Greta Ransom

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MEMORANDUM : JOHN RANSOM is a brother to Aunt Mag Mrs TIGGY GROTE (Margareth nee RANSOM our GIRL of the SNOWS) The EARL of LINDSAY (claiming Millie Frobisher as HIS FAMILY because of a grandmother married into LINDSAY in 1830 ) had confiscated their passports and FORBID them scholarly publications


granted for death of POUL GRONLANDER 1770 ` to keep as a holy place and erect when you can College - University - to POUL our sometime Servant ` ( that Danish King and Ministers are in 19th century said to have all BEEN MAD )

NOTA BENE : LINDSAY Premier Earls of Gross Brit and Scotland have a reputation in Scotland for a century or more as being criminally insane

MEMO : `1920s -1940s the USA Philanthropy School KENTUCKY is the project of a rich doctor - he found a need for SANCTUARY for heirs and young people attacked He took in boys damaged or born deformed, changed their names until 17 years or 21 years of age & gave them the most splendid education the world could offer : some went out to be humanist important figures - a USA Senator … etc etc etc …

RECORDS : Some scholars very severally damaged never left but stayed in their HOME … … … yet made great contributions to civilized standards in USA & the world

Tiny JOHN RAY (Ransom) age 2 years is found to be not so severally damaged & begins a contented life in the school & got 3 degrees Astra-physics/Animal Management/LAW … up to 1960 :

He is allowed to receive from 7 years of age regular monthly LETTERS FROM JEAN but did not know she was his ballerina mother until 1939 only to learn she had died in summer 1938 after taking care of her grand-daughter GRETA RANSOM -

He now understood that much she warned him of as he entered manhood was true - she writes of greed concerning a great Philanthropic Estate and a good family administering it and splendid children training to continue this wonderful philanthropic work she writes him in Spanish-French-English and urges him to learn languages :

He and the school were tricked by a Visitor from GROSS BRITAIN when he was 17 into NOT having his parents over to the school to meet them

the 2nd World War had just begun and he learned at 21 years old WHO HIS FAMILY WERE - his birth name was R A N S O M : that he had a Northern Canada Estate left from Aunt Margareth bee Ransom Grote

… That that HIS MOTHER, `still dancing` HAD BEEN SAVAGELY POISONED end of SUMMER 1938 by aristocrats of GROSS BRITAIN and SCOTLAND aided by their criminally insane relatives in Scandinavia

Dr John RAY, received the news 1941 of his great ANCESTRY RANSOM and WEDDELL and GRONLANDER with wonder - he says 1960 that to him growing up without a family but content and getting a superb education ( He is now employed by The State Department WASHINGTON USA )




has him, Dr JOHN RAY Ransom born 1917/18, USA citizen age 2 years to save his life from further attacks from Earls of LINDSAY-Lindseybuggarhs : MARTYRED by them 1969 Montrose, RANSOM farmhouse of 1500 AD, near the BASIN, SCOTLAND :

He third child born to Jean nee WEDDELL ballerina and her 2nd husband Frederick Charles FROBISHER RANSOM of `Jerusalem` a tiny Deptford house and the worldwide Philanthropy based Estate GROTE RANSOM encircling the globe : He, her `little Johnnie - I had him on my knee until he was 2 years - then your Grand-dad said he had to go they were going to attack him again because of the Estate :

JOHN RAY Ransom has a superb education & 3 very good degrees (Astrophysics/Animal Management/LAW) And he is unable to stop adding to the RESEARCH on the Families who gave him LIFE & he travels when he can to WHERE WE ALL WERE TO THE SEAS EDGES …

1959/1960 - EXPOSURE at CHRISTMASTIDE of The DECEIT from The British Government Lords and GHOULS come from NORWAY/DENMARK has shocked many decent citizens :


the families RANSOM & GROTE BROKERS - and our good Solicitors-Trustees-Administrators around the entire globe - had become assured at the end of the 2nd World War that the `snootie` ANDRE MALRAUX and his employer General de GAULLE were not interested in the GUARDIANSHIP legally granted to MALRAUX in October 1937 !

