all be friends for ever & never part…`happiness was to be found in this PLAN- ` A girl of 20 years of age heard what they were up to & she stepped in…with Mr JIM Jong… She & Teresa said & seen to be `best friends/ fiends` ( Ange & Tree) are seen in a silent cine film 1921 in beautiful romantic organza frocks `the short & the tall`… Ange got engaged to a `delicate of health younger son of a King` - her brothers who found her a trial were heartily glad…`…Neddy Crown Prince with a mother of a cold disposition & given to monstrous gambling debts & regretting a marriage she could have made to a German Texan Millionaire & not LOST HER FIGURE…she became very jolly when they took her out in their cars & gave them the RUN of this Palace…he romantic NED did not fall prey to the romantic young girls as he was inclined to THINK a bit…an American women was more on his intellectual level…but all of them knew `THERE WAS EL DORADO…A woman said to be the richest in the world…the Earls of Lindsay & Angela`s parents & others of that medieval cast called Margarethe girl of the SNOWS…`the old Eskimo`…


(Records/Archives/research & updating by Detectives & colleagues of ANDRE MALRAUX 1960/61 Colne Engaine cum CAMULODUNUM Colonia Victricensis… Say a prayer for the victims of this GENOCIDE…)

Reference Miss Teresa `Terry` BUTLER…17 December 1959 WHO OPENED THE DOOR UPON THE  GUARDIAN CHOSEN of October 1937...

& ANDRE MALRAUX WAS OVER IN HOURS…fetched by Arthur Malone/ POLITANRefer to the BOOK 1 & BOOK 2 this series…for some finer details…

1921 A GENOCIDE WAS BEING HURTLED AT… IN THEIR CARS with their bottles of booze in each paw…their dopes & syringes full for making a cirlce & fixing in the wrist at the RACES…

`…nothing like a penniless British Aristocrat` says Winston Churchill January 1960…& he took 98,000 English pounds off Lindsay 14 Earl & put it in a Swiss Bank for ANDRE MALRAUX man of LETTERS to look after for Greetha & Lennie heirs… he remembered Millie Frobisher skating & how her great grand-daughter a little girl Greetha Ransom age 6 years 1939 had comforted him a winter morning when he was distressed by newspaper articles in his shop (G.R. spoke to him because he was talking to himself aloud & grumbling & he looked like Father Christmas) …her aunt was his landlady…a girl of the SNOWS`… Soon he was sedated & SENT PAINTING…de Gaulle’s Courier was robbed…& Philip Silverlee’s daughter age 28 years was murdered in Argentine May 1960 for lawfully getting all the documents & copy correspondence in late February 1960 that was sent from October 1937 to GUARDIAN ANDRE MALRAUX up to summer 1944 TO FRANCE…Froglands so far as British concerned…

1972 19 March The Pillar House Harwell-

DIARY Summer 1938- Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM- Lennie is saying at the renaissance party 19 March 1972 to ANDRE MALRAUX arrived with Beryl an old 1930s friend & reading some extracts from his DIARIES…

Malraux upon arrival is told by Beryl to  “ Hold on to her Andre…she is dashing about at her party…tell me Greta how you began to plan this renaissance party  ?  ”…  MALRAUX delicately holds me Greetah called GRETA now… by the elbow…he steadies himself with one arm on the frame of the classical doorway…

( HE MALRAUX retired Minister of GAUL… HAS BEEN TOLD ABOUT THE ACID HEAD-WASHING OUT OF THE MEMORY BY Mengele Harrington paedophile & his kind…they learned of it from The Great War Nut Houses…the hospitals dealing with shell-shocked fighting men unable to return to The Front because of frightening scenes of gory bloody War passing in front of their eyes…)

Nota bene : Mengele Harrington is using some ACID that removes MEMORY IMMEDIATELY…not the long term sedation these old penniless British NOBLES used from 1920s to get hold of MONEYS in the families the GLOBE….

…    “She my niece  (Greetha) came to Liverpool street Station with a surprisingly dismal piece of information that showed the situation at the seaside…I met her from the train taking her from the family who’d brought her up in their care… We arrived at ’Jerusalem’ & she insisted upon going for sweets.   A bag of cheap sweets selected…soft things…Frederick Charles my Dad puzzled as she stuffed them in her mouth his grand-daughter saying she had had no food for a month….When her father arrived she overheard him saying…   ‘she imagined it a bit ’She my niece spoke out…the situation with SHE-SHE…& the Uncles Lindsay…how their fiends of Hell in ( Clacton ) the town & London town…they had said she my niece was to die …..& the money was being shared by all of them…..” /diaries & records/

IT WAS NOW THE ATTACKS ON ALL OF US INCREASED autumn 1938Jean Weddell dead was enough for us...She my niece  insisted going to keep watch on Jeans grave & set off with her bags of sweets but I followed..

The grave had been attacked again. She my niece,  said her father was ‘taken in’ again by SHE-SHE & she was so cruel & hissing that soon very soon when she my niece was dead SHE-SHE would have her share.

The baby Colin (born October 1938) was given to people round the town to take care of… SHE-SHE had tried drop him in the fire… the two little Jack-in-the boxes were often now in the back garden -  Mr Pong & HIM wears wigs- Lindsay-to-be 14... the Mercer on horseback had gone missing on the North coast- Mr Pong had said he knew too much- & there were other matters to tell….”   Diary 1938 LIR/& other extracts…

(See MERCER ON HORSEBACK…ex Army man/murder…1938 he hears THEM come in boozing with Teresa in the Parlour…he puts a tent up in our back garden…he is welcomed into the Clacton town families…when he calls with his WARES…He is of a good Northern family) GR/LIR/FJR

Greta Ransom spoke out at `Jerusalem` October 1938 because JEAN just murdered by the gang of 3 had told her/me that summer why we left Gross Britain October 1935...~ I could tell my eldest your Dad could not go on any longer…he was only 24 years old…so I phoned Aunt Margaretha & said what I wanted to do…I would pay from my own Weddell moneys Argentine as I knew she was always anxious about the HOMES having enough moneys…But she said we should have had lots of letters telling us things…they wanted us to call…now she could not travel so much they wanted us all the FAMILY calling all the time…as we used to before this last Great War & when Tiggy was alive…After that summer 1935 I saw from Fred’s face that he was not going to be able to go on…WE HAD TO LEAVE they were threatening all our lives…& they were getting at the money in the Banks using the Diplomats…The LINDSAY they had gone mad again as they had when they killed your Grand-dad’s parents Millie & JOHN…GREED…I cannot understand why folk who have so much need to kill and rob others…BUT THEY HAD YOU KIDNAPPED BACK…the Earl Lindsay…they had no authority to do this…you are NOT a Ward of Courtif you & Lennie were then the ESTATE would go abroad to all the other Ransom family or the branches…Hollywood could manage it with the relativesIt is not at all a British Estate…it’s a JOYOUS VENTURE and all overseas…`

LEN RANSOM/ LIR 1938 Diary/ My Dad Frederick Charles had just learned Lindsay his mother’s cousins Lindsay & gang & a woman on high recently had been cashing cheques emptying banks around the world…he was able to tell the Brokers New York & with full co-operation they put a stop to it round the globe…

That left the British properties vulnerable & some Continental ones & some in Ireland….The Will was accepted & all the properties administered abroad… British solicitors under the umbrella New York & Argentine- it was a piece of philanthropy watched by educationalists kept low key- there was to have been no THEFT of POST- its not law allowed by British Law…