It is found December 1959 that there have always been many more BIG BOOTED IMPERIAL VERMIN around all of us

1960 January-February :

jeering from the rails of that Yacht Oh how they have taken England in 1960 January-February Colne Engaine the shocked colleagues, detectives, helpers to ANDRE MALRAUX began to re-write KIPLING the verses of ` I followed my Duke ` became very apt

These good citizens speak of `BIG DUKE DIRTY BOOTS and his UNCLE - NO DICKY BIRD ` He head of the Navy known for his drunkenness and dope causing good seamen to caution that `ALL HIS ORDERS MUST BE CHECKED ` : 2nd World War called by the RUSSIAN NAVY old LOG of the SEA …” : they threatened to SINK HIM for the GENOCIDE of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN worldwide - during 1938 (Norway etc ) to 1954 (Mexico etc ) :

The most grizzly of the slayings of CHILDREN and innocent SETTLEMENTS taking place under cover of the 2nd World War : SINCE THEN BRITAIN and SCANDINAVIA have been BIG BOOTING IN on the RANSOM worldwide lands - trashing and dirtying them for QUICK PROFIT : It is said to be typical of the end of an Empire but there is much talk of ` NO BREEDING in them ignorant and greedy Playboys and non-women `


RECORDS : GR & Ransom family/ Detectives & Colleagues of Andre Malraux at Colne Engaine winter into spring 1960 See parts of 1937 Summer document in 3 parts on web site and now with smaller pieces branching out on the new site JIMDO :

LIR 1935/36 DIARIES - LIR is Dr Len Immanuel Ransom - youngest brother to Ivy Jean Ransom, Frederick John RANSOM & Dr John Ray Ransom

( MEMO : the above are the four surviving children of Frederick Charles Ransom scholar & for some few years went to experience being a Northern Arctic Mariner as some of his forebears RANSOM & children of his INCA Argentine ballerina wife (widow of a year marriage) Jean Weddell : she ( a grandmother of Greta Ransom ) is a great grandchild of the INCA scholar descendent of the Priest-Maths-Astronomer blood line pre-SPANISH CONQUEST He is Yah. Josef SAN JULIAN San Miguel Acting Governor for SPAIN & his Basque wife a Miss Aquida of lands near to San Sebastian and lands about the Spanish and French seashores

1936 - our RANSOM Weddell VISIT to Spain and Basque lands, San Sebastian : we RANSOM Family are HAILED with



5th Century - 437 AD




from Norfolk-Suffolk coast East Anglia :

437 AD late Summer ` NORFOLK coast - beside Suffolk …`

Redemptio = RANSOM he had to go haymaking in Norway

he had been beforehe needed payment in grain to last through the usually harsh coastal East Britain winter

( FOUL WINTERS doth come to Essex-Suffolk-Norfolk those lands that bulge into the cold Northern Seas that is EAST ANGLIA ) :

Knew HIM - a big burly type & had given him help before but you were wary ( of him and his ) :

Paid us in grain we had worked very hard and cheerfully Ah an ALARM ! He said coming alongside you for the winter - I will follow on when you depart - be over SOON !

We did not arouse his suspicion - and said cheerfully with swift pleasure ` Oh we will have a good Valhalla ready

( Nota bene : = a good meal of meat & ALE, honey-cakes and dried fruits : raisins of the Sun, dates, figs - and nuts we sometimes go trading, and as for some centuries always to sunny PALESTINE and other Mediterranean shores It is recorded in LATIN that we have been calling in since our ROMAN REPUBLIC days we have the LATIN tongue and ARABIC of course and any others that are useful : comments added for him by Greta RANSOM direct line from this grandpa REDEMPTIO = Ransom …)