This was what had happened- a set of documents sent yearly to my brother had been stolen by the Earl for The Crown (the heir G.R born 1933 her father FJR & Len`s elder brother ) & Transport documents for me (LIR in training-it was known he‘d a flare for Transport by age 9 years…) 1937 October ANDRE in charge of it all as our GUARDIAN…” (LIR speaking from his diaries with ANDRE & Beryl  1972 March The Pillar House renaissance party)

Dr Len Immanuel Ransom speaking with a man he knows well ANDRE MALRAUX continues 19/3/1972- “ It was now my poor brother Frederick John learned that a quarterly set of documents EVERY YEAR had been hijacked from CHRISTMAS 1933 in the name of us under 21 years of age… to the possession of the LINDSAY Earl & they  in secret-silence saying it was  FOR THE REALM for AngelaThey are all breaking the law…the relationship to Lindsay is one woman in 1830...nothing more…BUT THEY WERE KEEPING IT SECRET IN THE NAME OF THE CROWN using Angela…My mother was poisoned 1938 and my father in 1939...they had chased him in the little streets beating his back one time when I was not there…the Police could not catch them…because they are family of an Earl…THEY ARE ALL ON THE PIN…drugs - & some they grow in Scotland which put a wild animal in the brain in seconds… `


Greta Ransom notes/ All my-our post/mail from Xmas 1933 on & on       being opened at the back of Buckingham Palace…by Earls of Lindsay & scum & the family of Angela (reports by persons who objected to this wild behaviour with post/parcels of other families)

Greta Ransom 21st birthday 11th March 1954 had all overseas & outside Clacton area post/mail going to the Noble scum at the back of Buckingham Palace as always where they rip it open on trestle tables…I G. R. received 9 cards & 7 presents from Clacton & area…nothing else- Later we heard Teresa Gordon Ransom was given some few things to dispose of but not the valuable things-  The Frobisher Pearls, the O’Brien tiara were displayed by them all taking turns at a Mayfair nightclub as the drinking & doping reached climax-  Sir John Edmond O’Brien came over from Ireland to take his family Tiara of 1859 off them- They’d been all photographed & got published in Daily Express with 3 heads wearing it…misbehaving in Mayfair- Frobisher Pearls (belonged to the wife of Sir Martin Frobisher one of the 10 daughters of Lord Wentworth…) torn to pieces outside in the gutter…taxi drivers picked a few up…found them real…FROBISHER had been a telephone exchange London now not used…Reports got about the Scarlet Town…for this mob had too much money after that War just past…& were soaked in dope…LSD had come along…

1954 March- Sir Edmond John Uncle O’Brien…he had his 3 aunts attacked & savaged in their nice flat at Queen’s Gate-it was put in a newspaper they were hiding heroin when CUR James & thugs walked in…he had to take them home to S. Ireland…

Mr Jimmie Jong Cur James Mr Pong dirty Jim…fancied the flat Queens Terrace/or GATE…Lindsay Earls & JIM vowed to `get the Paddy`…they did in the 1960s/he died penniless 1970 ?…& the death of his son & the Murphy son inheriting the baronetcies may be part of the Genocide required to lay hands on GROTE HOMES RANSOM LANDS…the biggest philanthropy Estate the globe ever had…

MEMO :  JIM & Angela have been after horses by slandering these Southern Irish families cousins of Mary Gordon since 1919-  Mary Gordon‘s grandchild 1933 from March is the GROTE HEIR of Margarethe RANSOM Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE... It is earlier written in this Document BOOK OF SUMMER 1937

1972 March 19th Dr Len Ransom LIR goes on

to ANDRE MALRAUX & Beryl a friend “….LINDSAY  BRITISH GOVERNMENT & CROWN……THEY HAD  ALL THE DOCUMENTS  copies the correspondence from New York  Argentine….round the globe since Christmas 1933 -  & ANDRE`s POST stolen by them about  Estate matters too from the winter of his Guardianship-they were also learning of his life from reading all his post…

LIR poor brother FJR not knowing of this theft could rely on our father’s postal arrangements for information as he had always done- all of us….The custom was all our overseas mail for many years had been sent to the Argentine Embassy/or USA… the ’Jerusalem’ household Deptford by the little park  might be overseas awhile…

We received information autumn 1938 on the theft that had gone on since Christmas 1933…Upon the arrival of our correspondence packages parcels from abroad ….it was received at the back of the Palace & opened on a trestle table by family of Earl Lindsay- Mr Jimmie Jong… & some others…all correspondence was carefully laid aside & taken away to Whitehall…

…the most cruel behaviour had gone on & clearly this was how our kith & kin abroad were subjected to robberies of their households & many persons- children too now go missing…property taken-all identities disappear-often properties burned & we discovered 1948 onwards bodies burned too…The violence was coming from this nation…”

“ A description of Christmas 1936 when we all had to return as the heir was kidnapped back & passport removed without the LAW being involved… the tearing open in indecent haste of packages addressed to a child of our family & to others… all written enclosures carefully laid aside by some men…the trampling under foot of little gifts made by little hands, simple things, caused consternation to some who were employed in the Palace or called in to assist… ‘these two girls should not be taking part in this……Mr Jong was often raucous..’ “That year two bins went down the Thames to the incinerator…2 trestle tables had been needed…”

“… & it had been going on since the child was born 1933…the  Christmas & birthday presents were torn open by the family who claimed my grandmother MILLIE…”

(Millicent Frobisher direct line Sir Martin Frobisher Tudor Mariner a skater & with a little Academy of Ancient Arts from 1878...she 14 years old…In 1983 she becomes Mrs JOHN RANSOM grandmother of LIR mother of  Frederick Charles FATHER of Ivy Jean, Frederick John, John Ray, & Lennie LIR )

1937/1938...Phone calls with threats…. to Miss Win Gordon her brother Harry….& their mother Mary Gordon…some from Angela that all belonged to her from an Old Eskimo… “ I can always tell Harry…she has had 2 or 3 cocktails before she phones me- she‘s baiting me about the child & the inheritance she & JIM…& she’s using those powders & him JIM…the chemists should not sell them to the young…she’s turning into a fat hard woman…I tell her to look after her husband’s health…”

LIR DIARIES `NOTHING COULD BE OBTAINED IN WRITING OF THIS CLAIM TO AN ESTATE WITH LEGAL WILL administration already begun overseas…June 1938 COPY THE WILL DEPOSITED IN London town & Scotland …& the Government & Crown advised where it might be seen…AS THE LAW OF GREAT BRITAIN REQUIRED…. Summer 1939 it was denied WHITEHALL that any Papers had been received…& deaths had begun horribly… The 2nd World War was to allow the slaying of the GROTE CHILDREN in their HOMES `

1938 Robberies beginAYLOVEDAH Mariad Miss San Julian & her lawful Quaker husband JAMES WEDDELL whom The Weddell SEA sub-arctic is named for 1840s are the grandparents of Jean Weddell ballerina -JEAN The Firebird ballerina a pride to her kin PERU - JEAN WEDDELL RANSOM is subjected to vile rudeness by a teenage RANTER called Milford Haven-who took money investments & properties as his share  in the violent theft & fraud of the GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE- God may have called it for Hell early ?