437 AD Redemptio-Ransom continues in his LIFE BOOK :

Then we add with a little concern mounting that no real harbourage along the coast, only beach to draw up on for the winter months … … … always a risk of very HIGH TIDES in foul winter months

We drew him a map of the coast, not arousing his suspicions & ( added all the other coasts ) towards MALDON (Essex) and the ancient salt pans & thus across the Thames & into KENT We mentioned that here are safe harbours, mud flats, once you get to River Thames … ”

Oh safe harbourage if you are YOU and with a collection of stout fellows … … WE STAY where we are because of retired KIN and they ( our distant relatives) still visit us from JUTLAND and Mediterranean (… He probably does not wish to fall out with them ! … )

WE KNEW that if he came to us Oh he & his crew would spot the one safe boat birth ! We & our KIN had spent twenty years hollowing it out : then he & his crew would/could BURN OUR HOMESTEAD about our ears MOVE IN ???

((((( MEMO to my 437 AD Kinsman R-R : ` YES and find the foul wintertime boring, and we are at our daily labours from first light when `ROSE FINGERED DAWN puts on her robe of grey` then afternoons we are known for retiring for a couple of hours to our books and writing and accounts and PLANS

He could, you are right, move in on our communities :

our little well wooded areas, our winter cropping lands, our live stock find our waterways and marshy lands with wild ducks and winter birds useful for the POT in FOUL WINTER TIMES And charge about on our still good surfaced and useful ROMAN ROADS connecting us a little to other communities

AND OUR WINTER BEER BARRELS would not perhaps be safe ! He and crew will not perhaps wish to sit beside our FIRE DOGS and talk PHILOSOPHY when we take one pleasant goblet of rosy wine ! They may develop a serious drinking problem - FOR US :

(signed) Greta Ransom 20th century : who has grown up upon these lands that he, Redemptio=RANSOM, knew so well 5th century AD and I and my family RANSOM have walked in his footsteps and those of his/our RANSOM line descending down the centuries )))))

R=R : We carefully did some silent damage overnight to the vessel of the big Burly One they had SAILS SET to follow us He decided not to risk it mend ship knew what might happen in the SAIL OVER He did not suspect : He said he would see about THAMES area and KENT the next year thanked us for our MAP

We left his shores expressing much courtesy WE SAILED AWAY from his SEAS EDGES with sufficient bags to last us for wintertime I am content with payment IT IS JUST : but would fear him alongside us for the advancing FOUL WINTER … … …

437 AD East Anglia : REDEMPTIO ( = RANSOM) writes in Latin his LIFE BOOK ( a diary or TAGE-BUCH )

( information upon 437 AD Redemptio = RANSOM continues )


Nota bene : for The READER : If ` REDEMPTIO=Ransom ` and family had been lost, slain then there would not be ME restoring all his LIFE BOOK - Tage-buch and whatever it is in LATIN tongue

(signed) Greta Frobisher Weddell Maureen Caecelia RANSOM who thanks you very much for coming with us on THIS SAIL


Records : Dr John Ray RANSOM/Fred John RANSOM/Len Immanuel RANSOM OUR SURVIVAL :

437 AD - Redemptio=RANSOM : they did not see him, the Burly one again - did not have to go to NORWAY for the haymaking & payment in extra bags of grain the next year

We, our RANSOM ancestors, may have gone down to the Mediterranean again for the usual TRADE ROME is pulling out of BRITAIN the Empire becoming unmanageable

450 AD - (Dr John RAY Ransom ) We Redemptio = RANSOM family, Suffolk-Norfolk establish a SCHOOL for our young and some friends nearby communities not to far away send their young after it proves successful

SEA TRADERS living at the SEAS EDGES must have other languages and reading and writing and civilized behaviour and courtesy Greta Ransom :

CONTINUES : after information below on the FATE of some of the RANSOM RECORDS :