JACOPSHOLMEN Island West Greenland Christmastide 1933 `the Christmas THAT WAS NOT`…March 1933 Aunt Mag had a baby again…the christening would be in our church where she had sat a VIGIL the week before her Wedding to Tiggy

( c 1863) …her watercolours were on display in New York…she’d copied the Delacroix…he’d sailed in with her father & they’d begun the decoration of the Church…they’d known Gericault…my great grandpa’s torso was sketched for the RAFT….`

LIR diaries/ with ANDRE MALRAUX explains to Beryl an old friend  (1972 March 19/20th The Pillar House Harwell & afterwards at Beryl’s home) 1933 …a great month of festivities planned for XMAS 1933/1934…ships were coming in…services in our Church & my niece  (Greetha Frobisher Weddell Ransom) to be christened again…with kin from the 18th century…our line from Poul Gronlander & his wife Margaret Yates of Carlisle as Godparents…

It would have had some observers for the Press in America & other nations…reporting that the island to blossom as before 19th century…. theatre school workshops research fishing ship repairs & fishing ship building…A UNIVERSITY TO GO UP the money all readyUniversity POUL GRONLANDER West Greenland…


(To put it plainly…2 violent murders occur OCTOBER 1933 to stop the opening of West Greenland…the XMAS 1933 on our Island was paramount to again a push for INDEPENDENCE…The Island to be the TOMB of M. de SALLE of PARIS & his wife & children 1939 onwards.THE MONEY IS READY to build  the University of Great POUL Gronlander 6` 5 inches tall ( Eskimo & Northern Chinese a little French ancestry/blood ) …the money safe in USA & South America…round the globe…from the philanthropy Grote Ransom Estate…Denmark & Gross Britain saw there was PROFIT up there…GOD had not given a sign Eskimo should have education…Yah know…` went round the vice GENTS CLUBS of Scarlet Town/London….AND PENNILESS NOBLE BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA SAW THERE WAS DOUGH…using their DIVINITY they could in secret silence HI-JACK BY genocide the Grote Homes &  RANSOM Estate-  these FIGURES FROM A MORGUE won…because they were able to USE THE 2nd WORLD WAR….to slay the GROTE HOMES children…a crime so foul it would have had them with suitfcases packed leaving Britain in rowing boats…& they HUNTED AS BIG GAME…a quote Mr Pong Jimmie Jong CUR JAMES (Lewd JAMES) on his FIX with dripping FANGS & paunch stuck out given to making his SERMON ON THE MOUNT…. `he knew 3 broads and a Greek down the street`….(his phrase when he was off for a bucketful…)….

To be even more plainthis gang-mob of penniless British Scandinavian Nobles were bred to have fangs out dripping mouths hurling insults at those who had dough…& their hooters stuffed with the dangerous narcotic purple plum/snow/pickle/Divinorum Salvia Scotland…sniffing-nosing about all who had DOUGH….Using their DIVINITY as British Scandinavian Nobles they `HUNTED BIG GAME`…Oh WOE…enter as a powerful little rat the half Chinese British RACIST Mr Pong Jimmie Jong…he had been at tea tables with LINDSAY Earls since he was 11 years… `a child who made you uneasy-he’d whisper behind his hand- he’d then make off with the others & mischief was planned-I felt sorry for his poor mother a Chinese heiress…` VIOLET ARTIST cousin to Millie Frobisher…both have the awful name LINDSAY attached to them…Violet is Lady Rutland/see her drawings…she ‘d come down to Clacton-on-Sea from 1880s…stay at The Royal Hotel winter days…have peace…sketch….I Greta Ransom remember her Violet Artist 1937 after ANDRE MALRAUX & Josette have left from SUMMER…she and my grandmother Mary Gordon were getting JIM locked up with a Magistrate Document awaited…his mother had agreed…THEN VIOLET WAS DEAD…they had given her an overdose of heroin December 1937...She came into Ransom families via THE SOULS…a movement of young people aesthetes…she is cousin to Millie & learned a lot she later realised from knowing JOHN & POUL RANSOM…late 19th century…& the girl-of-the-snows whose influence she felt far too lateOctober 1937 VIOLET ARTIST clothed in shadowstakes me down to `Stella Maris` to Bessie very holy & ANNIE ARTIST…then they take me on to the Catholic Convent School…SAINT CLARES`….she was doing her best…her last exhibition November…then they killed her VIOLET ARTIST awokeLindsay & JIM Jong…

2 MARTYRS 1936/1937...West Greenland who could represent their Nation- POUL GRONLANDER descendants - Detectives Colleagues of ANDRE MALRAUX 1960/1961Assistance 1960 from a great-great-great grandchild of POUL & Margaret …. the notebooks of Dr JOHN RAY/rae/ Ransom also MARTYR with his son (murdered 1969/70 & 1975 POUL age 17 years nephew to Lennie- 1st cousin to Greetha Ransom  W.    )

1960 end of January `…I am the man in the moon…come down too soon…I have made my way from Norwich…` JRR (He doth take a NIGHTWATCH Colne Engaine…& I the pauper G.R. who hath fled from Lancaster Gate  because of the FILTHY CROOKS of NOBLE BRITAIN coming in THE DOOR 50 Lancaster Gate Square…  I that wintertime January 1960 thought for 10 days it was ANDRE MALRAUX Burgermeister of PARIS & I read poems to the man with GUNS & soft voice outside…I the legal HEIR

G. R. BORN ON A HEARSE…AM THE BAIT- THEY the grown-ups WISH TO SEE WHO COMES TO Colne Engaine & catch the villains that have so harmed ANDRE MALRAUX …and all RANSOM line…CIA might care to give some information…?  Or another branch - our records/diaries speak some/

JRR comes to help ANDRE MALRAUX & his 2 brothers & sister Ivy…he is a USA citizen working for the American State department & at NASA…3 degrees Astro-physics Animal Management & LAW… see LETTERS FROM JEAN to her middle son who was attacked by LINDSAY women at 1 month old… born  c to a special school USA Kentucky 2 years old- name changed to JOHN RAY/rae-  his mother JEAN was allowed write him from when he was 7 years of age…she wrote in SPANISH & English…these are the LETTERS FROM JEAN…SHE BEGAN TO TELL HIM THE FAMILY HISTORIES HIS GENEALOGY…it is seen to SHAPE HIS FURTHER EDUCATION…at 21 years of age his mother & father murdered by LINDSAY Earls & SCUM to make the British Nobles & Crown rich…MARTYR JOHN RAY Ransom had a humanist tell him WHAT IT WAS ALL ABOUT…he now begins to investigate with scholars…WAR CAME…he meets his brothers sister 1944 onwards…THEIR PARENTS MURDERED in name of British Nobles & CROWN by penniless filthy dope fiends…WHO SMELL DOUGH…

1960 January winter night…Dr JOHN RAY (Ransom) takes NIGHT WATCH Colne Engaine…Arrived from USA…called by his brothers & sister…to help ANDRE MALRAUX, Greetha…& theyTHE PARENTS OF THE RANSOM brothers & sister have been murdered 1938 & 1939 TO GET THE BRITISH NOBLES LINDSAY…others…& THE CROWN …pots of DOUGH…the GROTE CHILDREN were slain at night 2nd World War in their HOMES…the RANSOM lands in many nations about the globe have been logged-MINED-abused-pits of the dead or nets at sea are documented- ariel photos…BANKS HAVE HAD CAPITAL REMOVED…  19 Acres under New York stolen using Angela …The LINDSAY Earls MOB gave out the amounts for each of 40 of them at that Nethrington Hall NOSH-UP New Year`s EVE…1953...ANDRE MALRAUX & Greta Ransom Brown rnvr were present…Brown was working for LINDSAY & British Naval Intelligence big scum…Finlay Currie was present too…British film actor…he & ANDRE are comrades…