Records : Ransom Records have been translated 16th and 19th centuries from original documents - this written in the LATIN language

MILL & JOHN (Millie Frobisher & husband JOHN RANSOM 1884- to his murder by LINDSAY Earl 1890 were recording, translating, collecting all pictures-engravings/steel etc/photos this was all in the CANVAS BAG :

packed by them and stored by the widow young Millie Frobisher gymnast-ice skater-Classicist MRS JOHN RANSOM until two second-cousins of LINDSAY Premier Earl murdered her 1897 and delivered her young body into the arms of her only surviving son FREDERICK CHARLES FROBISHER RANSOM HE AGE 14 YEARS at this time

THE drunken LINDSAY-Lindsey pair GOT THE FROBISHER Florida Lands by forcing a signature having stabbed her in the eye with a steel pen - she became blind in one eye at 32 years of age :

1897 Nota bene : My future grandpa RANSOM, direct line from REDEMPTIO=Ransom 437 AD would have been the next LINDSAYBUGGARHS murder - A branch of the families hid him in a Hilltop School under another name he was taken to safety to ROME age 18 years from here he went to WEST GREENLAND to meet his cousins and live in the great Ransom house on our Jacopsholmen Island, that his grandfather OLD FRED RANSOM built 1820s for his bride Gertrud Poulsen : she the educated daughter of OLD JACOP and come from A Finishing School in Norway :

( See FIN GADD History of Greenland - here is printed the LETTER 1770 from JACOP Poulsen `on the death of Father` … )

… My great-great grandma can be seen in paintings by Delacroix a friend : Gertrud is the grand-daughter of the genius POUL GRONLANDER : He has correspondence with the HUMANIST POPE BENEDICT 14 in 4 languages ( 6 feet 5 inches tall good looking blue eyed dark haired Chinese-Eskimo-French and his lawful marriage wife Margaret Yates of Carlisle shipping : Greta Ransom

1938 summer : FATE OF the RANSOM CANVAS BAG : the friend of ANGELA since she is 13 years of age JIM JONG PIMP 2 years older than she, insisted to Teresa Gordon Ransom Clacton-on-Sea, having forced his way past me age 5 years into our little ancient Clactuna HOME MAJESTY will NOT give you SATIN and LACE, Teresa unless you give me that CANVAS BAG …”

She, Teresa Gordon Mrs F.J. Ransom, handed it over to this criminally insane killer ! My poor young father that evening went into deep grief we had not yet recorded the entire contents of this CANVAS BAG our lawful PROPERTY of his grandparents MILL and JOHN :

In autumn 1938 ANGELA was boasting that `She had the RICE PAPER and was lighting her cigarettes with it `

MEMORANDUM : Others in the RANSOM family and branches had some identical records many intelligent human beings helped with restoration as much as they could : We were now handed some original documents to copy the behaviour of these FIGURES from A MORGUE showed them to be sub-sub Ape and a kind of DISEASE made worse by the DOPES they SOAKED themselves in


It was given for money by JIM JONG who had stowed it in SCOTLAND to Doc `Mengele` HARRINGTON He is the `Peer in Waiting` Royal Satrap, and a violent sadistic paedophile attacking babies and very young children : Prison sentence 1936 for attacking for 2-3 months a baby under a year old KEEPING IT ON MORPHINE all the time :

Many times placed in A NUT HOUSE/Looney Bin/Psychiatric Clinic for his violent and threatening behaviour : Especially 1949 after attacking a blind composer in PARIS : the name of MALRAUX was used by his Paris Family to GET HARRINGTON RELEASED and the CHARGES DROPPED - ANDRE MALRAUX did not know of this for many years :

1968 - FATE of the CANVAS BAG : The criminally insane sadistic Doctor `MENGELE` HARRINGTON holding COURT at a Berkshire village called BLEWBERRY he follows me and my family Whitehead about calling me names & offering BIG MONEY to those who will HELP HIM and JIMMIE JONG Sir/cur JAMES to DESTROY THE RANSOM ESTATE He was boasting that he would THROW IT IN THE NORTH SEA : for his GOLDEN BOY Phil the Greek :