1960 January Dr John Ray is speaking from his NOTEBOOKS

“ By 1933 the murders had begun -our Gronlander kith & kin to be wiped off the face of the earth- as if they had never existed- then the Island could be claimed by Earls of Lindsay in conjunction with G. B. & Crown- Denmark -were out to get hold of our Island too- not concerned with education but with profit- Anybody up there in Greenland who knew too much & had education Mr JIM Jong was instructed to investigate & cripple- see they were lost- dumped at sea-

1935 October…A brother & sister you met ...she murdered in 6 weeks- she spoke 3 languages & could have represented her Nation in the Danish Parliament-  He and she had been driven out of their home on the Island- they had their possessions on a sledge- they had been told they had no money in the banks- and could NOT leave for America-  He was killed at Gotharb a year a little more later- 1936- They were kin from the Gronlander-My mother wrote it to me-LETTERS FROM JEAN…Books 1 & 2/etc…Ransom history-Detectives Colleagues Andre Malraux 1960/1961

Memo : G. R. ` 2 cousins Gronlander- Oct-Nov 1935

(I remember them October- November 1935- she big about 35 years old dark hair very white skin wearing heavy European clothes not furs…broke a tooth looking & laughing at my golden hair & blue eyes- She may be called Margaret after her grandmother Great POUL’s wife of Carlisle…  I am 2 years & 8 months & have been told I may not hug & stroke the lovely sledge dogs for I do not have the right smell even if I am part a little Greenlander- Lennie has flown the seaplane 5 hours `to come up for a Beer` …& they are very pleased with him-  even though he has fair hair & green grey eyes - LEN FLYER- ( these are delightful PORTRAITS IN TIME-Ransom histories…) G.R.

1938 diary LIR- Lennie reads to ANDRE MALRAUX- `….DEVASTATING SCENE PRESENTED TO MY FATHER- autumn  Jean dead- my niece his grand-daughter unveiling serious violence entering her family homes at the Seaside-

(FJR the heir’s father as the eldest son of his parents F.C. & Jean attempting to shield  us- then JEAN she dead-still dancing ! )

(I Greta Ransom age coming 6 years remember the mounting horror because G. B. & some Scandinavians- penniless nobles quite criminally insane- were showing their fangs at me & declaring they were above the law- & some claiming to be divine- ` had decided to rip off ‘an old Eskimo’ )

1972 LIR `renaissance party 19 March with ANDRE MALRAUX & 50 Lancaster Gate Square 1957 autumn/his brothers FJR & JR® have been murdered 1969/the last is listed as `missing on duties for USA Dept. of State…` It may be known to Malraux & Lennie at this date that he has been horribly murdered Montrose Scotland…/

`Jean my mother  (Greta’s grandmother) dead at the end of summer 1938 - poisoned by them the Uncles Lindsay & Mr JIM Jong- she usedto offer the poisoned tea-  but they were on the train from Clacton it was confirmed- to see Jeans handbag was not with her dying body- 4 days later my father found her- a key ring from the Argentine identified her his wife mother of we four children (I Greta can recall being as an ice cold column but listening because I am trained at Colchester Museums to observe HUMANISM about the past… “ Gather it in Child…we need to know what they thought…felt…not just inscriptions on stone…I have been telling the YOUNG EMPEROR ANDRE…we have a bit `O work in progress…that Quaker painting of the church…”…Harold Walter POULTER Deputy Curator Camulodunum Colonia Victricensis…` )

Len speaks of his father Frederick Charles Ransom only surviving child who had the body of his mother dead put into his arms at the door he age 14 years…by Earl LINDSAY mob two evil 2nd cousins who had now taken all her Florida lands & money…He has sometimes lived at the little home by the sloping Park Deptford where Greta Ransom comes for peace 1933-1939...the home of Millie Grandpa’s mother…she left a young widow her husband JOHN RANSOM found dead by the schoolboys 8 am  in the school playground of Hithergreen Church School 1890-

His liver cut out -he had his passport removed by Earl LINDSAY who sailed ikn 3 big RN ships to Jacopsholmen Island West Greenland to STOP he & Millie & friends living there…JOHN RANSOM he a Canadian-British-West Greenland citizen-  Earl Lindsay using RN TO STOP HE & HIS FAMILY & friends -all in education & social welfare the-arts from opening up his Gronlander-Ransom family home on Jacopsholmen Island where he & Tiggy Grote his brother-in-law, his sister Margaret he & brother POUL had been raised in happiness :  the school having the reputation of one of the most intelligent in the world…ref. Captain Alan Villiers “one SAIL Margarethe gave us the key..”            )

1972 LIR (Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM) - `My mother found after 4 days-they were about to bury her in a pauper’s grave-  It had been carefully co-ordinated-  JEAN 53 years-still dancing…a ballerina perhaps still at her best…now the violence picked up- denying her ancestry- although they had begun this- some of the Earls Uncle` Lindsay soon after the marriage of 1909 when they could not get hold of ALL her family Trusts-properties-moneys…OFF SHORE !  They refused to acknowledge the Weddell marriage of 1824 -mouthing the SEA could have a more noble name- & were demanding ALL RECORDS GROTE HOMES- property of the British Crown- & the Government had some acknowledgement now & then-for this Noble crime- NOTHING  COULD  BE  GOT  IN WRITING-OF THE NOBLE CLAIM- The Earls Lindsay ever forceful in secret silence that we were kin & UNFIT to have this Estate - & they in charge for G. B. Government & Crown- WAR CAME…we all joined in…the heir got left & violence reigned…even though careful arrangements were made for her safety…they began to enjoy destroying her education her health & their tongues grew so long & black attributing their crime to us -

LENNIE…` we found this madness had lead to the destruction of graves everywhere -so many bodies missing-so many kin missing overseas-& the HOMES entered into as we had reported to us 1936-items… art works-furniture-claimed as property of THE BRITISH CROWN- Aunt Mag still alive ! This was what the small GROTE  Homes were subjected to- they’d always been kept low key- an agreement with the nations they were in- especially after Tig’s murder on Arran-1904-  But they were welcomed !   The nonsense you hear from behind a hand raised to a mouth in Whitehall-environs -that the children were killed by the nations they were in is a wicked trick-gross distortion has been spread about the quality of the HOMES as you know now-as we discovered-these last years-

1972 -LIR is at pains to have Beryl follow- ANDRE MALRAUX with dead boys from Mai 1961 cannot always make the matter clear-  AS HE ATTEMPTS TO EXPLAIN ALL THIS PAST-THIS TIME WE HAVE ALL TRAVELLED THROUGH-he is crushed- finds himself at fault for not being more alert- & they  hasten to tell him it is not so- They all know it is the GREATEST CRIME ON EARTH by monstrous greed-ignorance & heavy use of dope-booze- a DECLINE & FALL of ongoing VIOLENCE…

1937 WE BEGAN WITH A SUMMER HOLIDAY-Clacton-on-Sea-of unexpected happiness for Andre-Saint George, Greetah Ransom age 4 & 6 months & a young lady he calls in an excited absent minded way- `JOJoh&Johhhh-& Johhhh-Jo!`

& HE WILL SETTLE THEIR LIVES-they will be a married couple-in other ages- as he finds I doth live-

A holiday of thoughtfulness-lengthened thrice times-we saw  paintings-made visits-took picnics-sat evenings on Jo’s beach Holland-on-sea…talking with locals-went to the theatres-swam-collected limpets-walked miles with our days needs- swim things-umbrellas-water bottles-woollie jumpers-sandwiches-all  piled on the old push-chair that my great-grandma Millie Frobisher Ransom pushed my Grandpa FCR out in Hithergreen & Deptford-  We visited daily the convalescing father of our hostess in the big white glass veranda Home on the seafront near the Holland beaches  `Unity‘s mother`s father- Unity‘s Grandpa`- & we did even more `never was so much done on a holiday`- Everybody has helped reconstruct SUMMER 1937- ANDRE MALRAUX  carrying it in his heart-soul- for JO is to die because of this happiness-SUMMER 1937 -

Andre & Jo becoming rested & settling into the town day-by- day- JO GOING ROUND THE TOWN WITH A SHOPPING BASKET ON HER ARM- & Clacton locals saying hello Jo- we will see you at the Dancing later- ’

ANDRE MALRAUX at 50 Lancaster Gate Square

speaking to Greta Ransom winter 1957-58-1959...

…“We wore ourselves out with STAR WATCHING yet we rose to see the DAWN- To get my newspapers hot from the train-can you remember how happy we all became-that summer 1937-by the sea-we had come from Spain-now she is dead…

SHIPS THAT MIGHT HAVE PASSED IN THE NIGHT- from a chance meeting with Ransom & Gordon families- a young couple come for a break away from the bewildering world of violence in Spain- to their gathering peace of mind that SUMMER 1937...

com`th all their lives the HELL of H. Bosch- a painting we owned at Montrose farm- RANSOM families- I G.R. saw it with LEN 1936 when we all buzzed up for the American branch was over- sailing in The Basin-

1970 winter ANDRE MALRAUX is reading from his notebooks the years December 1924 to 1960s- `We had a holiday- became a unit-

a family-  we kept Greetah with us & we were happy- IN EAST ANGLIA-where I found the Gospels Acted Out- & where my mother has an ancestral line to the 9th century along the coasts-they were fishing trading-I used to know it all when I was a child 7-8 years of age-…

MALRAUX NOW 68 years old is aware that ACID bath on the brain has been used on Greta Ransom heir to remove her memory since 1939 when the family went away to WAR…he wishes to warn young scientist BMNH Peter J. P. Whitehead…that the company about him from his Noble world is after dough…

1937 Summer ANDRE MALRAUX & a young lady called JOSETTE- Johhh&Joh- come for a rest from the world & its troubles especially Spain-come to Clacton-on-sea- little Doomsday Book CLACHINTUNA with Manor- Church-sweeping down to the QUAKER enclave-they who cometh out of the Lowlands over the channel-& earlier fleeing madness-The Huguenots 1572 slaughter-leave France for other nations-USA-England-East Anglia- clearly bringing Gospels Acted Out-

THIS COUNTRYSIDE IS KNOWN VERY WELL TO ANDRE MALRAUX from 1937...he visits every year or more to walk again with JOSETTE…& happiness he tried to give afterwards

1970 he comes in good faith to ask he be accepted into the family as an elder relative…for EVIL IS AT THE DOOR…& Greta is having it behind her back…the money of blood & gore has been spread wide…It is clear from the past 2 years that PJPW has little idea of the past…Andre has tried to get free of TWISTERS-he & General de Gaulle had them clutching from 1946 because of the slaying of the GROTE HOMES children & RANSOM Estate-

1937 here in heavy soaked human history lands from Spain & France the young 35 years old ANDRE MALRAUX whose mother has ancestral lines here…He is taking on board knowledge…& the child they have invited to stay with them speaks upon matters which often interest him…although he believes some to be her dreams-books-grown ups heard talking …

1930s onwards- Ransoms/Gordons hath Anabaptist friends at this time-a Non-conformist  family named FRENCH- Ironmongers in the Old Road-Mr John French his son a contemporary of us young Ransoms` attending at the Colchester Grammar School… 1947 Mr French senior will be standing in for my father FJR-he stopped coming to give me away at the WEDDING OF GRACE the evening before 17 April 1947…Miss Winifred Gordon has visits from a bastard penniless nephew-foolishly she lets them enter the big house 5 Colne Road off the seafront.-he- his father visit with a legal team of 2-Ed du Cann is one of her sister Teresa’s bastards- Born long before Teresa Gordon’s marriage 1932 to young Frederick John RANSOM born Nov. 1911 ! Mr Winston Churchill

January 1960 `she got mixed up with a penniless Lawyer called du Cann-  wrecked her life-Teresa Gordon…`

`IT TOOK TWO TO MAKE THIS CHILD…` Mary Gordon family/bastard Du Cann 1924 ` A FAMILY WHO GROW ILLEGALLY PURPLE PLUM- Divinorum Salvia Scotland & NOT just for a tame chemist either/ reports February 1954- & the Carroll family Irish saga- updated 1960/1978 & 1990/1 with research additions-

“We are not growing this narcotic for the bastard`s family of our father’s cousin Mary Gordon by one of her daughters…” An Irish occasion here was written-reported-photographed-Irish humour-& no profit for Du Cann ! Quoted the letters-Andre Malraux saw them December 1957-Mrs Lady Astor opened the door on the past a bit-before JIM & thugs got at her….

1938- onwards-diaries/letters/ Du Cann- ON THE PIN- heroin & Purple plum- They are claiming HALF of what Greetah Frobisher Weddell RANSOM has inherited in a legal WILL by her 5th birthday-  [proclaimed HEIR at her birth-2 weeks after it was agreed Nations A to Z- we will have a girl-trained by Aunt Margaretha & the family-to keep us all safe-)

So heir chosen at  birth by agreement the families -but by 1935 December accepted with joy & with Lennie of the same calibre-our humanism- our early learning-from our families-our miracle of philanthropy-& from the intelligentzia OF THE WORLD…Aug-Sept 1946 du Cann- they came to Marital Court and said spiteful lies about Greta Ransom-they were proved liars-& had used JGR-he was dismissed The Scouts for life-for lying on Oath to a group of 3 eminent persons-Their foul mouths should have had their tongues cut out-they keep a mad woman they supply with Divinorum Salvia Scotland loose-to get moneys !

THEY INTEND KEEPING TERESA GORDON R. loose -to harm Greta and Colin- they have assisted the criminally insane in Malaya-they drip blood and gore moneys-thousands die because of this determination to aid the Government & Crown cover up- thieve Grote Ransom Estate…They are in the hedges of

he LAW…

Ivy JEAN Ransom (nee Rawsthorne-marriage annulled because she was 18 years but the pressure of LINDSAY was horrible…she did not follow until years later…) her 9 years old son was a deliberate hit & run death on a lane near the Estate- Switzerland 1930s- proved to have been done by JIM & thugs-

Abusive threats in the London dark streets for years-told by JIM he would hang her from the gas lamp Deptford if she dared say a word about the Estate-or object to Lindsays helping themselves- she tried to protect her brother Frederick & took care of Colin a year & some months-records vast/

1937 summer- we should return to writing upon THE JOYOUS VENTURE with them all helping from this recorded past… upon that happiness the beach- the countryside-the neat town Edwardian of Clacton-on-sea & the ancient lands of history-Doomsday books- Neolithic Clacton Man- & with ANDRE & JO live again all that happiness- ANDRE MALRAUX was anxious I Greetah his ’Prophet’  recall & share with all good people-to put it safely-WITH THE GOSPELS ACTED OUT-upon the shelves of for ever & ever -it is for libraries on MARS & stars beyond-  We young people gathered delicate fragile happiness-amongst humanists East Anglia-where refugees com`th 16th 17th centuries 18th -19th centuries -& on …

We have a home- a Parisian English-Australian friend of all of us has parents/now a widowed father, with a retirement home at the edge of the shops of the town near to Marine Parade leading into Pier Avenue- & that road that descends from Great Clacton/Clachintuna- into the Old Road changing name when it reaches the gigantic Century  cinema -Swiftly Andre Malraux came to know more about Essex & East Anglia than I ever did…he comes with books…makes visits all about the landscape from 1945 with grownup friends who have cars…while I am at school…

1937 SUMMER- ANDRE MALRAUX will continue to read winter 1970 from his notebooks of December 1924-into the recent 1960s-finding evil makes us SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT-

THE DISCOVERY OF A GODDESS-Margarethe Ransom Grote- & real HOMES A to Z the globe children slain…all architect Homes destroyed swiftly to remove evidence of the hideous British Nobles crime…for DOUGH…has him grieve alongside his dead JO, & his two sons…his two brothers…An EVIL Century the 20th Century had become dominated by arrogant IMPERIAL GREED...