The audience is regaled with mentions, photos flashed, of he on THAT YACHT (Britannia) and in the scene with FIGURES from A MORGUE Doctor `Mengele` HARRINGTON is frightening many good persons with this IMPERIAL KUDOS

MEMORANDUM : Perhaps someone brave should explain to HARRINGTON he has an imitation GOLD carrot dangled before his snout Human beings do not trust every GREEK - & this one does not come out of IMMORTAL HOMER

1950s/1960s known sometimes as `Phil up the Creek` and other phrases that express a lack of confidence in his travelling Entourage : The intention, we are told by Doctor `Mengele` HARRINGTON, in tones of authority, is to REMOVE from the FACE of TIME the entire RANSOM Families

thus saving ANGELA from being questioned about AN OLD ESKIMO who legally left her 8 presents only :

No part or parts of the great RANSOM GROTE PHILANTHROPY Estate, and none of our lands, our settlements, our investments, our possessions and homes, our paintings - and CERTAINLY NOTHING FROM OUR VAST historic RECORDS invaluable to historians and all CIVILIZED HUMAN BEINGS :

The READER may like to consider if my internet WORK is placing the DEAD back upon Planet Earth I was commissioned to do it by ANDRE MALRAUX 1970 to 1976 It would be a happiness to have the GREAT ESTATE, the RANSOM families, THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN, and all the other victims of this GENOCIDE restored BECOME IMMORTAL and be found in LIBRARIES upon MARS one day :

The READER should never forget - while reading these ACCURATE HISTORIES of 20th century BRITAIN-SCOTLAND-and SCANDINAVIA - that HEROIN and other DOPES soak the carcases of ` FIGURES from the IMPERIAL MORGUE `

it is said by great-gran MINERVA ballad & hymns writer 1909 upon seeing Premier EARLS of LINDSAY-Lindsey BOOT IN on the wedding of her daughter Jean WEDDELL delicate but strong young ballerina to Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM = The NORTH POLE is marrying the SOUTH POLE :

From the 1930s I born 1933, Greetha RANSOM, have heard their behaviour explained by the sane, just and learned, and persons of all Classes as the behaviour of THE CRIMINALLY INSANE Some human beings adding that perhaps we should have a Republic after all


450 AD We RANSOM family establish a School, Suffolk

( near the Oratory School of 19th-20th centuries ? )

At first our school is for Ransom young persons - & close neighbours requested learning for their young : then others nearby asked to put their children in for some reading writing and other tongues All so necessary for all who GO TRADING over the SEAS

Researching this Genealogy has FJR my father, his father FCFR , sometimes Len IR dash about to scholars who welcome us : Alfred Charles Rear Admiral RANSOM (both World Wars) comes into this excitement too he has much information and RECORDS from his branches of the RANSOM families And Herbert Charles RANSOM (Whitehall and Palestine early-mid 20th century )

1938 - Visit to NORWICH MUSEUM staff : I `Greetah` Ransom age 5 & a half years, remember the excitement & Medieval pow-wow the matter is to discuss our known 5th century RANSOM ` Village School ` Was it thought possible it could be on or near the site of the present Roman Catholic Oratory ?


437 AD - Redemptio = RANSOM has written in his BOOK of LIFE

At this time we are short of sons males

NB : these books or scrolls are intended to be kept - by the family who may have something resembling a home library ? Heligoland Ransom 9th century had his (copy) sewn into his clothes it had not disintegrated He states he has given one copy to his daughter : This was known to us - so did the copy to his daughter exist ?