1970 Andre Malraux in his grief… bearing again the dead in his arms…“ he has no home where he may be safe in Gaul…or anywhere in the globe…” (All the Pillar House post/mail is c/o British Government & Crown 1970s…Mengele & dirty JIM Cur James & their dames-some other fiends- Whitehead :  family of REW of Wallingford K.C., MP., JP whom dirty JIM Jong tried push in river Thames winter early morning 1940/41 had written `I fear the British Government has embarked upon FRAUD`…PJPW & GR have both HOT LINES to GROTE New York… we are regarded as a danger to the Nation of Nobles that has slain the Grote children to lay hands on the DOUGH-lands-investments & began filling their paunches-saddle bags their off-shore floating currencies 1944 onwards…)

`We decided to keep her with us SUMMER 1937-not the 4 days planned & then take her to her grandmother widowed in March Mary Gordon for the rest of the summer-  Mary Gordon from whom I had much to learn Peter-  I called Greetah the Prophet-the family history was being unveiled- I had no idea it was all true- Hearing her speak I felt she listened ROUND THE TOWN slept with her door open at nights-  Her poor young father and his kin were away A RESCUE IN SPAIN-a tragic matter-a savage obscene death for fun to a 22 years old-he ran the Estate & translated from Coptic the records given them to bring to a safe nation who would value them-records of a 900 years old Trading Post on the coast-Ethiopia-Sudan- given them by a doomed man

ANDRE MALRAUX -his notebooks- `I heard of how a Captain in the family Ransom had said `Beware of Courts & Kings young woman-we once found an enlightened Ruler down in San Salvador…` I had no way of knowing this was all true- Sadly I did not comprehend GROTE- Yet many years ago…in the 1920s I beheld a woman at the end of a Saloon in Paris-talking with a group of very distinguished men-I was not invited to come closer-it was she- the-girl-of-the-snows as Greetah called her-  A Goddess- Peter !  …I had read a magazine about a woman on a barren isle Scotland who owned 3 or 4 Gericault paintings-in the 1920s-

…& yet AGAIN- ships that pass in the night... I sat on a sea wall beside a man an old man in Brittany… when I was in my 20s- He told me of an Angel who came with a small boy-how she watched him fishing with a net he flung beside his knees- he would wade out & stay still then fling-she spoke to him a few words-she explained fishing methods where she came from in the North… & she came in the mornings for two weeks with her small son & always spoke with him… (Len has drawn this) Then one day (he told me) how she took him to buy a boat- No he need not pay the bank anymore than what she had paid to them- payment when he found he had sufficient from the fishing each time- & if he found he had surplus fish then he must take them to a HOME for orphans nearby… She took him to see them- & the HOME for orphans was a real home & it became part of his life-   He had his widow mother & two younger siblings to rear when he met her & they depended upon him-they could now take part in the life of the HOME for orphans… HE WAS 15 YEARS OF AGE- Now he had one son a fisherman & one son a Notaire- HE NEVER SAID HER NAME-

& I - I did not askShips that pass in the night`

` I can only bow my head and say I- ANDRE MALRAUX-

I DID NOT KNOW- by Christmas 1937 my correspondence to the families did not arrive- but we had our friend our hostess-

& she delivered to them all messages from Jo and myself-

From Mai 1938 all my mail was scrutiny the British Government & Crown-where they could arrange it-

1937 Summer- THE ARRIVAL He arrived about 2.30pm-with Jo ? No-she had to come later-he will not travel with her.  He came by plane-  she came a little later on another London train

I Greta Ransom awoke having been put earlier in my brother John Gordon’s cot for a midday sleep… (by the kind half Jewish lady with the sick husband who we pay well to do a few chores-she will not come when SHEshe is here-& we understand & agree- ) to find Unity’s mother and a tall fragile very tall young man peering into my face -then swaying backwards & staring more & looking round the simple furnished bedroom-for I had woken as I heard the Old Road door opened downstairs & was standing on my toes holding the cot rail-standing on the very tips- I see JEAN do this in her ballet shoes -

He had a very too tight grey jacket of a worsted raised weave, such bright eyes keen-searching about him-kindly-a flop of dark hair coming over his forehead & cheek as he leaned down at me- I have been told they are Catholics very much so when children…She addressed him as ANDRE…

Unity’s mother said apologetically after finding my clothes neatly on the chair  `…  and the little thing is already in its sub-conscious mind Andre- Teresa goes up to town- I have the key & we share the guardianship during the holidays- she is at the Convent School on the seafront -   If you don’t mind we will have her a few days to give Mary Gordon a rest….”   She is to re-speak this to PJPW 1968/9- & Andre Malraux has his notebooks- he has gone over this first meeting so many times-through the decades ahead to his early death- November 1976...

Andre MALRAUX says to PJPW 1970 `I wanted to keep her with me all the time- I always have- when the truth was told to me about the ESTATE it was going to be too late unless the POST/mail was delivered- not stolen by your nation…as it has from 1937 near Christmas-

G .R.   If only he had been told immediately I have really travelled from October 1935 to summer 1936 from Pole Nord to Pole Sud- learning with Lennie about the work of Thomas & Margarethe girl of the Snows- & that my instructions for how to get out of a MOUND-INCA then Alexandra Palace was an experience I survived because of the earlier INCA training !  Mary Gordon thought he’d been told- Ransom family have gone rescuing young Missionary Murgatroyd in Spain- Lindsaybuggarhs hath been told by Angela they can lay hands on this estate- log the half a mountain too-  they can share the dough- I don’t know until October 1937 all details-

PRAISE HEAVEN- When villains are out to demolish GROTE HOMES Ransom Estates & kill the heirs in scandalous ways-intending to hit the newspapers with foul destruction of our family character I was fortunate to have toured our ancestral lands &

been instructed by ` kin & kith` -I was a good listener early on- it was the family manner- I am now 4 years & 6 months old July 1937- He is learning too-this young man of Gaul- I hath begun on political economy-but we never take part in Governments or fight unless it hath to be so- Tiggy was always asked to come & talk out political problems in dozens of small nations A to Z… Greetha RANSOM b 11.3.1933-diaries/files/photos/histories/

1937 summer-The ARRIVAL of Andre then Josette -It is coming to 2. 30pm I am put into shorts & shirt- a bag of things beside the bed picked up & off we go in her old car- we are to call on her father who is on the seafront- where Holland-on-sea begins- the white rather `art Deco` Convalescence Home- we go 3 times a day & this young fellah says he doth not mind & it will be agreeable & he will help in the Calls- He is nicely brought up then- & later I will hear of his 3 Graces- who stopped him falling into Dante’s Hell-  His mother dead-how sad… & his granny Adriannea…but his Aunt Mary-Marie is alive- & she cares for him…

He is called ANDRE-but when in public places we should say Andrew-or George-  I am to glean that a Clara is chasing him with a gun- & most of all wants to shoot JO-  Jo who is clearly a young lady-  `French Law will allow Clara to shoot- & cry `Crème passion dale - cannot ask Lennie- he is away… `TO GET AWAY they had to dress a friend up as JO - this had to be done every morning & she the friend sat in a window wearing a big hat with a newspaper & a cup of coffee- Where Clara kept watch or had a watcher- the friend had been able to tell them that the ruse was working & she would go on-`

JO is a writer- tall very tall, & he makes her sad sometimes- THUS I BEGIN TO CALL HIM TO HIS BETTER FEELINGS- HE IS A ROMAN CATHOLIC- & so am I- but also like Daddy and everyone a Quaker-mixed Nonconformist- & a HUMANIST…

RANSOM-we sail under an invisible flag-HUMANITAS-but we can also sail under that of ZHENG HE`…Admiral of the China Seas-he gave us a Courtesy Flag for 3 Emperors-for he came aboard sometimes- & they talked philosophy. We have at that time the Sea-trading RANSOM brothers marry & give Len & all of us 3 grandmothers in a straight line of CHINA& `must have become slant eyed for awhile` says FJR-   1. Miss Siberia & other parts along the coast/ Kurile Islands dowry- 2. Miss The Lady of the Miraculous Condition-    3.  a daughter m 1450 of the

philosopher-Governor of the Settlement & shares it with his friend 2 years on 2 years off- HUE ARTAN-  He in his last Will & Testament demands in the 15th century we should all sail in for 10,000 years & visit him as he sits on the headlands- a statue of 16 feet tall-& my father (FJR) hath warned me… ‘YOU are of his line-HUE`- not he of yours- remember daughter- he was a great man in solving human problems- see the Life of HUE`-we hath restored some-

Then 1499 Fred Ransom  of that time loses his 2 sons & wife at sea- (2 girls were nicely married) This is how he marries 1504 Asian lady no 4 Okinawa/Japan (he can be seen as Lazarus in Kalkar Altarpiece & probably painter Joest let young Joos van Cleve our friend do this portrait)- F.R. has lost his wife & 2 sons at SEA-her Japanese brother picked him up floating on a spar in the Arctic-he will wed again- & he bought the Farm Montrose basin-1500- moving away from the Estate about Dundee where he lived with the first wife now dead- It is possible this girl first wife is British/French / Uncle Liam & Uncle Fred MacMurray know  these lines better than me- we have held a homestead/heimat on the EAST COAST of Britain since 92 AD…

The widower 5 years after his loss- he in his mid-40s  marries

My Lovely Lady of Japan in Bruges Cathedral 1504 she in a gown of orange-pink ` …the Japanese Sea Captain’s sister in a Convent, age 27-a scholar-a humanist-

We are a straight line from the 4 Ransom Brides of Asia- father to eldest son-   I AM LEARNING ABOUT THEM- for the Estate Len & I hath care of with all the families RANSOM -all lines- our RANSOM brides dowry lands have also made this great piece of philanthropy possible-  We all can visit everyone & they come visiting us to- or help with the Estate- & Xmas cards come from 11th 12th century Palestine- Seward Ransom has given us our oldest Estate- Brittany- & holds lands Accre Palestine coast-his wife is Arab & Italian/French/Greek  (this may be Hebithyaeah who writes poems & he plays flute & psaltery for her )  - they have 5 children & we are from the eldest son-

Our biggest RANSOM CHART with all the RANSOM girls married off is in the 2 dowry islets of the Lady Ransom-Yussah-shampoo (Okinawa old Royal line) the last two islands at the end of the LUSANS- her dowry given 1512- when FR & she visited in their ships & the marriage was approved- they took the 2 boys of the marriage- you see them in a famous painting by Holbein…

I & Lennie have not sold the islets - We are hopeful the Noble British obscene thieves were outwitted here- we always found our Japanese KIN so civilized- I missed out on going to see them August 1936-  (Files/accounts etc.)-

1936 August/September-  I G. R. missed visiting Japan & New York with Sarah & the de Salle family & Aunt MARGARETHE because Mr Jimmie Jong & the evil little Lindsay Earl no 14 hit me with an iron bar…I was in hospital with black face-then resting- before going to school at the Convent of St Clares` Clacton-on-Sea September 1936-

At the commence of the summer 1936 I G.R. was kidnapped on Continent from loving Grandparents of humanism- brought back to GROSS BRITAIN- by the monsters of Whitehall acting for Lindsaybuggarhs  & dough there is gigantic obscene crime going on to lay claws on this miracle of philanthropy-using criminally insane Nobles & faulty Administration WHITEHALL- Len & I heard the TRICKS of the TRICKSTERS round the Brokers & solicitors Buenos Aries & New York 1936... `WE CANNOT GET ANYTHING IN WRITING FROM THEM -  I am not at all a Ward of Court-

& if that trick had been played then the Estate would have gone overseas to other RANSOM family as heirs- I EXPECT IT IS NOT TO BE SPOKEN OF TO ANDRE MALRAUX-  because of the planes we have- not that he could have any- `we do not fight`…

ANDRE MALRAUX SUMMER 1937 with his notebooks his book to read the day’s needs on the old push-chair or packed for the car journeys-that 5 WEEKS OF OUR SUMMER HOLIDAY- He will let me talk on-`  like a little clear stream- sometimes he calls me  ‘The Prophet’   THUS I spake forth- all I hath learned of our  HUMANITAS- our civilized families RANSOM- & vast Weddell Family of Jean’s uncle John younger son of JAMES THE WEDDELL SEA- & I spake upon Jean’s grand-daddy’s OCEAN-occasionally he doth remind me he hath his own thoughts & dreams & must earn his bread & butter by writing- thinking- speaking too-  I take the hint-

I heir to GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATES -the greatest piece of philanthropy the world hath ever been lucky to have- to be destroyed by the scum the ill-bred the barely literate in the matters of the globe its peoples & green pastures its great wonders-

RANSOM family histories….one hitch 16th century when we are carried forward by Maggie RANSOM Carew Carew RANSOM grand-daughter of the Lady Yuss-shampoo of OkinawaMaggie is allowed to SAIL AWAY for she is a Trader in her own right…and has an inventions & ships repairs yard at Montrose…losing one Carew she married another as Henry VIII asked her to- they are both cultured & talk on matters of Venice-

& her Estates overseas-  Her recipe for a mad Carew was to “hit the Venice the hot spots for 2 years -visit the Estates- thus to teach the both of them languages & then care of our overseas Estates- how to be cultured & a good man/Dr John RAY/rae Ransom/” Night Watch January 1960 Colne Engaine/

1937 winter-spring lessons in family history with Len : I Greta am sorry I do not have the sloping eyes of some of the family- I think it very romantic… mine are MINERVA’s eyes she grew up alongside the SHAKERS- Olivea Hesketh called MINERVA for her Song Books & an owl on her shoulder at the piano-her pet- my great-grandmother-  Whom I just recall holding me-there were photos-& she likes lavender & violet scents-old lace collars`-

1937 St George ANDRE has very beautiful eyes but sometimes I see he is a little shy perhaps-not quite sure of being a grown-up ?  No I think it is because he is so kind- so nicely brought up by the 3 GRACES-