NB : FJR/Dr JRR/LIR - his direct descendants comment

A girl will come along and breed only RANSOM sons one day

Perhaps this Granny Ransom is the one LIR nicknamed `The Maniac of Mainz` (See wall painting Mainz on TV c 2,000 AD restored announcer says `he believed to be Anglais` : either Phoenix or NTV/or SAT - German TV/

NB : ( Kingdom of OTTO ? ) This young early Medieval couple, he with gold-red curling hair, she with perhaps a long plat, had their names on this Wall painting in the early 1920s - we had a photo black-white and later Lennie (Len Immanuel Ransom) makes a drawing and colours it : He and his father Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM say that somebody has been scratching at their names to deface them completely :

He is our direct line, JACQUES RANSOM English Trader & she age 16 marries him after defending her brother when she is 15 years on the Castle steps - she picked up his AXE and drove the invaders off : It was asked by the Court if she would like to make a high marriage ? She declines because she has already met the golden haired JACK RANSOM :

`Maniac of Mainz` : she is recorded as having given us 12 sons who lived and made families :

Therefore, AMERICAN RANSOM LINES I think this is where you are going to branch off us the main line REDEMPTIO = RANSOM of 92 AD Dunwich - `Gaius` REDEMPTIO is descended from 3rd-2nd-1st century BC Traders out of JUTLAND who make marriages with Egyptian-Italian-Palestine girls

( MEMO : many Ransom Brides come with a dowry that is mostly a little piece of land seashores or rivers where a SHIP can safely PULL IN We got Christmas Cards from our 6-7th century Berber Spanish line of `Aurora` Mrs Ransom - and from our 10th-12th centuries KIN our Brides Roseanne (Roxanne)/Hebithiaea - writes poems/ and `Goldi-locks` niece of a most honourable Arab Trader and MAN of LETTERS Aunt Mag and my grandpa Ransom and children visit before 2nd WORLD WAR ) :


( 1960 February NIGHT WATCH Speaker : Dr John RAY Ransom USA Citizen : )

these Traders out of Jutland they seem to have been trusted by REPUBLIC of ROME and some come to hold minor Offices for Roman Administration around the Mediterranean shores for a century and a half Before our `Gaius` steps ashore at TOWER HILL , the River Thames, Londinium

( 61 AD they were mainly Retired ROMAN Army some with British wives and children : the Port and Camp is recovering from the 61 AD demolition by Queen Boadicea-Boudicca )

MEMORANDUM : 92 AD = Our first ancestor `Gaius` REDEMPTIO = Ransom takes retirement from his 77 AD LONDINIUM employment `keeping the river free of Pirates beyond his stony Island in the Thames ( possibly about Gravesend area ) and holding Office of `REDEMPTIO` for the ROMAN EMPIRE

He sells his Thames river stony Island he tells us, in Latin, and buys land around DUNWICH Suffolk a still thriving little Port : before heavy silting up and coastal erosion becomes very bad about c 10th-11th centuries AD 20th century it is all offshore UNDER THE SEAS ( Perhaps underwater archaeologists/metal detectors etc/ may have information or to come ? )

( 1950s INFORMATION included : from Colchester & Essex Museums Curator Mr M.R. Hull, and Deputy Curator Colchester & Essex Museums Mr Harold Walter Poulter ) :

MEMO : Greetha RANSOM - who learns her ancestry from age 2 years March 1935 …& likes to know about their wedding gowns, their kitchens and foods, and their music …their children and all the names of them …

(NB : I have to say that I am not going to call a child after WULFWINE RANSOM !!! Sorry Wulfwine grandpa - but he would get laughed at in school … )

1930s-1940s : Having our little base in Clacton-on-Sea the Old Road just down the lane from GREAT CLACTON - C L A C T U N A of the Little Doomsday Book - I was very often taken about our Ancient Lands by the RANSOM families - Uncle Harry Gordon with interested friends often coming alone to drive an extra car too we also went on bikes )

REDEMPTIO=RANSOM : Our Roman Britain and Anglo-Saxon histories begin again on page 28 :




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