Berthe & Marie & their mother Adriannae-half Italian…

1952 Graham Greene -who wrote The Third Man/film too- will tell me Colchester Castle winter 1952 when I am 19 years.…`MINERVA-YOUR GREAT-GRANDMOTHER-she wrote music, ballads-my father had her book EVENSONGS on the top of the piano as we were growing up….She wrote the first A-train-it’s a ballad-this is how it goes…`take the A-train for a spot of Heaven’s blue-it will do the world of good for you- something like that …He writes in a notebook in the great KEEP…or in Hollytrees Mansion Museum…

1953 November-enter A YOUNG EMPEROR OF GAUL-

ANDRE MALRAUX to Camulodunum Colonia Victricensis

1937 SUMMER G.R. warned not to talk too much as ANDRE & JO are in a weary state…having been in the Wars of Spain…. Granny Gordon has prayed that Harry her youngest son & his friends will not go- she prefers talking round a round table- as our dear Thomas Tiggy Grote who travelled the globe with LUCRETIUS on one shoulder & JESUS on the other…not very long ago-

Thomas I. Grote husband of Margarethe Ransom …murdered 1904 Arran for dough...  Aunt Mag owning 98 acres Arran Hebrides- Jim CUR JAMES with Brown rnvr trashed the Island- killed people- JIM 1954 brought Doc Mengele in to harm others- & sold it AS HIS PAYE for helping with the FALL of the Grote Homes-& underworld New York cunning investigation  of the  RANSOM 19 acres …ARRAN he took by threats of murder to Ransom & branches…sold it to Angela‘s 2nd cousin-1956/1957 getting it IN THE RED- removing Capital & people -  Accounts/diaries/letters/forged cheques by Scots nobles-

TIGGY- THOMAS Immanuel GROTE circumnavigating his 2 thousand five hundred  (2,500/sometimes more with the small Homes needed…) GROTE HOMES for orphans A to Z the globe 1864 ONWARDS-  HUMANIST education with 3 or 4 languages learned/music/arts & athletics-  Greta expected to begin school at 5 years of age in Montevideo GROTE HOME where the children took my hands & showed me all over their happy HOME/Weddell family are visitors…/Varese composer goes down with his wife to sling a hammock the South American homes & teach music & study ethnic music sometimes/ This Montevideo Home has the biggest stained glass window we have ever commissioned- it shows the countryside to the children passing up and down by the double staircase for this HOME is unusual in the middle of the City- THESE CHILDREN WERE SLAIN 1941 2 big British Ships offshore & thugs in launches came ashore…the children were said to be diseased/& the thugs organised by LINDSAY Earls et al -The Uruguay GROTE RANSOM Estate came to Harold MacMillan-he lived here after retirement with 2 young women ethnic & they had produced 2 children…fate unknown-Mr Mengele Doctor Harrington had with JIM decided EXTERMINATION should happen to bastards…Nota Bene: Both Harrington & JIM get up on a cocktail of dopes/

Records Detectives Colleagues of ANDRE MALRAUX 1960/1979/comments to 1992... LIR & GR. 1936 January/records /LETTERS FROM JEAN to her middle son Dr John RAY ®

1970 winter ANDRE MALRAUX is trying to explain to PJPW of BMNH ichthyology at The Pillar House Harwell…

“We had a summer holiday 1937 -we became a unit-a family…WE HAD COME FROM SPAIN, PeterI felt I was ill…not long to live…

Greetha told me she was to die in September & be buried in her grandmother’s mother’s grave Teresa Carroll who was a Platonist-harmonist… but the family could not find a photograph of her & she Greetah was NOT  going in a grave with somebody she did not know- WE GOT BETTER TO-GETHER- I have read my notes of this summer to Greetah several  times-it seemed to vanish from her memory….~ AM`x- notes read to GR-1953-5/ 1957-1961 `

(Mr Mengele Royal Satrap-sentenced paedophile Doctor Harrington gives all who know of GROTE HOMES & Ransom Estate `ACID HEAD WASH-to remove memory & save the Crown…` learned from treatment of The Great War shell shock soldiers of the trenches France )

Greta Ransom/diary LIR-letters the family to others & LETTERS FROM JEAN TO Dr John RAY/rae® her middle son attacked by LINDSAY EARLS women c 1917 age 1 month/they also sent a poisoned basket of fruit…the EARLS of Crawford & LINDSAY have given Noble ORDERS-DECREE that Frederick Charles RANSOM only surviving child they have allowed of Millie Frobisher (line of Clouts Lindsay 1830) IS NOT TO HAVE MARRIAGE OR ISSUE… ALL GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE BELONG TO THEM…Earls EARLS EARLS Premier Earls…of Scotland & GROSS Britain… THEY ARE ALL ON THE PIN & up their snouts a pellet of DIVINORUM SALVIA SCOTLAND-

1937 Summer `We are staying at Unity’s grandfather’s house but her mother whom I sometimes call Stella-the-stars thinks the young couple should have a place of their own perhaps

Told to `Jerusalem` household Deptford by G. R. grand-daughter of Frederick Charles Ransom & Jean Weddell ballerina October 1937 `We did in 4 days put them in a rented room near Freddie Theatre & they stayed not a week  & then hurried back to us-  for home comforts.   This is the house on the corner across from the church on the right hand as you walk from Marine Parade into the town & Pier Avenue- & a few steps away is an olden hamlet 17th/18th century…just 3 little places & an Inn by a corner,  an old lamp to be lit by the lamplighter- this house we stay in has a vegetable garden, a rectangle going down to a garage- a small road goes by & a bigger one-   In March I planted the radishes spring onions & lettuces for this visit which may take placefriends from Paris who are dear to her heart & in need of a quiet time.  We have pictures-paintings in old houses to see & we shall take picnics

~as I have not a lot of money” says Unity’s mother- She is a Catholic Convert who wears a real Spanish black lace head-dress in church on certain Feast days-  Converts are more serious than us the born Catholics-     ` G. R. happy…& LIR writing his diary as usual…

1937 July - THE FIRST AFTERNOON WE WERE ON THE BEACH at Holland on sea by 4oopm…JO is beautiful & sad-Andrew-George-ANDRE is nervous-  JO takes off her high very high heels & silk stockings & walks along the edge of the ripples of the sea & Stella-stars sends him to walk with her…`be kind Andre…she is a young girl`-  Freddie Theatre is with us & so we have two cars-   JO wears lots of brown, a touch of light orange & fawn-black & brick red- little hats-

I BEGIN TO MAKE A BANQUET IN THE SAND- it will perhaps cheer them to see it…then we can go & have real things to eat-I think we are getting a supper in the kitchen of the house on the corner & it is all very cosy & practical & they seem agreeable- Do not want to go anywhere- until they know the town they say-  I can see us in my head on the walk to the beach to be known hence as  `JO beach`

-the people in front of us that first walk & coming towards us-

but I cannot draw it all- A Cine film is in my head of so much of this holiday- What a pity we cannot project the past from our memories  & capture it as a film in the cinema…I will tell him this & that-snips of things- That the frozen mammoths may one day be made alive-& there is the lecture I attended & did not fall asleep like all the grown-ups-but they had had a good supper-  It was in the March just past & still wintery- held in a little school at  Colchester with an old gas lamp outside & the evening like a painting by moonlight & lamplight & Teilhard de Chardin spoke & turned about this way & that steps this way then that & using his arms- on a little school stage spake he thus - I am sure he is an Indian from India-I do not mean a Red Indian like some of our relatives in America…but Saint George ANDRE disagrees….

Andre Malraux a young man 35 years of age looking 25 years-he & JoJOH&Jo- come from the Spanish Troubles 1936...arrive`ae`th summer 1937

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